
Hurtful Attraction

~~HURTFUL ATTRACTION~~ Can you be mine alone ? synopsis..... WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!! What happens when the petite and foolish Jiang hee in Korea transforms to being the most successful , talented, beautiful and any other things one can think of ?... what happens when she becomes Clinton Eunice in England¿ how did she get there within just six years ? ... .......... ~jiang hee pov~ I am Jiang hee , I'm 18 I live with my Dad bcus Mum died in an accident 4 years ago when I was still 14yrs old .... it still feels like yesterday.... she died right in front of me ... FLASH BACK :( she wanted to cross over to meet me at the other side bcus I was angry at her and crossed alone ...she called out to me but I never answered her until I heard her scream ... I turned back I saw the huge truck moving towards her very fast and she was on the floor "seems like she sprained her ankle " I ran as fast as I could towards her but still... I was too late ... I still hate myself till date .. I really wished I answered her ... she wouldn't had been in a hurry to cross over ):... enough of that my dad and I lived happily until she came with her daughter... yes "she" ... my stepmom and he daughter yunxi .... does my dad loves me ? ... I think so... although he loved me less than before after finding out what happened to his wife he blames me and I blame myself .... does my stepmom loves me ? hell NO...... I still lived my normal life .... buh he came to destroy it and it hurts to see him like dis ... why ? who the hell is he ? why does he hate me ... yes! I'm talking about Diego Clinton .. why do I still want him even after everything . . ~Diego's POV~ ohhhh yes yes yes Diego ... yessss.... I'm cuming!... ahhhh... Di di di Diego stop... pls stop ... I can't... arrgghh ...harder harder....sssstttooooppp .. I can't take it all ... too huge .. arrgghh .... Boom she collapsed for the second time now ... bitch Boys! some bulky/huge guyz came in yes sir! take care of her .... that was all he said ND went out of the room .... That was refreshing ... you re wondering who I am right ?? .. the wait is over I'm Diego Clinton the hottest richest, smartest and also the youngest billionaire in England I don't believe Inlove not one bit ND I'm damn speaking from experience from my parents so called love ... always fighting inside ND being the sweetest outside .. you won't believe that for the past years now .. they have been collecting the award for the sweetest couple in the country...like wtf .... (back to the present) The bitch I just fucked now is Becky or is it Janet or Suzy perhaps it's jenny I don't know ... buh her pussy was kinda gud ND she's gud in bed but I do pay her I don't f**k for free.... I lived freely until she came in yes until she came in .... Jiang hee and I feel a kind of attraction to her which I don't understand., ND about my work .... I guess you would soon find out dats all you need to know .. I wanna go f**k other pu****s ....... what happens after he falls Inlove with Jiang hee ... but why is the attraction hurtful ? . . What do you want wife? can I ask for anything? yes wife anything she looked into his eyes and asked him "Can you be mine alone? " what would be his reply??? YES or NO ? Keep on reading to find out ......

Mhiz_Authoress · Fantasy
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12 Chs

~*Hurtful Attraction*~

<<Can you be mine alone?>>

Chapter 11: Getting to England

In the land of the behirs.... 

Queen Tatiana's room .... 

How is my jiang hee ,I hope she's fine , I can't wait to bring her to our land but she needs to be able to use her full hybrid power or else it might kill her , I really feel bad for not just staying with her .. but my land needs me , Lucifer is planning another attack on us just like 5000 years ago but this time it seems like it would be a very tough one since they've been doing some crazy things like having meetings with the dragon king and something seems weird, when I was on earth I was feeling the dragon know ng and the king of hell power in one particular body but all of a sudden the senses just vanished like it was never there , that could be seen as someone deliberately hiding his/her scent from me ,which means it's an enemy and they know that I've been to earth and was perhaps watching my every move , I just hope they don't know about Jiang hee, although I feel relieved that my parents and family are watching over her , I still can't shake that weird feeling off , like danger is looming over her , I just hope it thrash . I'm glad I came home tho ,I've missed everyone especially Chloe my personal maid from the first day I became queen of the behirs, she's a behir also but not a really strong one tho , I still remember when I just came back from earth and how worried she was ... 


<A female worker walking towards Queen Tatiana's room>

knock knock knock.... 

Who's there? 

It's Khloe my queen 

Come in...

*walks in *

Chloe haven't I told you that we are friends and you shouldn't be like this ? 

But above all you are still my queen 

You weren't like this before I left for earth a thousand years ago... 

Yes I was ,I just forgot myself and my position

And what position are you talking about Chloe ? 

As your maid , I shouldn't have been that close to you 

But you were my friend

And you didn't tell me about you going to earth ? ,I missed you,I was worried day and night ,not knowing your destination,I was not myself ,I almost ran out of the palace to find you *sniff sniff*

I'm sorry Chloe I shouldn't have done that but it wasn't planned, please can you just forget about that incident? 

Only if you promise not to do it again

I promise I won't

*both of them hugs* 

Others shouldn't find us like this my queen 

That's true ,thanks for always being there for me 

You are welcome,how is the baby .. Chloe whispered

shhh ... Chloe don't mention that,at least not in the palace ,there are alot of ears around but I can say .. she's fine 

Okay then ,I'm glad you are safe.... 

*end of flashback*

*sigh*.. I really hope my daughter would be okay cus I can't watch over her and I can't even connect to her or else the enemies might use the energy coming from me to reach her but if she's not, Jiang would have himself to blame cus that's the main reason I pulled him out of the gutters in the first place .... 

