
Hunter x Hunter - Unlimited Abilities

A young man named Leonard awakens in the world of Hunter x Hunter, learning that he is a open prison named Black Island that is controlled by Kakin Empire, he will need to get out and take his freedom and understand what is happening to himself and why he is transmigrated into the world of Hunter x Hunter

Berat_Demirci · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Five Lords - Enemy Leader - Manipulator Ability

As the group gathered around in the main room, Alie stood in front of them, her expression serious. She glanced at each member before speaking.

"The most dangerous group we're up against is called the Five Lords," Alie began, her voice steady but heavy with the weight of the situation.

"Each of them is a combatant and a powerful Nen user. They control a lot of the outposts across the island, forcing people to work for them and gathering resources and information."

Leonard listened intently, sensing the tension in the room.

Alie's words painted a clear picture: these Five Lords weren't just another gang of thugs—they were highly organized, with deadly Nen abilities that rivaled anything the group could muster.

"They've been expanding their control," Alie continued.

"They have people under their thumb in most of the major outposts, and they've been trying to track down anyone who opposes them."

Tyron, who had been leaning against the wall, spoke up, his deep voice cutting through the air.

"I fought with one of them—Second Lord Nimafi. He's an enhancer like me, and his power... it's something else."

Tyron's face darkened as he recalled the encounter.

"He's strong. Real strong. His aura was almost overwhelming. I barely held my own against him, and that was only because we were interrupted."

Leonard could see the respect, and perhaps a bit of frustration, in Tyron's eyes as he spoke about Nimafi. If a fighter as tough as Tyron had difficulty, it meant Nimafi was a serious threat.

Alie nodded grimly.

"Nimafi isn't the only one. Each of the Five Lords is dangerous in their own right. We don't know much about all their abilities yet, but we do know they're all skilled combatants.

They've managed to stay at the top of the food chain on this island for a reason."

Leonard absorbed the information, feeling the gravity of their situation. The Five Lords.

If they were as strong as Alie and Tyron described, then confronting them directly was going to be a serious challenge.

And if Nimafi was an enhancer, Leonard knew he'd have to rely on more than brute strength if he ever faced him.

"It seems like these enemies should be at the levels of the 200s of Heavens Arena, most likely even higher, "Kastro Level," with more experience and suited abilities for them."

Leonard thought but said nothing.

"We need to stay out of their sights for now," Alie added. "But if we're going to make a real move to get off this island, we'll have to deal with them sooner or later."

Alie continued, her tone dropping as she mentioned the leader of the Five Lords. "The most dangerous of them all is the First Lord, their leader—Lodi."

The group remained silent, the name clearly carrying weight. Leonard could sense a shift in the room, an unspoken tension that hung in the air.

"I know Lodi from the outside world," Alie said, her voice steady but laced with something deeper—perhaps regret or bitterness. "He's a manipulator, and his Nen ability is called 'Loyalty From Heavens—My Soldiers.'

"It's an ability that lets him control people without them even realizing it."

Alie then draws a chart.

It gives all information she knows about ability.


Ability: Loyalty From Heavens—My Soldiers

Type:Manipulation (Nen) Description: Lodi earns the loyalty of individuals through genuine means—leadership, kindness, or shared goals. Once a person's loyalty reaches a certain threshold, Lodi gains control over their actions, making them follow his commands while believing it's their own choice.

Condition: Loyalty must be gained honestly (no direct manipulation or threats).

Effect: Once loyalty is achieved, the target willingly follows Lodi's commands without realizing they are being controlled.

Limitations: Lodi can only manipulate individuals whose loyalty has reached the required threshold. Deceit or betrayal breaks the bond. Ony Lodi knows when the threshold passed or not.

Range: Effective within proximity; long-distance control requires a physical connection or regular interaction.

Alie moved to the black curtain hanging in the room and began sketching with a white pencil, drawing a rough representation of Lodi's ability. She explained as she drew.

"'My Soldiers' is a manipulation ability, but it doesn't work like most. Lodi doesn't force people into submission through brute strength or fear. Instead, he manipulates loyalty itself.