
Hunter X Hunter: Dungeon Mobs System

Hiruma, a twelve-year-old street-trained, eccentric, and abandoned child, is killed by a gas explosion caused by his carelessness. He awakens prisoner in the body of an eight-year-old. In a homicide-trained home where the masters secure their children's “brilliant” futures through bodily suffering and emotional wringing. — From his recently adopted wanker lifestyle to the whetting, dehumanizing, and gloomy power at his disposal… — The upsetting change, the nightmarish contrast, was an obvious extreme. However, the boy soon became aware of a critical issue: how was he to carve out his own free road when the dark path he should take appeared to have already been mapped out by those around him? After all, his hybrid “RPG-like system,” which could elicit sexual interest and mutual trust in creatures other than actual monsters, appeared to have spared him the gifts of coincidence and powerful magic.

Shinpachi_Shimura · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Hiruma's pensiveness and double escorts

Hiruma had the cheeky and hesitant notion of returning home and doing something with his new spell Zoom*. But he restrained himself from doing exactly what he was thinking.

Honestly, as long as he trained his perception to a certain point with the Zoom spell, he didn't need to be a Zoldyck anymore if he stopped desiring to be one. However, he liked Killua, Kalluto, and a few other individuals and benefits from his killer's home.

With his turn-based combat skills, he hadn't considered leaving home as much as he has recently… After all, his turn-based combat was riddled with problems. While he could use it to flee with strong perception, it would take up a lot of his spare time.

Time went slowly in the Seashore City Hotel.

Late in the afternoon.

Hiruma returned to his room after receiving his entire course on the Nen of Transmutation from Tsubone, which also featured its potent and helpful Aura applications. Not without the knowledge of rubber and gum added to his informed, anime-watching mind. Hiruma was eager to meet Hisoka and make friends with him one day.

When he returned to his quarters, he realized that neither he nor his monster units required Hatsus, owing to Tsubone mentioning something not necessarily linked to Transmutation. At the very least, the four categories of Specialization, Emission, Transmutation, and Enhancement.

With the talents from the Franchises he was about to obtain, he and his monsters from these four Nen departments didn't need to ponder about intricate tactics.

Hiruma only needed to consider Hatsus for his Manipulator and Conjurer troops. This applied not only to Conjurer and Manipulator units, but also to those who would build links with his system and earn classes, people such as Tsubone.

For example, the Fencing Fox, a Transmuter, merely needed to learn a low-level detonation spell or any other elemental magic to become a future Nen force.

The Emitter Stone Golem only had to utilize Emission because of the Buff* skill, which increased stamina and toughness. With his 80% affinities for Enhancement and Manipulation, he was free to perform other intriguing and easy things with his Buff talent if he chose to.

After being fed monster flesh from monsters caught by Hiruma, several of his monsters had already acquired abilities that were suitable for them. A couple of them were compatible with the Buff the Stone Golem discovered in this manner. Such as the Mole or the Healslime, the latter of whom already possessed a decent natural ability before being captured: Heal.

Speaking of the Mole, this underground, undercover creature with a shovel was quite exciting to have. This was especially true given its proclivity for manipulation. He was going to walk the path Hiruma had imagined for Kalluto…

Hiruma's other scout and support types were both Enhancers, which would compensate for their previous and now-gone weakness in close combat. Dracky and the Healslime were two flying monsters. They both had control over not only the air, but also the suction and distribution of energy. They were still weak, but Hiruma could already predict their future strength and utility.

Done making plans, when the time came to check out of the Hotel, Hiruma walked out of the room.

He had time to reflect and re-ask about the strange, eerie advice the old Tsubone had given him. But, blithe about his future as a law-breaking, luck-pulling, and misfortune-tracing transmigrator, he left his room when the time came to board the sea-crossing ship.

He was unconcerned. Perhaps the world had secrets and plans for him, but so did he for it and everyone in it.



At the same time.

At the port, two women, both of whom appeared to be in their late twenties, were disembarking from a ship.

The first was a stunning woman with bright-green eyes and dark pink hair braided into a long braid that stood upright, with many strands falling on her brow. She also wore pink lipstick, long light pants, and a sleevless tank top that showed off a lot of her gleaming body and arms.

The second, who had a strangely similar look, had short orange hair, tiny eyes, and a bigger bosom. She was dressed in a blue tank top, huge gray trousers with a belt, and leather boots.

As they stepped off the ship to stretch their legs, the orange-haired Asta warned her younger cousin Baise,

"I would rather not keep reminding, but you realize the importance of this work for me with Enrich, don't you Baise? I can't imagine how long I'll have to wait for another chance at Greed Island if you screw up this time."

Baise, the youngest by a few years, immediately responded, wearily stretching her legs and capturing, willowy physique,

"Calm down, Asta. Isn't it simply escorting two hitmen to that simpleton's mansion? They may be experts at spilling blood, but I'm also a shielder hunter… I know you're concerned about the way I guard people, but what can I do? If you ask me, my Hatsu is fantastic. Didn't you always say that the finest Hatsus come from desire? I love men's attention and am quite adept at garnering it."

Asta sighed, her arms folded over her large boobs, and stated,

"How many times do I have to repeat it? The two we're looking for aren't your average hitmen. If you do anything that they despise, it is possible that not only the job, but even our heads, will be miscarried…"