It's time to go to my Joel (king of the behirs) , I hope everything goes well ....

Diego's POV...

In the Crookers hotel ... 

*Dynamite by the BTS playing * 

Good morning Mr Diego .. stretches a handshake

Morning Mr crookers... accepts handshake 

I hope your flight wasn't stressful

Even if it was there's nothing you can do to it .. I thought to myself but I can't say it now cus I need to get this contract not that I needed the money ,hell no ,my money is enough for a thousand more of my generations to spend even without working but this particular project is a project that Chu won has his eyes on and I am not letting him get it ,I plan on ruining him just like the way he ruined my last transaction for last week and it is even seen that he has been going from south Korea to England and vice versa alot this days .... 

Boss are you okay ? Fred asked 

Yes I am .... Mr Crookers it wasn't,so now let's go straight to the point I need to go back as soon as possible

Alright then, I need alot of chemicals in the newly opened laboratories which are 30 labs in total , I also want to expand my business to England so what do u say being partners with me ? .. he stretches his hand out for a hand shake again 

Mr Crookers, Mr Crookers,Mr Crookers... I say deal ... stretching my hand forward but then stopped midway and he looked puzzled.. perfect facial expression .. I thought to myself it's time to use my card wisely....Yes Mr Crookers deal but the profit would be shared as 70/30 accepted? 

No! what sort of deal is that? 

Feel free to leave then Mr Crookers...then he left ... then the count down Begins .. 3 2 1 💥... He came back again , I knew he was going to come back cus he knows that I'm not just blabbing, I have the power , the whole of England is just in my palm , if I want i destroy and if I want I can create , No law can hold me down because I Diego Clinton is the law .... 

Accepted Mr Diego 

Nice , settle down , let's sign the contract for the chemicals ..

Yes sir .. he sits down carefully, I really love seeing brats like this in such a way,

when I first heard about him being one of the richest people in south Korea who just rose up to fame all of a sudden i knew something was fishy , so I had one of my boys investigate and i found out that he deals with drugs and he even sells them to immatures , he along with his body guards force themselves on females that they kidnap just for them to get pregnant and give birth and he sells the children , he is into all sort of thrash and he wants to go to England ... in his dreams and he want to make a deal with Chu won , I haven't even told Fred about the things I found, I'll make him invest almost all his savings on the new company just for it to crumble, he has to learn to always be at alert no matter who it is or how nice they seem never loose guard .... 

Well well Mr Crookers we are signing my contract not yours 


Yes, I can't trust you , but u can surely trust me , so sign it fast .. I said while signing the contract and giving it to him while getting up and stretching my hand to collect the contract from him which made it seem like I'm in a really big hurry to move .. so he signed as fast as possible without reading it , which was the biggest mistake of his life .... after signing he gave the papers to me 

Hope you went through it Mr Crookers? I said while smirking

What what do you mean Mr Diego? ... 

I don't repeat myself 

Yes yes yes sir .. I have done that 

*with that I stood up and left .. he wouldn't know what hit him next*

***but how is Chu won connected to Clinton Diego?***

Back in the car... 


yes Diego

Let's visit 3 of our companies in south Korea

Okay , let me call them up to make preparations

No don't call them , let's clean up a little... hahahaha

Okay boss ... 

After that I rested my head but I can't sleep on bit .. arrgghh , immediately I close my eyes the only thing I see is her face , her round and cute eyes, blonde hair her pretty dimples that shows when she smiles , her voice.. everything just keeps replaying in my head ... I can't seem to concentrate , I need to get back to England and get my dimple girl ... ...

Diego are you okay? , you are really smiling alot ..

*cough cough*

It's nothing

I hope so, no matter what don't forget Park jisoo's betrayal

Shut up Fred ... arrgghhhh 

I'm sorry....

Just be quiet 

okay then... hmmn 

Jiang hee's POV ... 

We are in the plane now and I'm really tired already and we haven't even used more than three hours on the plane , chu won even said that we are going to use 18 hours 6mins on the plane , I wonder how I'm going to live for this remaining hours .. arrgghh .. this is really frustrating, I can't even sleep because of his face that keeps on pooping up in my head , I wonder what his name is , is he from south Korea? ,where is he coming from ? ,is he staying over? ... would I get to see him again? ,is he married? ... arrgghh ... I really need to see him again 

Jiang hee ! 

Yes song wan 

Thank you 

for what dear? 

For leaving everything for me , your schooling

You left yours too remember? 

But it's for my own good not yours 

So you can't do that for me ? *fake sniffs* I'm Soo heart broken right now 

No no no who said that I can't do that ? I can even lay down my life for you , you are my best friend

Exactly, that's why whatever is for your good is also for mine ❣️so no thank you .. and you haven't told me what happened to you song wan 

Let's talk about that when we get to England, for now , Thank you for leaving everything, your home, studies , work, family and even your love life 

Stop right there , I need to correct you .. firstly, I have no home , it's my dad's house.. home is wherever my loved ones are and that's visibly you , I took 1½ month's leave from school it's not like I'll never go back , I can get another job when we get to England and even when we are back .. don't forget that your bestie is capable , you are my only family after my mum * I said more like a whisper.. yeah her death still hurts me till date * and that love life is now my past , a past that I don't want to ever go back to .. 

Okay bestie .. let's start a new life and have fun in England

Yes bestie, let's have fun 

With Me too ... chu won chipped in from behind 

hahahahahaha.. three of us laughed... 

Yes you too ... 

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