
Hunters Den

Werewolfs,monsters,killers and hunters.All in one place! In The Wastelands,everyone needs a purpose,at the end of the day,that’s what makes us human. Or at least…it used to do so. Join Johan and his friends on a journey of a lifetime,a journey to fulfil their goal and find their purpose.

NewgateAdam · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

## To you, a champion from the world 200 years older than mine

So our heroes have started. They got their titles and they became official hunters. Who knows what's next for them. Father Stain gave Johan a coat that had the dens logo on it, that way he can be recognized by other hunters. He also got a blade that was as dull as a tree branch. Johan belted the weapon into his waist and thanked the father. They left the holy church and got their goals straight.

With Pinocchios' experience and Johans…optimism, they can leave the den and explore. Our brave heroes went out, they are finally going to explore the wast world, maybe uncover its secrets.

As I and Pinocchio were walking, I had to ask him something." So Pinocchio, why did you become a hunter", I asked him." I have no memory of my maker, I only remember waking up in a burning workshop with some kind of doll by my side. I want to find him and ask him about my purpose, why was I born ".He continued to talk about the workshop he was in. It had an empty altar at the top and a lot of books on how to get fair maidens. I started to laugh at that, Pinocchio didn't find it as amusing as I did." Hey Johan…do you want to team up with me? That way I can find my maker faster and you can find your purpose".I agreed and that's how we teamed up. We didn't have much time to celebrate, so we decided to build our camp for the night. As we were setting up I kept hearing howling around us. I told Pinocchio to be aware, so he had his left hand on his hilt. We were ready to take on any enemy, even if it meant we would die. We finished setting up our camp and we managed to light up some fire. We sat by the bonfire and cocked some leftover meat we had. That's when we both heard it. A growl so loud and notoriously deep, it felt like an earthquake right beside us. It was a werewolf, a full beast werewolf. He was enormous. Growling at us, filled with anger and hunger, this beast was just looking for some food. We weren't going to allow it to harm us. Before I could even touch my blade, Pinocchio swung by me with his grappling hook. He managed to stick it into the beast the paw and make it scream. He got as close as he could and pulled his needle out. He poked it until he could fight back. The beast kept charging at Pinocchio but it was all in vain, he was just out skilling it in every way possible. With minimal effort, he was making the beast lose its cool. It was a one-sided fight. I jumped in to bring some additional support. Neither of us was holding back, we weren't going to lose this.I suppose that I celebrated a bit too fast.The werewolf managed to slip through our grip and started to walk backward for a bit.We didn't know if he was planning to sprint at us and slash us,or was he escaping.Well,it was neither.He stood onto his back legs and started to walk towards us.That's when Pinocchio got cocky and tried to pierce his heart.All that happened was werewolf grabbing him.He was crushing his back with brute force.I couldn't just sit back and watch my friend get killed.As i was about to attack the beast,it's head already fell off.That's when i saw him.A man dressed in an all white coat ,pants and shirt.His hair was dark and blade was sharp.He was a hunter,there is no doubt in that."Are you hurt, young pray"?He showed concern.He looked at us and he saw our marks.He then bowed down at us and we bowed down as well.This mans name was Adam.Adam The First Sinner.He was the strongest hunter in the den.He explain to us that we should skin the beast and go to a market near by.That way we can sell it and buy better gear.We offered him some of our food and drinks.He obliged.We all sat down and enjoyed the feast.Adam was a different type of hunter.Many hunters go and hunt just so they could find purpose or earn a living.But he was hunting just so he would make his parents proud.As the strongest i expected to hear a story that was filled with revenge.He also mentioned that soon ,the worst night of the year is happening."We call it The Hunt,plane and simple really.But on that night,you don't hunt beasts.You hunt hunters,and beasts hunt you.On that one night,the whole world goes insane over one thing.Blood".He told us that we will never survive this alone and that we need more people with us.A full squad filled with people we can trust.He then proceeded to pack his stuff and leave."Ou i almost forgot.If u run into a little girl with ears filled with fluff,behead her right where she stands.She's some real trouble".He was swept by the moonlight,just as he came,he was gone.We didn't want to waste our time ,so we decided to rest trough the night.Once the dawn came,we went out.We decided to skin the werewolf and sell its hide.We could earn a solid living from it, at least for a while.As we were skinning it ,we noticed that the beast had bullets inside of it.They weren't fired at it,nor were they used.It ate the bullets raw.We took them and split the equally.We couldn't really sell nor eat the beasts meat,so we threw it away.I had to empty my bag and put the hide inside of it.That's when i saw a picture of my family.I realised that i was doing this for them, so their sacrifice wasn't in vain . It's already been a few days since i left Traum.I don't miss it that much, i have everything i ever wanted right here.In the wastelands.I decided to take the picture from its frame and put it in my pocket.I've put my hat on ,strapped my blade and loaded my gun.Pinocchio fixed his suit ,prepared his saber and decided to put his gloves on.We started to move and we actually had an easy travel .We didn't run into any deadly beasts, just wolfs and some infected corpses.As we got into the market we noticed that people here were more carefree.They didn't really have any kind of protection against beasts.They even had some on sale.Women selling their children, hunter selling their pray.I was disgusted by the sheer amount of children cries,begging to be brought back to their family.This world is beyond cruel,it's disgusting.We decided to find a merchant that sells maps.A man like that could help us on our journey,since we could have a way to go.I told Pinocchio to go alone and find him, since i wanted to buy myself a new blade.I sold the hide to some merchant so i had enough for a solid sword.I was looking around and i stumbled upon a man selling paintings.They we're all perfectly drawn,without a single mistake.One that stood out was a painting of flowers that formed a face.It looked like a perfect conversation piece.I did eventually leave this merchant and found a man selling used swords.As i walked in ,a small girl rushed out.She was wearing all red and had…fluff on her ears.That's the girl Adam mentioned.I decided to leave her though,i didn't want to make a girl cry(again).I asked the merchant if he had any usable blades that he was willing to sell for 100 silver.He laughed at me and he threw a wooden mallet in front of me.He said that 100 silver can almost get me one of those.Almost.I was going to leave the store ,but that's when i heard someone slam a bag of coins onto the counter."Give this man a hunters blade,make it sharp and clean".I turned around and saw a man wearing white armour,with a huge blade on his back.He was very tall and burly,he could've easily destroyed me right there and there.He payed for my sword and left without a word.I couldn't even thank him.It felt like a god came from the above and save me.I walked out and he was gone,without a trace he disappeared.I found Pinocchio and we decided to leave.With his share of the money he got a map that would lead us towards our next destination.It was called The Hunters Graveyard.The name might sound rough but it's actually a place where hunters go trough and enter the real world.The area we are in is called the wasteland,the next area is called The True Land.A place with beasts and other ungodly creatures in it.I was exited to see what does this world have to offer,maybe i do have a purpose.We we're out of the market and as soon as we left it started to rain.For the first time in a while, i got to see a glimpse of hope.I saw a rainbow between the trees,a rainbow with colours of every kind.I actually never had a chance to see a rainbow, since i never left Traum.The walls are so tall that you can only see the sky if u look up.I felt free for the first time in my life.

