
Hunter x Hunter: Burning Desire

Dude transmigrated into hxh with an interesting nen ability

Jaquaviontavious · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Onicronium Machinatious Folirdal

February 12th, 1985

1:00 PM

He first noticed the layout. The entrace to the blimp was spacious. It was filled with personalized trophies, heads of abstract creatures and lost treasures. "You're a Collection Hunter?" Jogo deduced as he took in the sights of his personal blimp.

"Heehhe-" Beyond chuckled to himself. "How'd you know?" He asked sarcastically. "Im surprised you even know what that is, kid."

Jogo simply nodded before looking around. "The job?"

Beyond nodded to himself before pulling out a brochure and tossing it to the rookie hunter. His eyes scanned the words upon the page, his eyes lingering on a picture of a vaguely familiar face.

"The kid?-" he looked to Beyond. "He's the job?"

"You're to protect him as he does his work."

Jogo nodded before noticing something. "There's no name."

"Yep, I gave him his name on the way here over the phone." Beyond looked a little sheepish at his words.

"He's from Meteor City?" Jogo guessed.

"He's from Meteor City." Beyond confirmed.

"So…whats his name?"

"Pariston Hill."

Jogo's unseen eyebrows shot to his nonexistent hairline. The kid in the photo looked way different yet somehow familiar to his future self. He noted the kids black hair and completely emotionless eyes. Wait….not emotionless.

Just complete apathy towards everything but himself.

The type to do anything and everything no matter the cost to survive and thrive.

A psychopath completely uncaring to anything.

A genius if this brochure is correct.

"You know, Teredein pointed me towards you, kid? A Rookie Hunter." Beyond spoke as he broke Jogo outnof his mind. "You could say im recruiting special talent."

"Talent for what?"

"Talent to survive." He said a little darkly before going on. "Im building a team, an idea, to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight so they could ensure Humanity's survival."

The masked man considered the words carefully. His mind went to a certain species of insect from this world.

Beyond watched him carefully, even though he couldn't see his face he could still read his body.

"How powerful would you expect their enemies to be?" Jogo asked as he looked into the larger mans eyes, they shown with amusement.

Beyond chuckled first, just like when he had first met him but this one was different. It wasn't filled with lightheartedness but instead filled with desperation, and madness.

"Well....have you ever heard of 'The Dark Continent'?"


5:50 PM

Meteor City

Some call it the Shadowlands, others call it Gehenna or Dis.

Not much is known about the city as much of its information is shrouded in mystery. It is rumored to be at least 1500 years old, and to have been founded as an internment camp set up by a dictator. Since then, it has been a dumping ground for other countries.

'Most famous for the home of the future Phantom Troupe. A group of of thieves with Class-A bounties.' Jogo went over all the information of his next destination in his head. 'I wish I read the manga. I heard Hisoka was even killed by Chrollo.'

Currently they were taking a limo to Meteor City. Jogo reveled in the relative silence, It'd only last him until they get near Meteor City which would be a few more hours. 'The Phantom Troupe are all around Hisoka's age. That means they probably haven't formed yet.' He noted.

Jogo took in the two people that joined them. One was a rather large, robust woman. She had dark skin, a revealing leather outfit, rippling muscles, and full of scars all over her body. She wore an eye patch with sculpted like face gives off a delinquent boss vibe. She completely feels like a female amazon warrior from some fantasy story.


A Few Hours Ago

"Nice to meet you Jogo, im Ghislaine, Double-Star Beast Hunter." She shook his hand stiffly.



'I think it was, Ghislaine?'

Jogo moved on to the other stranger, the one driving the car.

He was a tall man, not as tall as Jogo, with spiky brown hair and sharp dark eyes. He wore a dust brown peacoat over a white dress shirt with a jade necktie, black pants, and black shoes. Interestingly, he carried a katana along with him.


A Few Hours Ago

"Yo, Im Kusakabe, Single-Star Problem Hunter." He greeted from the drivers seat.



"Checking out your coworkers?" Beyond teased from beside him. The woman narrowed her eyes at the older man for his words before switching to Jogo, carefully scrutinizing every detail of him.

"You said this kid is a rookie?" She spoke to Beyond. "Why's he here then?"

"He's more than enough for this mission, Ghislaine." He looked to Jogo before returning to the woman. "She's a Conjurer and Kusakabe's a Manipulator." He mouthed off, shocking everyone in the car at the blatant statement.

"What the hell!" The driver stated before his furious face peered at Beyond through the mirror. "Why'd-"

"To lighten the mood a bit?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Jogo here is a Transmuter. Although what he transmutes his aura into is unknown to me." The aforementioned man stared at Beyond unimpressed at his large mouth.

"We're here." The driver sighed in exasperation, completely tired of the drive and Beyond's antics.