
HXH- experimenting with Nen

Guy gets reincarnation in hxh with perfect body for nen

MadOtter · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1


'Man, I can't believe we a finally getting the dark Constance ark they have been teasing it for so long' Just as I was getting onto my street I felt as if I fell into something before everything went dark.

When I Woke up, I noticed that I wasn't where I was last but instead, I was sitting a at table with a stressed businessman who looked like he had made the biggest mistake of his life.

"Where the hell am I!!!!!" I screamed

"Sorry but I don't have time to explain where you are, you fell through a reality gap that caused you to be erased from your world. It was my fault because I was tasked to block off and repair that place so I will give you 3 wishes, to choose the world that you will transmigrate to and a special weapon,"

I looked at the man for a good five minutes debating my choice but then I realized that I didn't have any other choice, but that didn't really mind I don't have a family "Okay, I think I understand. So the world that I would like to go to is Hunter x Hunter and for my first wish, I would like to have the appearance of Yuji Itadori, for the second I Nen talent higher than the ant king, and finally, I would like all of Toji's physical abilities and combat experience and for the weapon, I would like the inverter spare of heaven but it can cancel out Nen ability"

The man then looked at me and smiled then said "Those were good wishes make sure to have fun" before everything one black.

When I woke up I noticed that I was in an elevator that had a dining table in the middle. I knew where I was, it was the elevator going to the Hunter exam.

Just as I was marveling at the fact that I was about to participate in the Hunter exam I felt a sharp pain in my head and a flood of techniques and experience in performing them flooded into my mind. The pain I felt at the start continued till the end of the experience but it was worth it as I learned the skill I was most worried about controlling my strength because of the sudden increase I had no idea how to control it.

As I got out of my thoughts I looked at the mirrored doors and noticed that I was wearing Yuji's uniform and that the inverter spar (An- I will call it ISH from now on) was in a sheath on the I did of my jacket.

"DING" Just as I finished up my internal monolog the elevator doors opened and as I stepped out a small green man came up to me and handed me a badge with the number 403 'I guess they weren't here yet' I thought.

"Welcome to the exam," he said before leaving, and then just as he left he was replaced by the rookie crusher "Hi am Tonpa I haven't seen you before so you must be new if you need anything just ask I have done the exam over 30 times now so I know a thing or two. And take this drink as a gift" "No thank" I replied to him before moving away and ignoring his shouts for me to take the drink. I went to the wall and leaned on it so someone in particular wouldn't sneak up behind me.

About twenty minutes later the elevator doors opened again and Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika walked out. And it was another ten minutes before the examiner appeared "I apologize for the delay and thank you for waiting for the hunter exclamation will now begin! A final caution. If you want to drop out now do so if not you will be at risk of death or serious injury… very well all 405 will participate in phase one" he said before starting to walk gradually getting faster till he was running

-2 hours later

We have been running nonstop for about 2 hours and I already noticed the difference between this body and my old body as beforehand I could only run for about 1.5 hours before taping out but now I just feel like I am on a stroll at this pace my breathing hasn't even changed and the same for my heart rate.

It didn't take long for us to reach the steps and I started to up my pace as I had been at the back of the group for most of the exam but I would go up to the middle.

Soon we started to see the end and when I got out there were a lot of people already there and it looked like I wasn't as far forward as I believed as Kurapika and Leorio were the. Just 30 seconds later the shutter started to close leaving the straggling on the other side.

The rest happened just as in the anime and we set off for the second phase.

After I while I heard a shout I guessed it was Leorio so I went over there I didn't want to reveal my presence to Hisoka but it was the best way to introduce myself to the group. As I got there I saw Hisoka getting a little(a lot) too excited while strangling Gon. "Hay put the kid down you creep," I said to him as I walked out of the bushes.

"And what if I don't?" he retorted

"Then I will make you," I said simultaneously taking out ISH, I sensed that he shot something at it, I couldn't see it but I could sense it so I simply cut where I felt, and it disappeared. Hisoka looked shocked for a moment before letting go of Gon who had already passed out and started to get into a fighting stans, but just before we started his phone rang.

