
Hunter x Hunter : Germain Joins The Hunt

Cleaver, firearm, lanterns... those who understand the darkness ahead but still venture into the unknown are called "Hunters." Monsters, rare beasts, magical lands, treasures, disasters—the eastern coast has been mapped, but the nearly unknown western coast is known as the "Dark Continent." A team of four hunters is about to journey directly into this strange, terrifying, yet alluring Dark Continent. Their means of travel? Teleportation activated through special lanterns. Their only hope for a safe return rests with the greatest hunter in history, Germain. He has an unusual array of traits—greed for money, kleptomania, a love for hoarding wealth, and a massive appetite. He can switch from torturing his teammates to extolling the virtues of bravery in an instant. Together, these hunters will face the untold horrors of the Dark Continent, relying on Germain's unpredictable yet expert guidance. ********* I will upload this story regularly. So if you like this fanfic, just add to collection and read it. ******** Link to Raw chapters https://www.69shu.pro/book/57873.htm *********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/Unique_Writer

Nobody2NoBody · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Chapter 37 : Lovely Ghostwriter!!

"Take your time to think about it," Germain said, glancing at the pocket watch he'd pulled from his hunter's coat.

"I have other things to deal with, so I'll head out first. I'll be in Yorknew City for the next two or three days, and you have my contact information," he continued.

"Where are you going?" asked Shizuku, curiosity in her voice.

"I'd rather not say," Germain replied. He stood up from the swivel chair at the internet café, took back his hunter's license, and shut down the computer. 

"Just contact me once you've made a decision," he added before leaving quietly, careful not to disturb Shizuku, who'd closed her eyes and crossed her arms as if deep in thought.

Later that night, around nine o'clock, Germain found himself at an auction house. The walls were a rich burgundy, the crystal chandeliers glittered, and the floors gleamed. The front desk receptionist greeted Germain with a warm smile.

He'd spent the entire afternoon exploring half of Yorknew City, comparing three auction houses that catered exclusively to hunters. Finally, he settled on the one that felt the most suitable.

The appraiser, noticing that Germain was a hunter, quickly examined the "Eye of the Lord of Crows." The baseball-sized eyeball, encased in a glass jar filled with a special solution, seemed to emit an ominous aura. 

The appraiser wore rubber gloves to touch it, but after briefly handling it, he promptly returned it to the jar, not wanting to risk any further contact.

"Sir, I have two suggestions for you," the appraiser said as he removed his gloves. "Would you prefer the safe auction route, or are you looking to sell it quickly for cash?"

Germain asked, "Can you tell me the pros and cons of each option?"

The appraiser nodded and explained. "The auction route is safe and stable, with plenty of bidders, which often leads to higher prices. However, the process takes time and involves various fees before you can receive your payment."

"How long does it usually take?" Germain asked.

"It'll take at least half a month, if not longer," the appraiser replied. "Sometimes things don't go smoothly, so it's not unusual for it to take a month or two."

Germain couldn't afford to wait that long, so he asked again, "What about the other option?"

"If you want to sell quickly, we can introduce the item to a few private clients who might be interested," the appraiser explained. "The advantage is that the process is fast, but the downside is that the price is based entirely on what the client is willing to pay."

"How quickly can a quick sale be completed?"

"There are a few potential clients in Yorknew City," the appraiser said. "If they're interested, it's not uncommon for them to pay on the spot."

Germain thought for a moment before deciding to go with the quick resale option.

"Please contact the client in Yorknew City."

"Sure, please wait a moment."

The appraiser took out his phone and snapped several photos of the item from different angles. After sending them, he made a call.

Following a brief conversation, the appraiser hung up and said, "Someone from the Nostrade family will be coming by to take a look. Please wait."

"The Nostrade family? Who are they?"

The appraiser looked surprised. He hadn't expected Germain to be unfamiliar with such a well-known family.

To prevent Germain from making a faux pas, the appraiser explained, "They're a Mafia family that's been gaining a lot of attention lately. They just happened to be passing through Yorknew City, and they're also in the market for the eyes of wild beasts, magical beasts, or rare creatures."

"I've heard that the head of the family's daughter is incredibly accurate with her divinations. She probably has some kind of 'Nen' ability, right? Even the 'Ten Dons' trust her divinations," he added.

"The family head has been expanding the Nostrade family's influence step by step, largely thanks to his daughter's divinations and the trust she has from the 'Ten Dons.'"

"The Nostrade family," "daughter," "divination"... German felt these words connect. He nodded confidently, knowing he was on the right track.

It was ten in the evening when the Nostrade family finally showed up. They arrived with more than a dozen bodyguards dressed in black, leading a middle-aged man and a young girl with long blue hair, who clung to the man affectionately.

The appraiser invited them to take a seat on the sofa, presenting a glass jar with an eyeball floating in liquid. It was labeled "One Eye of the Lord of Crows."

Light, the head of the Nostrade family, turned to his bodyguard, Dalzollene, with a slight nod. Dalzollene stepped forward, picked up the glass jar, examined it briefly, then carefully placed it back on the table before bowing to Light.

"Boss, this eyeball does contain a potent 'curse,' just like the description," Dalzollene confirmed.

Light's furrowed brow eased with relief. But the girl next to him, Neon, wasn't as impressed. She scrunched her face in a pout, clearly unimpressed.

"These aren't human eyes," she complained. "I like collecting human organs. If it was the 'Scarlet Eyes of the Kurta Clan,' that would be so much cooler."

Neon crossed her arms and stood defiantly. Light, her father, tried to calm her.

"Neon, it's hard to find 'Scarlet Eyes' these days," Light explained. "I hear most of them are in the hands of the fourth prince of the Kakin royal family."

Neon sighed, then relented. "Yeah, I know, Dad. I'm not a kid anymore. There's no way our family can compete with a prince when it comes to wealth..."

"Good, I'm glad you understand," Light said, sounding reassured. "But don't worry, for your birthday this year, I'll get you something special—a rare human organ for your collection."

Neon cheered with glee, "Really? That's amazing! Thanks, Dad! I love you so much!"

Her father, Light, laughed along with her, clearly caught up in his daughter's excitement.

Germain, standing nearby, couldn't care less about the heartwarming scene unfolding in front of him. He was more focused on his "Eye of Lord of Crows" business—specifically, how many "Jenny" he could make from selling the "One Eye."

Light's gaze shifted back to the table where a peculiar eyeball rested. He seemed indifferent to Germain's attitude and spoke in a hushed tone to Dalzollene, the family's trusted advisor.

"Neon's divination poem pointed us toward this eyeball. Are you sure this is it?" Light asked quietly.

It turned out that the Nostrade family's detour through Yorknew City wasn't just by chance. It was because Neon, using her "Lovely Ghostwriter," had predicted something that led them here.

Neon's "Specialization Type Nen ability" allowed her to divine someone's future within a month, which she conveyed through poetic verses.

"Yes," Dalzollene replied, also lowering his voice. "The 'place where treasures gather' likely refers to Yorknew City, and the 'terrible beast's pupil' is probably this eyeball."

Light thought for a moment, then asked, "So, if I spend a fortune to 'water more blood' and buy this eyeball, the 'flower in the palm' won't wither, right?"

Dalzollene glanced over at Neon, who was still basking in her excitement, then nodded. "That seems to be the case."

Light stared at the eyeball for a bit longer before making his decision. He turned to Germain and said, "I'm willing to pay 100 million Jenny for it. Of course, I'll cover any additional intermediary fees."


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