
Hupire high

A school of vampires Full blood and half blood They have one and only rule from the family of the highest vampire family "You can't love human"

sky_beaver · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Disclamair and Prolongue

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any Resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

Welcome to my mind fantasy.

this is my first writing here in web novel. hope you'll support me.



A school of vampires

Full blood and half blood

They have one and only rule from the family of the highest vampire family

-You can't love human


So guys Im a filipina writer, i just start writing last month i think. So it is not easy for me to write this in whole ENGLISH language i need to translate my TAGALOG book in wattpad into English for here.

For my upcoming stories you must read it too. This story is also connected in my upcoming stories here's the list. and take note that i just get started writing.

1.Hupire high. (This story. Lazarus and Dawn love story.)

2. The Vampires love. (This is the story of the past gen. of Lazarus and Dawn so it means this story is all about there grandparents.)

3. Lust Of Vampire. (Keiran and Lucinda love story.)

4. Accidentally Fall in Love with the Vampire. (Vladimir and Thana love story.)

5. Being a Vampire Slave. (Luther and Jezebel love story. Ps. not sure if they will end up together hihi)

6. The Vampires diary. (Alaric and Celeste love story.)

Then I'm also planning to write some Serial killer suspense romance.



Posting update: Friday and monday

Normal update (How many chapters a week?) - its 2 or 1 chapter. i have school so yeah 2 or 1.

And if you want to be friend of mine add me on my facebook or email me.

facebook- Seanah Corpin Garcia

Email- Seanahgarcia@gmail.com