
Hunter X Hunter - The Unknown Fate

- fanfiction - Marcus was a man in his twenties, one day he opened his eyes on a city that he did not know at first But after some time later with a ding sound in his head he understand that he was in the world of Hunter X Hunter and he had a system on his side for making things easier for himself. - For Early Chapters & Advanced Chapters, please support my writing here patreon.com/Krizantem

Krizantem · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Feeling Of Evil - Chapter 44

Day 18 – 8:00 AM -


Marcus opened his eyes without wearing any of his clothes he just went in the direction of to bathroom and took a shower.

After he took shower, he wore his clothes and waited for his breakfast to come,

With these Marcus dealt with taking a bath and eating his food.


"I have to work on my abilities and basics"

Marcus knew that the basics of nen may look pretty weak in the battles but they are important for people like him who have not much experience in controlling nen itself.

Marcus first started with "Ten" and "Ren and it was clear that because of his knowledge about the "Nen" he was pretty good at using "Ten" and "Ren" but there are other things

The "Ten" and "Ren" was important because one of Marcus ability "The En Playground" dependent on the "En" itself and improving the "En" itself was possible with being better at "Ten" and "Ren"

In the Hunter x Hunter, the people who can master the "En" extend it is range about more than 50 meters which is about the size of "Kite" "En" and there are people like "Zeno" who can extend their "En" to 200 to 300 meters.

If Marcus managed to do like them this means that he can relocate or teleport himself inside of his "En" imagine teleporting in area covers around 300 meters, enemies can not fight against himself with this kind of thing.

Marcus smiled as he thought about the possibilities and he started training again.

Day 18 – 11:00 AM

After Marcus finished his training in "Ten" and "Ren" he was a little bit exhausted.

But there is still one more training in nen he wanted to try, it was called "Ken" it was using the "Ren" for an extended time for more defense and durability.

When Gon and Killua had to fight against the Shoot and Knuckle for earning a place in the invasion of Palace, the first thing that the Biscuit wanted them to train was "Ken" she wanted them to maintain their "Ken" for extended periods for more fighting and defense power.

It was not easy to hold the "Ken", but Marcus knew he had to improve on this subject too.

With this kind of thought, Marcus started training again.


Larno, Filia, and Cinderal have already left the Whale Island, boarding the first ship they found, they were okay with Marcus and had no suspicion of him, but still wary of his power, not because his power and nen was off-the-charts it was because he had some kind of demeanor that looked like the all-knowing.

This made them feel a little bit off but they had no time to explore the Marcus more and no intent too,


Day 18 – 14.00 AM

Marcus slept on the ground after trying to use "Ken" for a long time, at first he can only manage to use it for about 20 minutes, but as he tried, he finally become a little better at using "Ken" and he managed to use it for about "One Hour"

His goal was before leaving Whale Island, in the least, he has to hold his "Ken" for about five hours without making himself tired.

After Marcus woke up, the first thing he did was checking his "Status"

Name – Marcus"


"STR = 14.6"


"Agility = 12.6"


"Endurance = 13.4"


"Nen" = 30.0" (Basic Level 25)


Nen Abilities (Hatsu) (1)

Mark Of Transmigrator (Hatsu One) (Level 1)

Ability 1 - "Blink Of Transmigrator – The En Playground"


H-S Points – 0


Abilities (None)

Basic Fighting – (Level 20)

Nen Mastery (Level 20)