
Chairman Election?

__________ POV Ashton__________

God damn it. I really hate the fact that I forgot about this.

Ok, so what happens after the chairman of the association passes away? Well, obviously another one is chosen through election.

The participants being the hunters that contributed the most to the association and the world around them.

And guess who else is on that list? Well, none other than myself of course. I only remember that I received this invitation and threw it in the trash without reading it.

But now that I think about it. It was probably for me to attend this event and compete for the position of Chairman of the Hunter Association.

So I guess I have more than one reason to go back to Swardani City. I wonder who I should vote for...

I'll also likely see Gon there. After he got healed he would likely want to go and see his father, who is most definitely there.

Even the hunters that have no reason to attend the election still come to it, out of respect for the late chairman.

I never considered Netero to be a charming or convincing man. But I guess he has always had his ways.

I managed to reach the association headquarters in less than an hour this time, speeding up a bit so that I wouldn't miss much of the show.

When I entered the hall I could see some people looking at me somewhat confused. As expected, there was a free chair on the stage for me.

I guess I'll take a seat there. Not like I have much else to do until this election is done. Linne will likely be occupied. And I don't want to talk about the circlet in a public space.

So I walked up the stage. The crowd was even more confused. I guess being late isn't really good for my public appearance.

"Good Day! Really nice to see so many hunters gathered here! I'm sure the old fuck would be happy too!" I really loved seeing their aggrieved expressions.

Showing the 'respectable chairman' such disrespect isn't really ideal in a crowd of people that respect him. But how else am I supposed to entertain myself?

This event is at least going to last a few hours. And that is a lot more than I was initially willing to spend here. But Linne probably won't give it to me before this ends.

She was one of the few people not really affected by my joke. She's already used to my antics. Although I've not met her for decades.

I could hear some jeers from the crowd of people in front of me. I guess some of them were really diehard fans of Netero?

Smokey was just resting his face in his palm by the looks of it. Glasses was rubbing his own forehead for some reason... Does he have a headache?

"I see... You've also gotten older Ash?" Asked Linne, I guess I forgot to mention this to her. Saying stuff about my immortality in front of others never really bothered me.

I never claimed to be immortal though. That would just bring trouble. And, as much as I like trouble, I've already gotten enough assassins on my tail every year.

Adding kidnappers to the list of people pursuing me wouldn't really be ideal. More of an annoyance really.

But, at this point, I really don't care if people find out or not. I am going back home after all. Linne probably also rationalized this before making such a statement.

"Well, a few things happened recently. I can no longer look 20." I said with some fake tears in my eyes.

"But I will forever remain 20 in my heart." Linne just looked at me, her usually empty eyes were somewhat amused.

Ging and the others on the stage were completely confused at this point. I guess Linne is the oldest hunter alive not that Netero is gone.

"Well, Netero used to complain a lot over the years about the fact that your skin remains smooth." She said with a bit of melancholy.

Really laying it on thick with the immortality clues huh? At least she's making the situation more interesting.

I didn't respond this time. Only shrugging a bit.

My conversation with Linne seemed to calm down the rest of the people. Apparently knowing someone respected is a good thing.

__________ POV Narration__________

Linne's words and references didn't really fly over their heads either.

A lady with green hair and some dog-like features that was also on the stage with us looked at Ashton with great interest.

Ging also looked to be quite interested in this conversation.

His mind was trying to connect this mans apparent longevity to that of Don Freecs. And he was somewhat right to do so, as they had similar ways in prolonging their own lives.

Of course, they had no way to confirm this type of information. As none of them actually recognized him at all. They could only take Linne's words.

And her words were at least somewhat believable. As she wasn't known to joke around all that much to the crowd of hunters.

After a few words being passed around, all of the participants in the election emptied the stage. They now needed to each give speeches to convince the other hunters to vote for them.

Ashton was one of the first speeches. Right after Linne, who just claimed that she wished Netero would come back to life so he could be chairman again.

Which was a sentiment shared by a few others too. Ashton also wished Netero was still chairman, just so he didn't have to waste time here.

Whilst he was waiting to give his speech, he was approached by another contestant. The green-haired woman with doglike features, or Cheadle Yorkshire.

She sat down to his side looked at him intently.

"What was your relationship with the previous Chairman?" Was the first question to leave her mouth.

Ashton could only sigh. 'This is going to be a long day...'


Hope you liked the chapter!

If u want to support me just look up VeganMaster on Patr_eon. The page is called VeganCult tho(totally not suspicious).

I don't really know how to properly post an invite to the discord without making it a link tho.