
Hunters-the scarlet orb

The scarlet orb(wielding the power to control both the natural and supernatural) Naki hopes to use this power to take over the world. The question is is that all he needs, will there be obstacles. Will he achieve his goals which he pictured for millennia

ebelechukwuzubelu · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4- the elite squad

Dappled sun shone through the trees and buildings creating mysterious shadows,the blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle wind.

The afternoon sun bathed the buildings in it warm light,tiny specs of dust seemed to dance in the shaft of the afternoon sunlight that slanted through the windows.

Students shuffled out of the colosseum,Nicholi came out,looking across the vast crowd.he hand rubbing against his perfect hair as he spotted Nessa and Nancy.

"Hey where have you been" said Nessa

"I was in there, I could clearly see you two "he replied

"Hi"said Nancy,she smirked waving her hand in motion. Nicholi returned the greeting.they all went down to the field for the training exercise.

On getting there,Nicholi could see different people fighting each other with wooden swords,they kept going for a while until both trainer and trainee wore each other out.

Some freshmen were unbelievable talented on their first day while others well not so good.

Nancy scanned the field nervously when her eyes met with someone else.she wasn't to pleased to see fredrick.

Her first impression on him took away any possibility of her becoming close with him.

"Here he comes"said Nessa in a tone of disgust,she didn't really like fredrick due to past events.she recalled a memory from her past.

It was a bright day,she had just finished taking her finals,when she met him.

They both shared a lemonade glass together, he made her smile.

For the first time in her life she actually didn't feel like he was a bad person. To be very honest she fell for him already.

As the day brought it self to a close,she looked him in the eyes,him back at her.

As both of them drew close to each other,that moment became more intense.

She could feel her heart beating fast,she wasn't sure she was making the right call.

He took her hand and smiled.

"Don't be afraid,I won't bite" he drew her closer,the moment getting more intense,she gave into it.

"Am sorry"he said smirking.

Nessa looked puzzled at first then she looked over his shoulder,she could see his his crew hailing from behind.then she turned towards him

"Wait a sec,this wasn't real"she asked

Fredrick face still lit with smiles.

"Ofcourse not it was just a dumb dare to get dumb girls like you to fall for me"he said his faces unfazed by the look on Nessa.

"You were nice to me because of a dare,like who does that"she said looking him in the eyes,she was convinced she had met the biggest mistake of her life.

"Well I do"he laughed for a bit

"Like how could you not see through that"he asked.

"Well some of us are willing to give a chance"she yelled,she cleaned her eye lids, but tears didn't flow out,she picked up the glass of lemonade and emptied it on fredrick.

"Oo come on"he said

"I actually believed you could be a better person" she said as she walked off.her mind still recalling events as he came closer.

"Nessa, hey Nessa


"Um sorry I drifted a bit "she told Nicholi

" hey ladies"said Fredrick his eyes totally focused on Nancy.

" what is a pretty girl like you doing with this two dorks"he remarked.

"And you are"

"Well I'm fredrick"

"Yh I know you are quite the popular fellow"she said she pulled Nessa and Nicholi with her.

Fredrick was. Suprised,he turned around and took her by the arm.

"Preharps you are new and ofcourse I can be your trainer"

She looked confused,she couldn't refuse because Vladimir overheard the conversation. As he took interest coming towards her direction.

"So what do you say"

"I have her covered, you don't need to worry yourself" Nicholi remarked as he patted fredricks shoulder.

Nancy was thrilled,Nicholi had saved her from the unknown.her knight in shining armor had saved her.

"Yh sure, whatever"hissed fredrick

"See you around I guess"he walked off

"Well thanks"

"It's alright, so let's get down to business shall we"Nicholi said getting serious.he pulled out his blade.

"Woah, easy there cowboy" said Nessa anticipating the fight.

Nancy looked at Nicholi he smiled back,she was in a way scared.

"It's gonna be fine remember what dad taught"she soliloquized with her self,everyone's attention seemed to focus on the fight.

"It's the new girl vs Nicholi"yelled Doyle grabbing everyone's attention. Still she wasn't afraid.she had heard of Nicholi's brilliance in fighting,yet she told her self everything will be alright.

They began circling around the area with swords drawn.

"Come at me"he said, she startled at first.

