
Hunter x Hunter: Burning Desire

Dude transmigrated into hxh with an interesting nen ability

Jaquaviontavious · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Polarization Theorem

November 15th, 1984

1:59 AM

Performances at the Royal Glam House are held inside the hotel's main hall, which can seat over 100 thousand people. The stage there, more so anywhere else in Glam Gas Land, is grandest.

Success on that stage guarantees your ability to entertain anywhere in the world. Performances here are also attended by the current head of the Glam clan, the supreme authority of the land. Applause from him is the highest form of praise. Equivalent to being recognized worldwide.

That day….the performance of the Moritonio troupe received unbridled applause.

"DAMN! You guys are the best!" The obese man cheered as drinks were raised. "TIME TO DRINK, TILL WE DROP!" His voice echoed through the marketplace from a rented table. "For you, Menchi, Juice." He chuckled at Menchi's rolling eyes.

"Wait! Where is Moritonio and Hisoka?!" A random voice of the troupe called out.

"Who knows…the toilet?"

"What would they be doing in the toilet together?"

"Is he a 'kiddie tickler'?" Voices sounded out, randomly answering and asking questions.

The voices all meshed together for Menchi. An uneasy feeling overcame her. 'Where is master?' She asked herself.


"John Doe." The great rumbling of the Masked man came forth. Moritonio showed no surprise at the calling.

"Jogo. Member of the 'Iron Mountain Gakki'." He recited back towards the masked man. "I wondered when you'd catch on."

Moritonio couldn't see it but Jogo's eyebrow rose barely an inch. "Catch on?-" he voice made him seem perplexed. "I knew it was you from the start. There was no need to catch on." His rope bindings blew in the dust infested wind.

The troupe leader took a cold tone, absolutely unfeeling to anything. "And yet, you've been here for 4 months. Not doing your job, not protecting the troupe. You're a hunter….why didn't you do your job?"

Extremely, earth-shatteringly, unreasonably, fuck-ass mad. The only words that could explain Mori's level of rage. Contrasts between himself and the Mountain of Iron flowed through his mind. Images of Moritonio failing in Hunter Exam. Images of September, 1966, some bulbous nose 12 year old kid came to mind. Some kind of pathetic rookie crusher he crowned himself to be.

Let it be known, Mori is more than a little sensitive when comes to Hunters. "My job wasn't for the caravans protection, but for John Doe's summary execution." Jogo corrected. His shoulders rolled before his thick hands clenched and popped each meta-carpal and carpal. "Dragging this out causes contractors to get more nervous than they already are. This causes incentives such as a pay bump to motivate me further. When I fist got the call for your head, you were 760 million jenny. Now, since even a hunter has 'trouble' finding you, you're 1.8 billion." He explained to the performer. "Its just business."

Moritonio's only response to that was to flare Hatsu, he held a stern expression, not at all confident he could kill Jogo without going serious.

His nen spawned 5 small pillars. 'Magnetic pillars.' Jogo observed as the steel plating on the troupe leader's boots shook with the activation. 'So he transmutes his aura into magnetic pillars.'

"You think you can kill me?" The older man's haughty voice called out as his boots stuck to one of the pillars, rising into the air. "Ill crush you!" The remaining 4 pillars soared towards the stalwart hunter.


The impact against the ground erupted a white dust. "Hmph, pathe-" Mori's face lit up in surprise at the scene in front of him. Jogo's body was pierced by the pillars, each deep into his body but there was no blood. Instead Magma seeped from the 8 huge holes in his body. "What?" He asked nobody.

Jogo retaliated, his right arm letting out a flicker jab, to fast for Mori's eyes to track.

He felt a piece of himself go numb, as it it being lost or disappearing. Moritonio couldn't tell where though. Perhaps it was when he realized his vision went dark on his left eye, he noticed. His hand went to inspect the area yet felt nothing but warm liquid drip to his hand.

He felt another part of him disappear. This time it was obvious, his hand, atleast most of its skin and bones flowed from its foundation, lava covering it, still melting it. "Heh." He chuckled to himself before plummeting to the ground landing like deadweight.


2:05 AM

Jogo POV

That was anticlimactic. I expected somewhat of a fight not a brief back and forth. Anyway, the job was done. I paced to the mans body, half of his head was missing, product of a magma missile. Incredibly fast even to experienced nen users.

But that was me. A walking natural disaster, able to change the battlefield to whatever I wanted, heat and the earth beneath me were my playthings. But that came with a cost, my powers were fueled by my anger. The more rage in my heart, the hotter my magma burns. This meant I was liable to making mistakes a calm-headed person wasn't. But that was a trade I was willing to take.

I pulled out a phone. A smartphone despite it being 1984, differences between worlds. HxH was somehow more and less advanced than my past world. Smartphones and a bomb so compact that it could be implanted in the heart and blew up like a nuke. Yet people rode in blimps and wooden boats.

So far I only had 2 contacts in it.

'Teradein Neutral'

'Mr. Gigante'

I clicked on the first. 3 rings and he picked up.

[Ahhh, Mr. Jogo! How are you?]

"Im fine. The jobs done, sending evidence of the killer's identity now." I clicked on the audio file that contained me confronting Moritonio on it. "There."

I waited a couple seconds before he replied.

[ Very good. I knew I saw something in you the moment I laid my eyes on you, Jogo, you're on your way to becoming a 1 star already! Ill have to tell the Crime Hunters the case is closed.] Teradein was an enigmatic man.

First time I saw him, I was on a blimp to the Matchian Continent to participate in Heaven's Arena. He approached me out of the blue on the blimp and asked me if I have what it takes to be a Hunter. Of course I had my mask on so he couldn't see my slight surprise of a Canon character showing up on this blimp to Heaven's Arena.

He tried to go for a Military recruitment strat, he switched to a 'if you become a hunter you can basically do whatever you want to do, go wherever you want to go, make a bunch of money, fight strong opponent's, you name' approach after his former got him nowhere.

I learned later that what he was doing was his job. He's Head Hunter, a type of Hunter who specialize in discovering and cultivating new talents, as well as connecting Blacklist and Jackpot Hunters to potential jobs.

You could say he was my 'handler.'

"Tell the client to send the money." I spoke to him over the phone. I heard an exasperated sigh before my phone chirped.


My bank account lit up. From 160 Jenny, which means im broke as shit, to 1.8 billion jenny, which means im rich as…..just rich.

[I hope to do more business with you in the future, Jogo, so professional!]

"You too."

(That's 18 million in USD.)