
Hunter X Hunter - The Unknown Fate

- fanfiction - Marcus was a man in his twenties, one day he opened his eyes on a city that he did not know at first But after some time later with a ding sound in his head he understand that he was in the world of Hunter X Hunter and he had a system on his side for making things easier for himself. - For Early Chapters & Advanced Chapters, please support my writing here patreon.com/Krizantem

Krizantem · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Deep Eye Mouth - Chapter 41

Cindera was a rare nen user amongst to Hunter Organization, she had the power of understanding lies and other things such as misdirection, traps and the same kind of things involves mischief and illusion.

Name – Cindera

Nen Ability – Deep Eye Mouth – Mouth That Tells Truths

Ability Type – Conjuration

Description -

The user conjures a creature that could see, listen, and understands most of the truths, these things could be lies, traps, ways, and other things such as mischief and illusions.


Activation Condition

1 – If it is going to be used in lie detector, the user has to know the name of the target and the target has to be in front of the user.

2 – If it is going to be used as a trap detector, the user has to activate his "En" and "Ability" at the same time, as the ability activated, the User has to give sweet-sugar to the "Mouth-Creature" he created.

3 – If it is going to be used in other things, the user first has to activate his "Ko" on his hands and then wait for 10 seconds before summoning the Deep Love Mouth




1 – User cannot use the ability more than 10 times a day

2 – Every time the user uses the ability other than detecting lies, it has to give a sweet-food to "Deep Eye" Mouth"


As the trio understands that Marcus had no wrongdoing in the matter of the Alisa, without wasting too much time they prepared to leave the Whale Island to create a report and show it to the "Hunter Organization" after that, the organization itself will send more good or people with better abilities to hunting the Skull Hunters.


After the people from the hunter organization left, Marcus shook his head and started to think.

"I did not think that they will find me this soon"

Even if he was surprised he was still expecting to be found, first of all, the person who gave him the money was Alisa and the people who found him was the Hunter Organization, arguably and most likely the strongest organization on the Hunter x Hunter World.

After these thoughts Marcus just left the hotel for walking on the streets, there are not many bars open on Whale Island but Marcus managed to find one, it was not in the center but still not too far away from the center.

As Marcus entered the "bar" he noticed most of the people inside were older than 25 and most of the people inside the "Bar" were males who had nothing to do.

Marcus did not get carried and he walked, the decoration of the bar looked like from the middle-ages, it added a nice atmosphere to bar itself, for the tables they used barrels and the chairs were in the color of blue symbolized the sea and ocean.

After Marcus, went into the counter he started talking to the bartender, before the Bartender man had the time to ask him the question.

"I would like to get a Gin-Tonic"

Bartender furrowed his brows and shook his head, but he still did not say anything and just went to get prepare the drink Marcus wanted.

Marcus drank Cin-Tonic in his old world Earth when he was there because his money was not enough to buy other drinks, but as time went on the Gin-Tonic itself became his favorite drink.

As his drink came, he started drinking, and at the same time, he looked around the see people and what they are doing, at that time familiar faces entered the bar.

Three people entered the bar and these people were from the Hunter Organization, who just came to his hotel room to ask questions.

Thank you for reading, I need support to keep writing this book if you have any spare it worth a lot to me (literally)





(Clean the "dot" between "p" and "a")

--------------------------- Shootout The Patrons ----------------

- Josh Geaghan -

- Bradley Hughes -

- Cool Kid -

- AvidReader92 -

- Lord_Z -

- James31292 -

- Jeff -

- Ivar O -

- Legorate Legorate -


Thank you All - They are the people who knows it is hard to write a fanfiction with using a masterpiece like "Hxh"

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