Then she charged towards him.

They exchanged blows,their wooden blades hitting each other ferociously with every hit.

"She is good"someone thought to himself.

"Nancy kick his ass"yelled Nessa from the crowd. Nancy took a swift turn,her feet shifting as she put all her strength into one blow.

Nicholi dodged the attack shifting his body to the right, he held her left hand to prevent her from falling faced down.

"Your one lucky guy"she said

"I don't think that had anything to do with luck" he said.

Nancy took a step back before rushing forward once more,determination filled her ocean blue eyes.

Still she wasn't able to land a hit on Nicholi just once, everyone still shocked by the display of fighting techniques they had just witnessed.

"Let's make a bet a dollar for Nicholi or the new girl" Doyle echoed, bets kept pouring in,Mostly in Favour of Nicholi although some people had faith in Nancy,she wasn't so skilled with the blade.

Nicholi wasn't serious he was at a defensive stance,it felt obvious to most people of the hunter academy.

Nancy thought to her self,she was fully determined to win this fight, but Nicholi had other ideas.

She charged once more this time with her blade facing the ground,as both swords clashed she twisted her body beneath the blade.

She blocked Nicholi's offensive attack as she twisted her sword firlmly over her head. As both swords collided her sword fell to the ground,Nicholi wooden sword pointed at her chin.

"Well that was great to watch"Doyle remarked

Her eyes gazed at the wooden sword.Nicholi withdrew the sword and helped her to her feet.

"You did well for a newbie,I mean that was awesome"

"Yh yh says the guy that was always on the defensive"she said with her eyes rolling,she put her blade in its sheath.

"Nicholi always merciful as usual,perherps that is why you let selka off easy" Fredrick said interrupting the conversation.

"Enough" lord Zack yelled.immediately silence swept through the field, Nicholi could hear chatter and murmuring.

It took a while for him to realize lords zacks appearance. Lord Zack wore a blue shirt with his cape falling down to his feet, his hair white,he was certainly a strong silent type.

"So is anyone up for a challenge, the challenge should anyone choose to accept, if your sword touches my clothing the person will be given the chance to interview the noble one of the 53rd order"

"Wow that's insane, no one has ever seen her up close before" Nessa said in shock

"Well is all this for your amusement, there is no way any of us could take you on"

"As I said young man touch my garment" he replied.

"Trust me I don't want to do this either"

Said lord zack

"If there is anything I know, I know Nicholi can take you on, right guys" echoed Doyle

"Yh you can do it man" Nicholi didn't think he could do it, he knew this was the end but he kept a straight face, he picked up a wooden sword.

"No no please use your chimera blade"

Nicholi dropped the sword and picked up his blade

" Yh I know that face,he knows his screwed" Nessa said with a chuckle.

"Really,just how strong is a member of the x class" Nancy asked

"Well your about to witness it firsthand " Doyle interrupted

"Nicholi charged with his blade,he swung with ferocity from left to right meanwhile Zack hadn't drawn his sword,he dodged all attacks without breaking a sweat.

" you need to do better than that if you want to touch me atleast"he said sarcastically.

Nicholi was frustrated,he wondered with everything he threw at Zack,if his opponent wanted to go all out,he was sure to be at the receiving end.

Nicholi charged once more this time equipping his sword with his fire element,the flames burnt from the top till its hilt.

"He is damn serious about this" Said Nancy

"Yh that's more like it" this time Zack charged towards Nicholi, he kicked up a wooden sword, Nicholi swung his sword horizontally cutting through the air. Zack dodged the attack and drove his shoulder into Nicholi stomach.

In that moment all Nicholi noticed was his sword leaving his hand, he coughed up blood.

He could feel pain riling up in his stomach as he fell to the ground.

"You put up a good fight" Zack complimented him

"Well we have more pressing issues,I need all members of the golden squad, you all are to meet up with Vladimir at the senate building" he said with finality as he walked off.

His voiced had a tone of concern in it

"Are you ok Nicholi" Nessa rushed over to his side

"He did quite a number on you" Nancy said

"Yh it hurts, but I'll live" he said

"So what's all this talk about the golden squad"Nancy asked

"They are the the most skilled students capable of using various types of weapons and our boy Nicholi is one of them" Nessa explained in details.