
Kung Fu dugongs

"Yahh! Yahh!" shouted the man riding a three-headed snake while positioning his feet at the snakes side as if riding a horse.

"Yoru-aniki stop bullying the poor snake"A baboon threw a stone at the man called Yoru before scolding the man.

"Oh Wukong, you gotta try this and enjoy the fun, stop being a stick on the mud"Yoru teased the baboon called Wukong.

"What do I know?! I'm just a baboon who learned to talk boo-hoo" Wukong on the other hand felt annoyed at Yoru.

While Wukong was sulking, the boat the snake was leading curved a little and got damaged by rocks undersea making a whole in the small boat. Seeing this, the other baboons panicked so they hold on to the ships deck and with their massive strength, destroyed it completely. As their ship was sinking, Yoru took all the monkeys including the snake and Wukong and threw them to the first land he see nearby. After checking that he had already thrown everybody to the land, he proceeded to swim to the land. When he reached the seashore, he saw seals with shells at the back and he knew that they are called Kung Fu dugongs. It is said that whoever beats them in a fight, they would follow that person as their teacher.

The arrogant Dugongs seeing the broken boat of Yoru, came near him and did an action as If laughing. This particular action is making Yoru infuriated so he bowed as if asking for a spar. The Dugongs in particular replied by blowing before they raised their flippers as if saying 'come at me'. Yoru didn't hesitate to beat them black and blue before he proceeded to ask them to join his ship. Some dugongs declined but some joined Yoru in his grand adventure.

If anyone is looking at the particular situation right now, all they would see is a man leading a bunch of seals with shells like that of a penguin march.


How does one make a proper interaction between characters and not make them pop up out of nowhere?

Also how do I give life to the characters while slowly introducing characters?

*Wukong-Talking baboon

*hydra-3 headed snake

*Jet Li-kung fu dugong

*extra baboons

*extra dugongs

CreepyCrawliescreators' thoughts