
Hurtful Attraction

~~HURTFUL ATTRACTION~~ Can you be mine alone ? synopsis..... WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!! What happens when the petite and foolish Jiang hee in Korea transforms to being the most successful , talented, beautiful and any other things one can think of ?... what happens when she becomes Clinton Eunice in England¿ how did she get there within just six years ? ... .......... ~jiang hee pov~ I am Jiang hee , I'm 18 I live with my Dad bcus Mum died in an accident 4 years ago when I was still 14yrs old .... it still feels like yesterday.... she died right in front of me ... FLASH BACK :( she wanted to cross over to meet me at the other side bcus I was angry at her and crossed alone ...she called out to me but I never answered her until I heard her scream ... I turned back I saw the huge truck moving towards her very fast and she was on the floor "seems like she sprained her ankle " I ran as fast as I could towards her but still... I was too late ... I still hate myself till date .. I really wished I answered her ... she wouldn't had been in a hurry to cross over ):... enough of that my dad and I lived happily until she came with her daughter... yes "she" ... my stepmom and he daughter yunxi .... does my dad loves me ? ... I think so... although he loved me less than before after finding out what happened to his wife he blames me and I blame myself .... does my stepmom loves me ? hell NO...... I still lived my normal life .... buh he came to destroy it and it hurts to see him like dis ... why ? who the hell is he ? why does he hate me ... yes! I'm talking about Diego Clinton .. why do I still want him even after everything . . ~Diego's POV~ ohhhh yes yes yes Diego ... yessss.... I'm cuming!... ahhhh... Di di di Diego stop... pls stop ... I can't... arrgghh ...harder harder....sssstttooooppp .. I can't take it all ... too huge .. arrgghh .... Boom she collapsed for the second time now ... bitch Boys! some bulky/huge guyz came in yes sir! take care of her .... that was all he said ND went out of the room .... That was refreshing ... you re wondering who I am right ?? .. the wait is over I'm Diego Clinton the hottest richest, smartest and also the youngest billionaire in England I don't believe Inlove not one bit ND I'm damn speaking from experience from my parents so called love ... always fighting inside ND being the sweetest outside .. you won't believe that for the past years now .. they have been collecting the award for the sweetest couple in the country...like wtf .... (back to the present) The bitch I just fucked now is Becky or is it Janet or Suzy perhaps it's jenny I don't know ... buh her pussy was kinda gud ND she's gud in bed but I do pay her I don't f**k for free.... I lived freely until she came in yes until she came in .... Jiang hee and I feel a kind of attraction to her which I don't understand., ND about my work .... I guess you would soon find out dats all you need to know .. I wanna go f**k other pu****s ....... what happens after he falls Inlove with Jiang hee ... but why is the attraction hurtful ? . . What do you want wife? can I ask for anything? yes wife anything she looked into his eyes and asked him "Can you be mine alone? " what would be his reply??? YES or NO ? Keep on reading to find out ......

Mhiz_Authoress · Fantasy
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12 Chs

~*Hurtful Attraction*~

<<Can you be mine alone?>>

Jiang hee's POV... 

Song wan!

I screamed for joy ... yes joy.. my song wan Is sitting on the bed , resting her back on the pillow with her eyes opened looking straight at me now but I can't move , I'm too excited

Hey Jiang hee do you want to kill me with you noise and why are you standing over there like a statue *she said and chuckled lightly before hissing in pain*that was when I woke up from my lost state and ran as fast as I could to her bed side .. 

Song wan are you really awake ? I asked with years in my eyes 

Shouldn't I be awake ? 

Shut up! do you know how long I've been waiting for you *sob sob* why did you take so long to wake up ? didn't you hear me calling out to you r name ? why do you have to scare me like that song wan wuwuwuwu ....

Hey hey chubby baby I'm sorry , you've really lose weight now you look way slimmer .. I'm sorry okay ?

Promise me you won't ever do that again 

I promise Jiang hee,I'll always tell you before hand even 2 mins before I die I'll call you up 

Shut up! why are talking about such things now uhhn? 

Oops ... I made the little devil angry 

why are you calling me that ? I thought we had a deal that you won't call me that anymore

hehehehe.. I felt like... I suddenly remember that I called you that because you beat up a group of 5 huge guys at the age of 15 , without any Kung Fu class or any training of sort you are really amazing hahaha 

Miss song wan please don't talk much because you are not fully okay yet 

ohhkayy doctor.. Jiang hee meet doctor Chu won... 