"Sorry, we will have to do this some other time as the second phase is about to start, tell him that he passed," he said before picking up Leorio and leaving me the Gon who woke up a couple of seconds after. Where is Leorio" he shouted after he came back to his senses "Carm down if you are looking for that old guy the the clown took him to the second phase so If you want to see him we should get going"

Just as we were getting ready to leave we heard a shout "GON!!" it was Kurapika who soon caught up with us "Hay Gon what happened and who is he?" He questioned "No time to explain we need to get to the second phase"

We soon arrived at the second phase. we look around for a second trying to find Leorio before seeing Hisoka who points to Leorio and we rush over there. Leorio was just waking up "Man why am I so beaten up?" he asked "We probably shouldn't tell him what happened," Kirapika said Then they all turned to me "We haven't introduced ourselves yet have we, I'm Gon" Gon said while extending his arm, and I accepted his hand "my name is zen nice to meet you" I replied.

"hi am Krapika, thank you for saving my friends"

"Good to meet you I'm Leorio"

A Silver haired kid walked up to us "Hay Gon I thought you failed"

"No way I would fail Killua," Gon said

"By the way Gon who is that," Killua said

"He's Zen we met when we were in the forest" Gon replied

-18 hours later

The second phase ended and there were only 43 left, currently me, Gon and, Killua we're walking around the air ship. I wanted to play the ball game so I decided to follow them. "Hay Zen why did you come to the hunter exam?" Gon asked me and Killua looked chorus as well.

"I started training five years ago when I was eleven I was unable to find a thing for some time till I was wondering in the and encountered this thing it looked like a human but had a round head I could tell it was heavily injured as it was missing a chunk of its body and no arms but as soon as I got closer to it I felt something go through my leg it was a plant as soon as that happened I Blackoutt and when I woke up I no it's that I had killed the thing somehow with this blade that my dad gave me before he left. This made me want to get stronger and I could tell if it wasn't injured it could have killed me in a second so I decided to get stronger so if I see one again I could win without trying and after hearing that when you become a hunter you learn a technique that makes you a hundred times stronger I decided to come here." the story I told won't fake it happened to me when I didn't have my memories as they only came back after I was in the elevator.

"That's so crazy how did you bet it when blacked out!!" Gon shouted

After my story, Gon asked Killua where his parents were, and Killua explained that he was from a family of assassins and he quit because he didn't like killing people and that he I going to collect on their bounties.

Just then I noticed the chairman move from one side of the room to the next and after a quick discussion we went to play a game where the person who could take the ball off him would become a Hunter.

Killua went first and after a while, Gon jumped in and they continued like this for about three hours before Killua got upset and left but Gon stated.

"Hay Gon mind if I have a tern before you continue?" I said

"Shor" he replied and went to the back of the room where I was standing. I took off my jacket and the ISH and started walking toward him "So you getting serious from the start or are you going to be half-hearted like you have been doing the entirety of the exam" the chairman


I smerked "You better be ready because I am not going to hold back"

I said before diapering and repairing on his side sending a punch at his back which he blocked. I know he won't yes Nen since I don't have it and he is too prideful to do so.

For the next ten minutes, I sent a flurry of kicks, punches, and elbows at him and it started to get through because I kept on changing the power so it was even more predictable. Finally, I saw an opening he had left some openings before but I could tell that this one was rell so I put all my strength into my legs and shot at the ball ripping it from his hand.

I fell onto the floor "Finally I got it!!" I shouted

Gon rushed up to me "Wow you actually did it I didn't think you would be able to and now you are a hunter!"

"I didn't think that you would be able to do it either but I have something to tell you I have been using this test not to give an early pass but to find my last student so shot do you think you want to become my disciple?"

I looked at him for a moment before giving my answer "I would be honed to be your disciple master."

" Okay then let's meet at the end of the exam and in the meantime you can stay on the ship till then since you are now a Hunter and you can just call me Netero or Cherman" After he finished he disappeared.

"Man! He was strong I bet he didn't even yes 5% of his true strength" I said aloud
