
Chapter 5: Housing

"So, what's your name?"

Gon asks, I look at the board. This is the first time I've seen something like this. Taking the chalk, the letters mother taught me flood into my head. I scribble on the board. Looking up, I hold out what it says.


"Hello Esther, I'm Gon. Hope we can be friends."

(Me to.)

"How old are you?"


"I'm 5 too!"

Gon continues to ask questions, I answer them. Then the sound of the door opening makes both of us look up.

"Aunt Mito, you're back!"

"Yes, I'm back. Seems it took longer than I thought. So how's your little friend?"

"He's great. He has just answered about where he came from. Some place called cage, I've never heard of it. Have you?"

Aunt Mito's face falters. She looks at great grandmother, great grandmother sighs. She looks at my face, I have a blank stare. Aunt Mito smiles. She walks to a chair and sits down.

"No, I've never heard of it."

"Oh, it seems finding your home is gonna be much more harder than I thought."

I look down with a sad face. Just thinking about how mother is still laying down at the old house makes me sad. Then I remember about the house burning. My heart pounds, I clutch my chest. Gon and the others quickly try to help me.

"Aunt Mito! What's wrong with Esther?"

Aunt Mito takes a moment to realize that's my name.

"I'm not sure Gon, go outside and gather some water. I'll take Esther to rest on the bed."

Gon runs outside. Aunt Mito takes me into Gon's room. She lays me on the bed.

"Don't worry, you'll feel better after resting for a bit."

I'm still clutching my chest. The pain, visibly on my face. Aunt Mito seems anxious. She sits near me, probably to wait for me to go to sleep. I do just that, my eyes feel heavy as they close. Sometimes, I'd wake up to their talking. Bits and pieces I remember.

I wake up to the lighting of the moon hitting my face. The sounds of Aunt Mito telling Gon to tell the truth makes me sit up. I over hear their conversation.

"I found a baby foxbear which got separated from its mother. When I tried to catch him, he scratched me."

"…Alright. You may come in."

I can hear Gon entering the house, Aunt Mito speaks as he walks inside.

"We have to take care of those scratches before a meal."


The sound of footsteps approach the room. I stare at the door as it slowly opens. Gon peeks through the door.

"You're awake! How do you feel?"

Gon enters the room, he walks towards the bed. I give a small smile in response.

"You know, you had us worried Esther. We didn't know what happened to you."

I look down, clutching the cover.

"But now you're alright. You must be hungry. We'll eat in a bit after Aunt Mito treats my scratches."