I've met him dumbass hahahaha 

it's because I'm weak right now... you would get to see the real me very soon bestie to the dumbass hahahahaha...

we laughed it off ... I was very happy, it's still amazing me that she is finally awake .... 

Miss Jiang please can I see you in my office? 

Now I faced the doctor*** uhhmm hope there is no problem doc ? 

Not at all.. I just want to show you one or two things ...errm okay .. lead the way doc ..I'll be back bestie,I said while going outside with doctor Chu... 

On getting to his office he said ... miss jiang please have a sit .. 

Okay sir,so what's up? is she fine now ? 

Yes she is , just that she might need to change environment,at least for a month for her own health if you want her to get better fast ...

Of course I do doctor, I chimed in ... where do you think is good for her ? ...

I think England is perfect for her ... because of the multicultural behavior and there are a lot of new things to try over there you know .. 

Okay .. thank you, I'll work on it , anything to get my girl back on ground... 

Uhhm, actually miss Jiang I can help out with the transportation and a place to stay in England and please I won't want you to say no, think about your friend, she needs peace as fast as possible, please miss Jiang 

Okay then thanks doc 

you can call me Chu won .. he said smiling, that was when I noticed that he has a one sided dimple , blue eyes just like the ocean , kissable pink lips,a slightly sharp jaw line ... Damnit he is handsome and why am I just seeing it now.... 

*cough cough* errmm miss Jiang 

Yes doc sorry Chu won ? 

*he chuckled* when are you planning on going? 

As soon as possible... thank you very much chu won.. I really really appreciate it.. 

it's my pleasure✨.. can I call you Jiang hee ? ..

yes you can, feel free 

Okay so friends? 

Yes, friends.. let's seal it up with a handshake..he said and we did just that .. 

So Jiang hee,do you mind going to England next week? 

Next week? 

Sorry Is it too close? 

No no no it's perfect,I was just shocked .. thank you 

Say no more ..

Byee Chu won

bye Jiang hee

then I walked out of the office and towards my baby girl ward ... wait where is Olivia? 



Unknown 2 POV .... 

** In the underworld**Pit of hell** 

I think it's time to unleash Draco's power now that we the demons want to go into a war with the vampires and the behir so we need to be with the dragons or the dragons needs to be with us since we are of the same root (Hell)... said Ahriman (meaning evil spirit ) cus he is one 

Dats true but I think we need to speak to Lord Lucifer on this .. we need to stop this fight by shedding each and every blood of the vampires no matter who it may be and for this to be successful, we need our Draco .. which I've been sensing on earth for the past 21 years now but it seems like someone has been purposely hiding him from our grip but who exactly? ... replied Akuji another demon from hell .... 

Okay then , we would speak to Lord Lucifer tomorrow.... 




Fred's POV... 

I don't know why but I feel restless.. it seems like something really bad is about to happen, but how ? ,let me call Diego 

Ring ring ring 

Hello Diego,how are you doing? 

I'm fine Fred , what's up with you? ,why did you call? 

Urrm actually Diego I'm feeling kind of restless and you know that that's so unlike me unless... 

Unless I'm injured right? 

Yes exactly.... Are you okay ? 

Yes I am .. 

Are you sure ? 

Does it sounds like I'm not ? 

I'm just worried .. 

Okay thanks bro 

you are welcome...You sound really tired bro should I come over 

No no no , don't worry Fred ,I'm cool ,it's okay So Diego any plans for tonight? 


What is it? cus I don't remember any 

Fucking bitches .. hahahaha

beep beep beep .... 

***Call ended***

Arrgghh .. fuck you Diego! always disconnecting the call anytime he wants ... he's really going to get it from me .... such an annoying bro 

Diego's POV...

Earlier In the eve 

I was just in my library after coming back from work .. I haven't even freshen up... Then all of a sudden I heard Draco! and I was shocked cus this voice sounds very familiar and very unfamiliar at the same time .. 

Who is it ? I replied

Just know that I'm your worst nightmare .. I started looking around but I saw nothing

Show yourself if you know that you aren't a coward ,instead of hiding around and still saying that you are my worst nightmare.. hahaha really?? 

Don't provoke me Draco 

I want to .. I said to the voice.. 

