
Help and Hunters

__________ POV Ashton__________

Now now, I should've expected the sea monsters to be a bit more active in these zones.

The way here was a bit too quiet. It must mean the ship didn't pass by any major predator after the Tentacle Monster.

"The ship is under attack!" Shouted the tiger of the Zodiacs in a panic.

"Well... I guess the meeting was almost over anyway... The ship must've been damaged a bit." I said as I slowly got up.

Still, I doubt any compartment is flooded yet. The ship's external armour seemed powerful enough to withstand a single hit.

Still, I don't really want this to be this big of a bust. I may need to help them a bit. Cheadle is even looking at me pleadingly.

I guess she knows that I would be able to help...

I just sighed and released my En. I obviously needed to put murderous intent into it. The beast will be even more scared that way.

If I didn't trade vitality for power then even I wouldn't be able to cover this entire ship with my En.

Looking around, I could see everyone at the table sweating heavily. Even Cheadle was nervous, even though she knows I don't mean them any harm, but I guess she can't really help it.

Gon's doctor friend fainted before the monster turned tail and ran away. I could feel it leaving the range of my En.

I quickly retracted it into my body. Everyone at the table was silent. No one even breathing.

"Well then. I took care of it. There's no need to worry." I said with a smile. No one even looked me in the eye.

But Cheadle recovered quickly. Just as I was about to leave the room she asked.

"A-Ashton! What are you going to do now?" Hmm? I think she's referring to the expedition. I did express that I am going to the Dark Continent.

"Well, I might make the journey on my own. It's not that far away from here. Maybe a week of sailing at this speed." I said with a smile.

At this point, most of the people in the room had calmed down. Kurapika still didn't look me in the eye though.

It's a bit sad that I won't get to talk to him. But I won't approach him myself. I am the senior member here, he should be the one taking the initiative, not me.

"P-Please be careful!" She said in a loud voice. I could see Botobai cheekily raise an eyebrow. And I understand him, I would do the same if this wasn't about me.

But I really hate making someone I care about sad (god knows I already did that enough).

"Of course. I am in no danger, but you guys should still remain vigilant. The island you are heading to may not be as dangerous as the actual Continent, but it still has some dangerous predators."

Everyone looked at me with interest

"I could give you some information on them..." I sighed a bit. "Give me a minute."

I ripped space open, an action that made all of the people in the room look at me shocked. Well, besides Kurapika and Cheadle.

Finally, someone reacting to this. It's so annoying to see people just accept things happening because they are done by me.

Out of the space, I pulled out a large book. Everyone looked curious this time. I opened the book in the middle, like usual. And it was obviously empty.

But that's just because I want it to be. I don't want them seeing something they shouldn't.

Now, finding the species on this island specifically would be hard... If the book didn't have a way to filter the information shown that is.

I pulled on the silk bookmark and poured some Nen into it, thinking of the island in front of us.

Then, the pages started changing. Slowly, the writing crawled on the pages from the sides. Pictures appearing on every page with explanations accompanying them.

This wasn't exactly something you see every day (for the Zodiacs at least). They still remained composed.

After flipping a few pages slowly, I looked back at the Zodiacs. They seemed to be transfixed on me, waiting for answers. But they also didn't ask me anything, either out of fear or respect.

"It seems like you will be dealing mostly with animals that also appear in Lake Mobius..." It seems like some people were relieved when hearing that... Too bad I didn't finish my sentence.

"Well, improved versions of them. It seems like they just evolved in a more harsh environment. Also, it seems like a family of HellBells is also made its nest in the northern part of the island."

Yep, their relief was short-lived. I can still give them some advice though.

"Thankfully, that's the only calamity you have to worry about. You will be fine as long as you don't step into the swampland in the north."

"Are they not going to attack us?" Asked the snake lady of the Zodiacs.

"They are highly territorial, they won't be an issue if you just stay away. Well, there is a chance they might migrate. But it's low."

"I see... Thank you for the help, Ashton..." Well... I guess I can give them one last warning.

"Do not be deceived by looks. There is nothing friendly or peaceful on this island. The good looking places are the dangerous ones." It's all I can tell them for now.

It's a simple warning. But I felt I am obligated to give them at least this much.

"Good luck! We will meet again eventually." I got up and left the room. Putting the Compendium of the Wild Hunt back into my void space.

I walked out of the room.

I now have another destination in mind... When spreading my En I noticed something quite peculiar.

Another group of hunters, similar in strength to the Zodiacs are gathered somewhere else in the lower tiers.

I am now forced to check it out.


Hope you liked the chapter!

The mc has no reason to hate the expedition now btw (since it's not even headed to the DC). Oh, and you can guess who he's going to meet if you've read the manga :)) (the smiling face looks creepy in this font wtf)

I kinda needed him to somehow find them...

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster on Patr_eon.
