

17+ Arini threw the glass and slapped the sexy woman. Instantly, the woman fell and fell hit by the shards of glass on the restaurant table. It looks like her husband and a restaurant waiter are trying to break it up. However, due to Arini's emotions screaming and hysterical. The man She had been married to had secretly had an illicit relationship with a girl. Arini had long felt there was something strange about her husband's behaviour. However, Arini's love was so great, she tried to deny the hunch. Until one day she saw firsthand her husband's infidelity. Arini couldn't contain her emotions. She was very disappointed and angry with her husband. How will the story continue? Watch the sequel only on WEB NOVEL. Don't forget to support this novel by giving it a rating star and adding it to your reading list this novel. Cover Novel By Unsplash.

Usually_smilee · Urban
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36 Chs


"If you give up and divorce your husband then you are indirectly admitting that the woman is more greatest than you! The woman will clap and laugh at you. She will celebrate her victory over your suffering. Remember Arini! Salim still loves you. But now his love is closed by the cunning and seduction of the woman. Arini, you can't lose to that woman! I know that woman's first purpose! She just wants to take advantage of your husband! She just wants to control your husband's wealth!

Do you want the woman's control your husband's wealth? Are you willing if that woman to be the big Mrs in the house? And will you let Salim poor when you leave him?

Think about this, Arini! I don't want you to regret your current decision! There are many people out there who regret the decision they made. Yes, because they only think about their feelings. They don't follow the logic. I'm sure Sabrina doesn't love Salim. She only wants Salim's money!" Said Arini's stepmother.

"I'm so confused mom! I can't make a decision now! My mind is messed up. I'm in a difficult position. I think of my baby. What will happen if I divorce my husband!" Arini answer.

Arini never imagined this before. She thought her household would be fine. She did not expect her husband to marry that woman.

"You have to be patient! You have to make Salim leave that woman. You have to give a lesson to the woman. Don't make her feel the upper hand. If you let Salim go, it means you have supported her plan to take Salim's property. Trust your mother! Salim loves you so much! But the situation is different now! That woman has brainwashed Salim. She influences Salim. I'm sure, Salim is not stupid. He was still blinded by that evil and cunning woman.


The sun starts showing the face.

Arini will go home today. Salim goes to finish hospital administration. Meanwhile, Mrs. Amel seemed to accompany Arini in the patient room.

At the same time, in the house of Salim's family, a woman is seen sneaking into Arini's room. Her footsteps crept towards the small table in the corner near the bed.

She seemed to open a box containing drugs. The woman swapped fetal-strengthening drugs for drugs that could abort the fetus. Her face was tense. Her eyes were seen towards the outdoors. She was afraid that someone would follow her and see what she was doing. A few minutes later, the sound of a car stopped in front of the house.

Without thinking, the woman immediately finished her action. She walked towards the exit of Arini's room.

"Be careful honey! Don't move too much just yet!" Salim said.

"Yes, you have to rest a lot Arini! Don't do strenuous and excessive activities. Just take it easy Salim. The mother will supervise and take care of Arini.

But you also have to pay more attention to Arini. Because you are her husband. Arini is pregnant with your child. Don't just be busy with work. Arini and your baby also need your attention, Salim. I don't want to meddle in your family matters! But I just wanted to remind you Salim!" said Mrs. Amel to Salim.

"Yes, mom! Salim understands! From now on Salim will pay more attention to Arini!" Salim replied.

They finally entered the house. In the living room, there are Mrs. Serra, Merve, Andreas, and Gokan. They saw Arini enter the room with Mrs. Amel.

Mrs. Serra approached Salim and said, "Salim! What happened to your wife? Has your wife been from the hospital? Why didn't you tell Mom? The baby is my grandson! Why did you only tell Mrs. Amel? Do you not consider us family now?" Mrs. Serra said angrily to her son.

"Sorry mom, Salim was very panicked yesterday, Salim didn't want to make her mother worried and mom also just recovered from illness. Salim doesn't want mother's illness to recur again!" Salim explains to his mother.

"What is this? You didn't tell us what happened to Arini? What are you doing to Arini? Mrs. Amel told me that Arini was bleeding because she fell on the floor of an apartment. You had an affair and then Arini got angry and fell! Have you gone mad Salim? Where is your conscience? Do you prefer that woman over your wife and children? Totally unreasonable! You are out of your mind Salim! You are a cunning man who doesn't have Salim's heart and feelings!" Andreas said cursing at Salim.

"Shut up! Shut up you! Don't talk too much! You have no right to interfere in my household affairs with my wife. Who are you? You are just a parasite in this house!

"Salim! Enough Salim! You have gone too far this time! Remember! Andreas is your sister's husband! And I also have the right to this house! So please be more polite and respect your brother-in-law!" said Merve and snapped at Salim.

Merve is very shocked to see Andreas' reaction to Salim. However, Merve defends her husband in front of Salim. Merve does not understand what is happening to her husband now. She doesn't know if Andreas has secretly fallen in love with Arini. Meanwhile, Gokan just glared at the sight. The scene of the argument between his father and uncle.

Andreas already knows about Salim's affair with Sabrina. He has been secretly watching Salim. He orders people to follow Salim. Andreas looked very emotional at that time. Andreas is worried about the condition of his baby with Arini.

"Salim! What's wrong with you? What's wrong with my son now? Why have you changed? The Salim I know never puts down people. The Salim you know never has the heart to say things that hurt people! And Salim I know is very loyal. to his wife! I'm so disappointed in you! I didn't think you could go that low! Your late father never raised you to be an arrogant and cunning man" said Mrs. Serra expressing her disappointment in her son.

"Sorry, mom! Salim didn't mean that! Salim just doesn't like anyone else interfering in Salim's household! Let Arini with Salim take decisions! Outsiders Don't interfere!" Salim replied.