

Chapter 17

Title: Drugs!?!?


-Mikasa POV-

When I asked him about his Hatsu, sensei just smiled at me and conjured a pair of glasses on his face, then he said softly with an amused tone to his voice. "These glasses allow me to see information about my opponent… and a lot of other miniscule things…"

Wow… uhhh... that is… kind of underwhelming. Afterall Sensei is so strong physically and his Aura is VERY powerful. But an ability like that sounds more oriented towards support than combat.

Sensei looks at me with a knowing look on his face, as if he already knows what I am thinking. "I know it might not seem powerful but Nen battles are more complicated than just raw power, so since I already have enough raw power I choose this one to help me determine my opponent's power."

And like always even though I always have my normal face with no expression…  Sensei is able to tell what I am thinking. But still though, I am definitely nor having a Hatsu like that. I need the raw power, not the efficiency that sensei needs.


And just like that after some time Sensei decided to register us both for the Heavens Arena.

Sensei went first to fight on the 1st floor and Sensei's opponent was a guy with muscles like a swimmer but… as soon as he saw Sensei he immediately gave up and then when the Referee noticed that Sensei had been here before he immediately sent Sensei to the 150th floor. With that me and Sensei will not have to fight against each other since our floors will be too far apart.

Then comes my fight, my opponent seems like a skinny guy wearing a tracksuit, he seems around his twenties with brown hair and brown eyes.... When he sees me he gets a complicated look on his face and he says to the referee.

"Uhhh… fighting a kid… I am not really comfortable…"

The referee just frowns at him, and says. "This is your opponent… you either fight or you give up the fight."

Then my skinny opponent just frowns back, but instead of anger, it's more like annoyance. "No it's okay… I will fight."

As soon as the referee announced us to begin fighting.

 I immediately charge towards him with a punch ready to meet his face. He just dodges and jumps back then I go after him again and punch him. He blocks my punch with his palm. I send a kick towards his  legs but he jumps up and dodges, he does a backflip and while moving backwards.


-Jax (MC) POV-

And after a minute or so I notice that Mikasa's opponent still hasn't thrown one attack at her, probably because she was a child or some sense of kindness like that.

Anyway I notice that he slips on the stage and falls down and Mikasa is about to punch him in the face but she stops… just before her punch connected with his face.

And her opponent falls on his back and starts breathing heavily even after this little exercise, I put my glasses on and notice that her opponent seems to have… something strange about him… but I can't tell what it is yet…

Damn, can't these sh*tty glasses be a little more useful. I know I created them myself, but it mostly had the intention of finding talented individuals.


Then as Mikasa is allowed to move to the 10th floor for her fight I told her to go to my room in the tower of heaven and rest.

I decide to follow the guy, what I notice with my glasses is that he has a weak Vitality and below average Aura… but what really drew me to follow him is because even though it seemed like he had never been in a real fight and knew no martial arts but he was still able to keep up with Mikasa who trained with me for a couple months, which is pretty good. I also have this hunch that… things aren't as simple as they seem.

When I follow him in an alleyway and he takes off his jacket I see that… he has needle piercing marks all over his arms and I immediately know what is happening… so he does drugs. Well that is disappointing, I thought that he was special or something like that.

But… he could still have his uses. I immediately think of a plan. This could be either good, or fruitless endeavor if it doesn't work my way.


I immediately stealthily go behind him and…


I knock him out with a soft chop to his neck.  I put on his jacket, make a little cut on him, to taste his blood and see his talent. Though he is older than fifteen so the glasses aren't 100% accurate, his talent still doesn't seem to be that bad.

I put him on a piggyback, and I casually walk towards Heaven's Arena.

Lvl… 8 Nen Talent… that is lower than Mikasa but still one is a hundred thousand. Am I really this lucky to find a person like him around? But I guess that no normal person chooses to fight in the Heavens Arena.

Level 8, that will definitely help me on my plans. I have never been this lucky. But I guess that probabilities work in strange circumstances and that no normal person at such a young age comes to fight in Heaven's Arena.

Damn… did I expend all of my life's luck in finding him? I really hope not.


After some time I finish carrying him back to my Heavens Arena room in the tower. I see that Mikasa was here meditating while having her REN active… she truly is a hard working student.

Then I drop the guy that I was carrying on the ground and take off his shirt, then I pull out some needles and medicine from my first aid kit… and use SHU to run some Nen through the needle…

This guy's symptoms are: malnourishment, drug addiction, some bones that haven't healed correctly, and some more lower level internal injuries. If I don't heal those he will never be able to reach his peak of power.

Well then… let's start the procedure.

I start cutting him up and putting in place some old broken bones.

As soon as Mikasa sees what I was doing, I explain that I was helping him, but she still goes and rentz another room in the city. I guess she doesn't have the ability to stomach blood and organs... yet...

After putting his bones in place, tie his arm and muscles together, then I patch his arm up. I go towards his internal organs and first I cut some parts of his liver, they are infected, I also flushed his stomach… with the help of Nen and with my talent, my medical skills have gone to the top of this world. I could literally keep a cut off head alive if I have the necessary tools. I mean I mostly studied medicine as a dedication to my Hatsu, just like Netero did 10,000 punches. I spent five years studying medicine and even continue up till today. Anyway, I better keep my mind on the procedure.


After two hours the whole procedure is done and I patched him up. I even used some organic type of glue to keep his internal organs together, he will have to not overspend his body or he would die of internal bleeding if his surgeries open up.

Then after I take him out of his anesthesia, his eyes immediately opened and a trace of clear panic can be seen in them.








(What is the MC doing by gathering talented people like this… what is his plan… )

P.S: Mikasa is very devoted to the MC, she sees him as someone who saved her from starvation and hell...

P.P.S: Also soon the MC will start fighting other Nen users. 

P.P.S: The <Gamer> Hatsu doesn't exactly work as a game… just a reminder here. The whole ability is a condition to fuel the MC's Manipulation of body and soul. Also some people say that this ability is far stretched. Well in the manga there is an ability like the game too, and even an ability to revive themselves… so yeah.


pa treon.com/HolyJoker

(Also started another HxH story in there)

Soon it will get more exciting, I just need the MC to complete his Exp farming.😣

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