
Its-a me, WaaahLuigi !

I died. How you ask ?

Well. I was sperging out about losing a match in CS:GO and burst a nerve. The doctors declared it ten hours later. Brain aneurysm.

Next thing I knew was a thrum. Warmth. Then pulsations. Something was pulling at me.

Pfuaaah! I gasped, my breath stung and seared.

And I cried out.


And thus began my new life.

Being a baby is a difficult task. Unable to control my motion, having no inhibitions or agency, and worst of all, being unable to form cohesive thoughts.

It was hell. Thankfully, it was comfortably in the past for me now. I had been born in a lower middle class family in Dolle Harbor in the April of 1983. And now, at the age of 3, here I was. Yorknew city. In the United States of Saherta. The land of milk and honey. And apparently, mafia as well. Here for the first time I realized. This wasn't the earth I knew and I wasn't in Kansas anymore. Originally I had thought I was just in some weird African country. But no, nope, iya da.This was the world of magical beasts, world altering dangers, wish granting parasites and psychopathic nen monsters. This was the world of Hunter x Hunter.


As I reached my new house, in the slums outside Yorknew city, my calm facade began to crack, leaving me hunched over my desk.

I began to panic, my chest seizing as overpowering waves of nausea and fear hit me like fucking truck-kun hits a trash isekai protagonist.

"Alright! ALRIGHT! BREATHE IN, BREATHE OUT. Breathe in, breathe out. Let's calm down. It's not that bad.I can always just hide away in some godforsaken corner of the world. I am not going to die. I am NOT going to die again." I said to myself as I let out a deep breath.

Resolve built up in my eyes I formed a conviction in my heart.

I was a failure in my past life. But this new life? I was going to live this life like it's no one's business. And I'll live it my way. By hook or by crook.

But first I'll need a plan. And I'll need the most important thing in this world. I'll need Nen.

If its 1986 right now, then the plot doesn't begin until 1998.

Since I'm 3 years old now, I can't stop the Kurta clan massacre of 1993. I need to be practical about this.

I doubt I can fight the Chimera Ants either. So I need to get my hands on a Poor Man's Rose, the tactical dirty nuke of this world.

For that I'll need money. The easiest way to get money would be to participate in the Heavens Arena. But there I'll be bodied before I can say banana bread.

So I need an easier source of money. Where can I get it?


Oh! I know. Battera. That's the man. He'll be willing to part with a couple billion jenny for the secret to complete the game and save his wife. After all he was willing to pay 50 billion jenny for a game clear. That's it. I have a plan.

I go to my desk and pull out a sheet of paper.

Time to get plotting.

1. Get some money from Battera.

2. Learn Nen.

3. Train my body to at least Killua's level at the beginning of the manga.

4. Get some preventative measures against Kakin nen curses.

5. Kill Chrollo Lucilfer. He is a major threat to my existence.

6. Destroy the Chimera Ants.

7. Become immortal using Nitro rice.