
Training - Teleporting - Chapter 47

After Marcus thought about Foxbears, he just smiled as he looked at the creature and then walked away without making the creature feel threatened.

Most of the wild-creatures have some kind of instinct on their mind and body, so they could feel the danger from the around or comes from somebody.

Foxbear was an aggressive creature if there is another creature that enters his border, but it did not show her aggressive side to Marcus.

This was not because it did not get angry at Marcus, it just felt that this creature who entered inside of his forest was dangerous and that was all.


After Marcus left the terrorism of the Foxbear, he started training again.

But this time he activated his power "En Playground" and then used it without stopping, Marcus was teleporting constantly and when he appearing he tried to slash with his sword, not only that he also tried to improve his endurance.

After about three minutes later Marcus got tired and felt a little bit of nausea,

All of the teleporting and using the ability constantly made him a little bit weak.

"When using the ability, there are not many seconds passing in the time of teleporting, right now the best thing to improve is my attack and reaction speed, this means that I need more agility"

The "Agility" in his status showed his personal "movement speed" "attack speed" "reaction time" and other things such as reflexes, Marcus knew that when using teleportation to attack there are not many people who can block his attack.

But this is not mean that there is not.

Even if Marcus right now teleport the enemy and slashes, it may be possible that if the enemy had more agility than himself it could easily evade or counter the attack.

For example, If Marcus used his ability to slash the "Chimera Ant Squadron Leader – Cheetu" he will not going to be succeded and most likely killed even if the Cheetu does not use nen.

This was because the gap between them is too much especially the speed gap,

Even if he teleports to the side of the Cheetu, before he even started his attack, Cheetu will notice him and kill or evade his attack before he will understand what happened.

Marcus smiled a little bit after thinking all of this.

"At first the ability I created looks like best ability and it is so much power but after thinking it thoroughly I understand that there are short-comings of this ability"

Marcus knew how to clear this disadvantage he knew someone who cleared this disadvantage, this man was "Isaac Netero", he trained without stopping so that he got so fast when attacking his ability became the perfect ability.

Marcus shook his head and commented.

"I don't have a will like Netero to do what he did, I am here to have fun not become the strongest, for the time being before I start to work on improving the general power of mine, I have to work on the basics of nen"

Marcus knew that compared to the other nen users in the Original Series, he had no experience using "Nen" just fighting against two the three-person does not mean that he was a master or just because he knew some things most people don't know does not make him the all-knowing master of nen.

Marcus took a deep breath and started slashing his swords more, using it without any kind of technique or something like that, At that time he did not know but he was entering some sort of transformation because of the mindset and emotions he was having when training.

He used his "Nen" to empower his swords and danced without thinking about anything.

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