
An Old Friend and Rift

__________ POV Ashton__________

My look of interest must've caught Netero's attention. Because he also started observing the situation by my side. Probably trying to find out what was so interesting to me.

Smokey might've hesitated to do this, especially since Gon is still grieving. But he probably realises that he would become a liability if he goes to fight the ants with tears in his eyes.

Killua seemed a bit mad at Smokey, I think he's a bit too protective of his friend. It's not a horribly bad thing. But it won't do either of them well in the future.

"W-wait! Gon is still affected by my Hatsu... He can't use Nen for now." Said the guy that looks like a biker. Knuckle was his name. And just like that, my interest was completely gone.

I was hoping to see what Gon will do under these circumstances. But I guess I'll have to wait to see the test.

Netero also lost interest and just shrugged a bit. We both just left, keeping a poker face to not let others see our immense disappointment.

"Why didn't you tell me before?!" Said Smokey in the distance, as he started reprimanding his student.

After a bit of walking, Netero got a serious look on his face.

"Ashton... I need you to do me a favour..." Well, that's intriguing, especially coming from the man that already owes me a favour. But I should at least hear him out.

"What do you want this time?" Was enough for him to start talking again.

"I need to prepare for my next fight... I know you want to keep the King alive, but from testimonies and video footage we can see that it won't really be possible..." He stopped for a moment to look me in the eyes.

"The king is a threat to humanity... One that must be quelled. I need you to build a powerful nuclear bomb." Netero's tone was grave, but he wasn't done yet. I need to let him finish his idea before shutting it down.

"I want the bomb planted in my body, made to go off when my heart stops. Just in case I cannot defeat the King in a fight." At this point, there was a recognizable scowl on my face.

"Who are you trying to fool Netero?! 'Just in case I can't defeat him in a fight' You just want to go out with a bang." The old man just looked at me. Waiting for my response.

"You already know you won't be able to win... Otherwise, you wouldn't even be making this request." He just sighed, he probably hoped I wouldn't call him out on that.

But... Should I even try to help him? He's been growing older and weaker. He's not the type that wants to just wither away in a hospital bed.

In our last exchange, I already realized that he is at around 60% of what he was at his peak. His strength won't be returning, he will only grow older and more senile as time passes.

Do I really want to see my only friend go out that way? The answer is 'Of course not!'.

"Fine... I'll help you. My medical knowledge isn't all that great, so you might want to find someone with better qualifications for the operation." A huge smile was the response I got. And it was all that I needed.

All the good things in life must come to an end. Including Netero. Our friendship has always been a weird one. So weird that I can barely even call him a friend.

With him gone, I wonder who will be able to keep me sane? His infrequent visits to my laboratory were all the contact I had with the outside world. During my decades-long study, he was the only person I ever talked to.

As for why I am not willing to do the operation myself... My skills as a surgeon are really rusty. To the point where I've forgotten most of them. I only use my knowledge of biology and anatomy for studying different species of animals nowadays.

"Now... How about we go for a drink? There are still about two weeks left until the attack. I have plenty of time to build you 20 bombs." Netero just smiled.

"How about some Sushi to go with it?" Since when does this guy like Shushi? Oh well, might as well.

Netero has never been a good example of a human being. He is selfish, greedy, somewhat insane. But he still thought me a lot of things.

So I'll honour his last request. I'll build him a nice bomb. But I still want to keep the King's body...

Such a crossroad. I need to choose if I capture the King or let Netero suicide bomb it...

Oh well. I already know what I want to do.

__________ POV Narration__________

As Netero and Ashton drank the night away, Gon and Killua could only somberly stare at the moon.

Wondering how things ended up the way they did. The once hopeful Gon had undergone a change. It was obvious to see for the white-haired assassin. He was becoming warier of the people around him.

It was a good thing, sure. But he was now doubting everyone he had ever trusted, and that included Killua.

The young assassin had always been perceptive. He could basically feel Gon's growing distrust towards him. But since Gon didn't say anything, he just hoped the problem would fix itself...

A naive notion. Killua not addressing Gon's emotions was only making things worse. Adding that to the fact that the young assassin was not capable of showing his sadness in a way the grieving Gon could understand... It created a rift between them.

A rift that would keep growing until either Gon realises his foolishness of Killua tries to mend things properly. Or... until their friendship breaks. Leaving only shards of good memories tainted by a depressing ending.

Ashton didn't realize how much his actions affected Gon and Killua. But he had no way to. Gon was always acting like a child, innocent and naive.

But he had always been deranged in his own way. Having a set of personalised morals, selfish, greedy, prideful. Just like any other human.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

But the attack won't happen yet. They still have around two weeks to prepare for it.

Patr.eon is here--->