
Husband's lovely wife

On their wedding night, Zhi Ruo was scared and nervous. It had been hours that she was sitting on the bed awaiting her husband thinking, "This is the first time I will be meeting him...Shall I run away?" Looking around warily with her bright eyes Zhi Ruo thought again to convince herself, "Anyway he will not be able to find me, after all who marries without meeting even once" Convincing herself Zhi Ruo had just stood up from the bed when she heard the sound of door opening completely startling her. Quickly going back to her original position she sat down with rapidly beating heart. The door opened and a handsome man entered: Qing Shan moved towards the bed with a steady pace that was neither hurried nor slow. Zhi Ruo: What are you doing? Qing Shan: What a husband should do... ..................................... "What are you doing?" asked Qing Shan who had woken up hearing voices from the kitchen. Fighting with the steak on the pan Zhi Ruo answered with a smile, "Cooking for my husband." "Is it good, husband?"asked Zhi Ruo with coquetry Shoving the black, completely burned steak inside his mouth Qing Shan answered with a subtle smile, "Yes wife. It is the best steak I ever had. It is amazing. No chef can make it better than you. My wife is the best." Grabbing her bowl of cereals Zhi Ruo proudly said with a sarcastic smile,"Ofcourse, I had to make it best. After all my husband should remember to keep his distance from other women. Eat...eat...Shall I fry another one?..." "Y..yes wife"saying Qing Shan started eating the completely burnt, tasteless steak without wasting anything. ............................ Since getting married, the almighty boss became a wife slave and everyone was filled with limitless dog food. ............................. Join the author on- Discord- https://discord.gg/mkgRky6 Instagram- author_sally112425 Facebook- Sally Author https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/Sally112425 https://ko-fi.com/sally112425 You can talk to me about any thing, if you have suggestions about the novel I would be happy to listen them. Apart from being an author I am a motivator and a psychologist as well. So if there is anything I can help you with, go ahead.

Sally112425 · Fantasy
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259 Chs

An enterprise

At 7.45 am Zhi Xin came back from jogging and asked the servant about his father. When he heard about father Zhi being in the study room all the time he thought about the shock he must have got from the news and of course the guilt.

Looking towards the study room Zhi Xin thought of the night when ruoruo lost her mother. She was barely three years old. When her mother was on her death bed the only promise that she asked from father Zhi was to keep ruoruo happy and never let her face any sorrow in life. It was to give ruoruo a complete family that father Zhi got married to the current Mrs. Zhi. It was also for the happiness of ruoruo that the Zhi family always stayed hidden even after being the wealthiest and the strongest family in China. Each and every thing that was done in the Zhi family, every decision probably even each breath that father Zhi takes is in one or the other way related to ruoruo.

It was a given that after hearing that the hands that promised to protect his one and only daughter were the hands which pushed his own daughter in the den of a beast. Listening to his daughter being continuously harassed by her own fiancee in front of his own eyes must have broken down father Zhi. If it could not have been the matter of marriage and respect for old Su, Zhi Xin himself could have handled the matter without anyone knowing. But somethings that are related to the past are better handled by people who have already dealt with it.

Sighing Zhi Xin went towards ruoruo's room to check on her.

Looking at the empty and neatly made bed, Zhi Xin was wondering where could she go when he heard some noise from the bathroom, putting his heart at ease.

After last night he himself was scared if Zhi ruo would have trauma and might get upset. Who would have thought that such a sweet and caring person would turn out to be such a disgusting person in the end?

Slowly exiting Zhi Ruo's room Zhi Xin went to his room to get freshen up.

At sharp 8 am there was a white Bentley entering the mansion followed by a red fiery sports car.

Looking at the people getting down anyone could recognize them as the Su family.

Asking them to take a seat on the couch housekeeper Xu went to inform father Zhi about their arrival.

Soon Father Zhi came down and took a seat opposite to the Su family followed by mother Zhi.

One hour ago when Father Su received a call from the Zhi family stating that the Zhi family wanted to discuss about the engagement he immediately prepared some gifts and decided to visit the Zhi family. Offering them water and some snacks father Zhi was about to speak when mother Su spoke

" Even though children are about to get engaged soon, but we were thinking that if Su Ye could start working in your company from now. This will help him in understanding your ways of managing business and after all, later on, he has to manage your company so why not start it from now. It would help you to get some rest and also you will be able to spend some time with your daughter. "

Zhi Xin was walking down the stairs when he heard Mrs. Su talk about the company. Not many people but Zhi Xin knew, the An enterprise even tough looks like a small company with a stable future, but it is the actual piece of cake that internally controls all the companies under the Zhi family. An enterprise was the only company handled by father Zhi personally. People thought it was because that company was established by him from scratch but Zhi Xin knew it was just a wall to protect the real business and eventually to give him an identity. Hearing these people eyeing the company Zhi Xin smiled started walking towards the family.

Because the Su family was busy dreaming about the company they did not notice Zhi Xin. As he approached the couch area su ye started feeling a murderous gaze and turned his head to look at the source when he noticed Zhi Xin. Immediately standing up he bowed to greet him, after hearing his son greet the elder son of Zhi the Su family also got up and slightly bowed towards Zhi Xin.

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