Then all of a sudden I saw a image clearly forming up right before my eyes ... I was shocked and slightly scared inside but I don't know why ,The feeling just lasted for less than 5seconds ... like I had something inside me that was telling me that I'm way more than this image .. 

This is me Draco .... I'm your half brother ...

Are you kidding me rn(right now) ?, how would you be my half brother when I can clearly see that you aren't a human and I'm sure that I am one ... 

Are you ? .. what about the tattoo on your neck or should I say the dragon tattoo on your neck ? .. he said while smirking

Wait how do you know about that ? 

Why don't you ask me why I'm telling you this instead ? 

*now I know that this guy isn't just someone..I can feel a killing aura from him ... * why are you telling me all this then ? 

Because I'm about to kill you ... 

What! .. and why is that ? 

Do you know how much problems you being alive have caused in underworld? ... I guess you don't right? .. I'm here to end it all .. 

* then i saw his black hair bringing out touches of red .. till his whole hair became red but not deep red it's kinda a pale red , same thing as his eyes , his teeth growing till they re out of his mouth, his finger nails growing longer and sharper into a claw , horns coming out of his head and within seconds, he began to look like the devil but I don't know how , I can feel it that he isn't the one ... then in the next seconds he launched towards me and I wasn't scared at all, I pushed him back with great force that I never knew was within me and he just ... smiled? , like who smiles in this situation? ,he launched another attack and this time I doged it with a lightning speed , what the hell is going on ? I screamed in my mind but I knew that I had to focus now or I'll lose my life and that won't be the best so I focused on him and just then he came running toward me and my instincts told me to swipe my hands towards his face and I did , boom ! he flew far away from where I was till his back hit the opposite wall and I saw bright red blood coming out of the huge claw marks on his face before the marks covered right in my eyes and if I said that I am not scared right now ... it's a lie , but I just knew it that I can't die now , but wait how did I do that ? I thought but I can't peel off my eyes from this guy because I knew he was up to something bad , really bad .. I was looking straight into his eyes and I saw what I haven't seen on his face since he came here .. PAIN.. yeah pan was Soo evident on his face and I feel happy ... 

I thought you said that you would be my worst nightmare but now It looks like it's the opposite now , doesn't it? .. he was really furious and before I knew it he was already behind me , like he teleported... Now what do you have to say? .. I heard him whisper in my ear ... and a sharp sound came to my hearing, like a sword getting out of it's sheath , I didn't know how I did it but now my right hand was holding unto his hand that was about to dip a dagger into my body and the other one was on his neck strangling him and I didn't wait at all I dipped the dagger straight into his tummy and I could see how hurt he was before he teleported away .... now I collapsed on my chair .. what the hell just happened? I asked no one in particular..... then in the next 5mins my phone started ringing..

Ring ring ring ... 

I checked my phone screen and it was really who I thought it was ... Fred 

So I picked up immediately.. 

Hello Diego, how are you doing ?

I'm fine Fred, what's up with you? why did you call? 

Urrrm , actually Diego I'm feeling restless and you know that's so unlike me unless...

Unless I'm injured right ? ... like the hell that's why I just like this guy .. I still remember how we met but that's another one for another day ... this is my real bro .. I thought to myself 

Yes exactly.... are you okay ? 

Yes I am

Are you sure ? 

when I heard this question.. I knew that this

guy isn't buying my lies so I had to make it sound playful so he won't be thinking of it all day long ... 

Does it sounds like I'm not ? 

I'm just worried 

Okay , thanks bro 

you are welcome, you sound really tired bro should I come over ?

No no no don't worry Fred , I'm cool , it's okay

So Diego any plans for tonight? 


What is it ? cus I don't remember any 

Fucking bitches .. hahahaha 

I had to disconnect the call immediately cus I didn't trust myself not telling him all that just happened it's just now that I thought of looking at my self and I saw my hand having stains of his blood .. now I remembered the scar on his face , how did I do that ? ,i can't see any thing like claws so how ? ... everything is still looking like a dream if not for the blood stains I would have really thought that it was a dream or my hallucinations.. Let me go and get some rest if I even can .... 

Jiang hee's POV...

it's late now but I'm with song wan and I was able to talk to Olivia later ,I called her up ,I didn't expect that she and song wan would click that early.. it's as if they knew each other before they even knew me haha .. but I really love the way we are all in good relationship.. I hope this goes on .. I thought before lying down beside song wan while smiling and let darkness take over....

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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