"You know,rainbows are actually water droplets reflecting in the sun.That's why they are beautiful actually.It teaches us that having a bit of sunlight in our life can make everything better".Pinocchio told me that with a big smile on his face.I suppose that he is right.The light rain stopped and the sun started to set down.We found a small field that had some trees around it.We decided to build our camp there and rest for the night.As we were building it, we heard something walk towards us.We we're prepared for another werewolf but it was a hunter.He had a long black beard,tied into pigtails.He was also bald with some kind of tribal tattoo on his head.He got up to us and pulled out a bag with raw meat."Do you mind if i roast these here brothers, i will split with both of ,in the name of Oden".We allowed him and we all sat at the bonfire.His name was Aksel.He didn't have a title but he was called Aksel the Haile.It means Aksel the Mighty.He comes from a land far far away and he only seeks a way back.As we are the meat he gave us, he warned us about the trolls in the area.He said that he managed to kill 5 on his own but he had to run away.There we're also werewolfs and infected ones.We asked him about the hunters graveyard and he told us that it's probably the best place to go now.He took the rest of his stuff and left.He didn't really say goodbye, he just stood up and left.With his warning, i decided to go straight to bed.Pinocchio on the other hand decided to guard us for the night.I fell asleep quite fast.I had a dream about a perfect world where everyone is equal.I owned a tailor shop where everyone was buying clothes.I had a beautiful wife and a daughter, they were both so lovely.I could even hear her calling me."Johan,oh Johan…",and so on."JOHAN ,GET UP FOR FUCKS SAKE,WERE BEING ATTACKED".I got up as fast as i could and saw Pinocchio fighting two trolls at the time.One came right behind me but i managed to evade his attack.Some wolfs started to bark at us as well.Pinocchio and i got back to back, prepared for the worst."You know,Johan,maybe this didn't last so long.But god damn it,for the first time in my life i felt what it means to have a friend".As he said that i started to cry and shiver."Thank you for showing me what a friend is Johan,thank you for giving me hope in this world".As he finished his sentence,a troll jammed a brick into Pinocchios chest.Picking him up and throwing him into a tree.I pierced his head with my sword but it was to late.Pinocchio was already dead.I ran towards his body, holding it on my knees.Trolls right behind me, getting ready to rip to shreds.I didn't care anymore,all i saw was my own tears on Pinocchios face.That's when i saw it.A werewolf who looked like a human.By the look of it, it had a red hood on its head and overalls on it.It ripped the trolls and other wolfs to shreds in a second.Once the were killed, some kind of smoke started to appear from its body.The were wolf turned into a small girl.

She got up and ran towards us."I know a man who can fix him,i really do".She tried to take him but i i moved quickly."Listen you monster,don't you dare touch him.I will kill you myself".She started to cry after that."I am not monster…i just want to help you two".She started to sob and scream ,covering her face with her hands.

"What is your name, red hooded girl".She moved her hands away ."I'm Dorothy…".I managed to form a smile and look at her.

"Well then ,Dorothy,if you can really fix him,i will trust you with his and my life".Her face turned into a brightest smile.She took Pinocchio and told me to wait her here,in the morning she will come back with Pinocchio fixed.She hugged me and thanked me for trusting her.

She left as fast as she came,leaving only her bag behind.

"So i'm all alone…again"