
HxH: Noah’s Heart

After opening his eyes, he found himself on the path to becoming the butler of an assassination family, the Zoldyck Family. There is Zeno, who managed to kill one person each day. There was also Illumi, who had a twisted sense of humor and a strong brother complex, and Kikyo, who was doting and leaned towards being a masochist. There was also Gatoh, who appeared cold but had a warm heart, as well as the serious Silva. And not to forget, the yet-to-be-born Killua and Kalluto… Noah felt immense pressure being a butler here. As he trained hard, wanting to leave the Zoldyck, he discovered some unspeakable secrets about himself… This is a story of a Nen user’s growth from weakness to strength… This is a normal Hunter x Hunter fanfiction. THIS IS NOT MY STORY!!! [Also, support the original translator of this novel on his patreon: patreon . com / Translatin_Otaku If you want to go to his website to read the translations when they come out it's TranslatinOtaku . net , but I'm just uploading them on here for comfort reasons lol]

NeverluckySMILE · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 2: Gatoh X Second Test

Behind the Gate of Trials, there was a gloomy forest. Underfoot, a dirt path stretched ahead, seemingly endless.

Where are the others? Have they all gone ahead?

After entering, Noah looked around and realized that the seven people who had come with him were not there. He became alert.

Noah remembered that in the forest behind the Gate of Trials, there was a gigantic canine magical beast trained to deal with intruders who didn't know any better.

Even though he had pushed open the eight-ton heavy Second Gate of Trials, Noah was not naive enough to think he could take on that beast.

They shouldn't release that thing, right? If they do, none of us will survive. The old man Zebro just said that pushing open the Gate of Trials is the first test, and there should be second and third tests. For now, let's keep moving forward.

After pondering for a while, Noah started to walk along the dirt path.

Dah, dah, dah.

In the silent forest, only Noah's cautious footsteps echoed around him. In the pitch-black bushes on either side, it felt like terrifying magical beasts could charge out at any moment. This gloomy atmosphere constantly stimulated Noah's senses.

If it weren't for his intuition telling him there was no immediate danger, Noah probably wouldn't dare to take another step forward or even retreat, only trembling in place.

At this moment, Noah was very grateful that he had taken over someone else's body when he came here, rather than his own. If it were him with his average physique and not-so-strong nerves, he might have collapsed after a few seconds here. Similarly, he was thankful that this body was born in Meteor city, which made him much stronger than the average person in the world of hunters. Being able to easily push open the Second Gate of Trials was the best proof of that.

This body is full of potential.

After walking for about ten minutes, Noah's field of vision revealed a small wooden house with light streaming through its windows.

A wooden house? Could that be the location of the second test?

Humans are social creatures after all. When they see their own kind in a quiet place, their hearts tend to settle down.

Noah was no exception. After walking through this eerie forest for so long and seeing this brightly lit wooden house in front of him, even though he didn't know what was waiting for him inside, his heart calmed down slightly.

At least there are people inside.

After all, magical beasts don't light candles.

Knock, knock, knock.

Arriving at the wooden house, Noah raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Is anyone there?"

No response. After a few seconds, Noah knocked on the door again.

"Is anyone there?"

Still, no one answered.


Furrowing his brows, Noah reached out and pushed the door open.

The door made an unpleasant grinding sound against the ground. Noah then noticed that this door was much heavier than an ordinary door, although it was far from being as heavy as the Gate of Trials. Still, it would be difficult for an average person to push it open.

Are they kidding me? Using this trick?

Inwardly rolling his eyes, Noah pushed the door open and looked inside the room.

Inside the room, there was a square table with several chairs around it. A bright chandelier hung from the ceiling above the table, and at the far end, there was a staircase leading to the second floor.

"Come up."

Just as Noah was observing the room, a voice came from the staircase.

Up there?

Noah walked towards the staircase and, upon reaching the second floor, found that the other seven people were already waiting there. Standing next to the window was a very familiar figure.

It was a tall man in a neatly tailored tuxedo with short hair and glasses, casually playing with a shiny coin in his hand.


The head butler of the Zokedek family.

Noah recognized him with just one glance.

"If you were any later, you would have been disqualified," Gotoh said as Noah came upstairs.


With that, the coin in his hand made a crisp sound, soaring into the air before being firmly gripped in his palm.

"So, congratulations to all of you for passing the first test. To become apprentice butlers, you need to complete the second test," said Gotoh, his face still dark, as he slowly scanned the group.

"Follow this dirt road ahead, and you will reach the inner forest. There's a small iron gate there, serving as the boundary. The first two of you to arrive will pass the test, by any means necessary," Gotoh looked at everyone, emphasizing each word.

"Alright, let's begin," he said and stepped aside, revealing the open window.



As soon as Gotoh finished speaking, two people moved, turning into blurs as they leaped out of the window.

These two individuals were the tall and skinny man who had pushed open the trial door earlier and Noah!

Ever since Noah had reached the second floor, his focus had been on Gotoh. He caught every word of Gotoh's in his ears. When Gotoh mentioned 'the first to arrive,' Noah had a rough idea in his mind. He subtly shifted his body forward, moving from the last position to a more forward one.

Seeing Gotoh move to the side, Noah, who had already been poised to go, darted out like a cheetah, following closely behind the tall, skinny man, and they both rushed out of the window one after the other.

The first to arrive, by any means necessary.

In these eight words, there was a lot of information. It meant that this was a race, and only the first two to reach the finish line would pass the test. What mattered most in a sudden race like this? It was seizing the initiative. The person who rushed out first already had an advantage throughout the race.

The window on the second floor was tiny, only allowing one person to pass. Only the quickest to react could swiftly pass through the window. For the others who realized later and faced the narrow window, there was bound to be a 'race for the track,' putting them at a disadvantage.

Noah, like a fierce wind, sprinted along the dirt road, following behind the tall, skinny man. At the same time, his brain was working furiously, analyzing the current situation.

Even with the advantage of being ahead, Noah didn't let his guard down. The reason was the last four words in Gotoh's speech.

By any means necessary!

In simpler terms, this meant that they could interfere with their opponents. To put it more brutally, in order to pass the test, those behind could attack or even kill the two leaders.

People from Meteor Street were not to be underestimated. Noah had enough reason to believe that for them, killing was as commonplace as eating.

Currently, he and the tall, skinny man were in the first and second positions. Naturally, they wouldn't attack each other. However, it was uncertain what those catching up from behind might do. Moreover, being in the second position himself, Noah's situation was probably the worst.

With these thoughts in mind, Noah suddenly heard a sound cutting through the air.

His strong intuition and reflexes drove his body to react quickly. Noah's body, which had been rushing forward, suddenly shifted to the side.

A cold light shot from behind, brushing against Noah's cheek, and flew forward, piercing into a tree by the side of the road.

Taking a closer look, it was a gleaming dagger.