


pheonix_dragon · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

8. Phase-2 Begins.

I was one of the first applicant to pass the and I exited the state of Zetsu*.

We were in the Visca forest.

There was still some time before the second phase of the exam started. The applicants started to appear one ofter other. Each applicants used their own methods reaching here. But majority of us reached here by following Satotz.No more than 75 applicants made it this phase.

During the first phase of the exam Killua mentions how boring the exam is. But boring exam to him has trimmed down the number of applicants from 1 million to 75.

'Can I be considered one in a million talent now' I thought to boost my ego a little, but i knew that I am one in a million of ordinary people not extraordinary who have learnt Nen*.

If you really consider the last year version of me I would be in that millions of loosers. Think about it, hardwork can even make a Donkey, the Horse.' Hah, I unknowingly made a statement that I didn't follow in my previous life probably wouldn't have followed even in this world if I didn't know how terryfing the abilities the Nen* masters have, even an enhanced paper is enough to cut through the metal, not mention abilities like teleportation, where you can get in and out of a place without anyone noticing'.

'Comming to this world was kind of good that changed my life in a positive way, It was really a boring rince and repeat livelyhood I had in my last life'. I was thinking things to pass my time untill the next phase begins and coincidentally happen to see Hisoka bringing Leorio on his back.

' I totally forgot about them while I was focused on passing the first phase, I think due me in the state of Zetsu* even they took notice of me slipping away' I approached Leorio's side to check on him and I don't know what changes my involvement has brought them due to my interaction with them. I was still taking this as a game a little.

' I should stop thinking of them as characters and plot, they are as real as me' I approached Leorio with a worried look.

" He is fine, he's just knocked out" Hisoka replies with his usual smirk seeing my worried look.

I checked up on him just to be sure and he was really knocked out. seeing that I was checking Leorio, Hisoka walks away from us to where he is going.

The starting time for the second phase is approaching soon. I can see Satotz looking at his wrist watch.

I was looking towards the forest and I saw Kurapika and Gon appearing to the site. I waved at them signaling them to come towards me. They approached me with a relieved look on their face seeing Leorio and me are fine.

Even though I know what happebed, I asked them why was Leorio carried by Hisoka. they explained to me what had happened. I was relieved that nothing major has happened and little bruises that were shown in the anime were not so little and it should be expected the anime doesn't show serious injuries and gore scenes earlier in the show to make it look children friendly.

"Everyone the the first phase of the hunter exam is now completed. And the second phase is going to take place here in Visca forest farm" Satotz announces and leaves from the exam site.

As soon as he left the gaint gates behind us starts to open.

Inside there was a big mansion with a large lawn , there were kitchen appliances that are kept for all 75 of the participants.

Infront of the mansion there were two people were sitting one of them is a girl wearing some reveling dress and other person is a giant of atleast 10ft height.

"I am Menchi and this is Buhara, we are gourmet hunters, and the proctors for the second phase of the exam" the girl introduces both of them.

Some of the ignorant participants starts to laugh about the proctors being gourmet hunters.

"Your task for this phase is cook food that satisfies our cravings" Menchi announces the task to be completed by us to pass the second phase

"Cooking, what should we have to cook" some asked Menchi.

"Buhara" Menchi replied.

"Pork" Buhara yells exitedly.

"pork?" the participants repeat after Buhara.

"Yes, you have to prepare a dish made-up of any species of pig found in the Visca forest" Buhara replies.

After hearing the requirements everybody rushes out to the forest to catch a pig for cooking.

"Any species you say, you know there is only one species of pig in Visca forest" Menchi tells Buhara in a questioning tone.

"You said I can pick the ingridents. I hope they survive" Buhara replies with a smirk on his face.

~in the forest~

We were searching for the pigs for a while now, we didn't even managed to spot one pig.

As we continue to search, I see that Gon started to slide down a small slope followed by Killua, Leorio and Kurapika, I remembered that it is the place where they found the pig. I also slide along with them.

"Hey, what's the matter?, why did you stop?" Killua questions Gon because Gon stopped abruptly in the middle of sliding.

Gon points towards a direction and says "I found them".

We turn to see the giant pigs munching on bones. The pigs turns towards us and started marching towards wildly. we started to run towards where the other participants are.

we were running towards them and seeing giant stamped comming towards them others starts to run away, some even tried to attack the pigs but the pigs just shrugged them off with their snout like the attack meant nothing to them.

I was running from them like a crazy because of the large grou of pigs I didn't get a chance to attack them. After making some distance between the pigs and me, I thought how stupid of me to think that just by knowing its weakness I can defeat them, there are various factors that are affecting a battle between individuals and not just physical strength.

"These pigs are called The Great Stomp. they have thick skin and developed a very tough snout to protect their weakness, the forehead" I tell everyone their weakness comming to a realisation and the weakness is not a big deal that I should keep it a secret, they would find it eventually as we are running from the pigs together.

After hearing the weakness, the first one to take action was Gon as the pig chasing him hit the tree giving him a opportunity.

I made some distance from the pig, turned around and unsheathing my sword and wait for the pig to approach me.

I held the sword infront of me and took a deep breath, the pig approached me and was obout to ram into me. I took a step to my left at the last moment giving the pig no chance to react and slashed down my sword behind the pig's snout and killing it in the process.

I turned around to see how everyone is doing.

Everyone also got to catch the pig because I exposed the it's weakness.

Carrying the pigs over our head, we head to the mansion to start cooking, as everyone was in a hurry to pass the second phase.