
Hunter Livingstone

Soldiers pay with their lives. They shed blood and sweat to maintain the very safety of their homelands. Hunter Andre Livingstone, who had lost both his parents in the battleground of war, is now left orphaned along with his seven-year-old sister, Florence. After the untimely death of the two parents Hunter cherished, he is faced with his own powerful enemy, himself. Eager to put on a smile for his little sister, this causes him to face his struggles alone while battling for his unstable mental health. He believed that everything became worse when his two grandparents who were always absent in the childhood of his father stepped in to play the role of parents for him and his sister. But their entrance in Hunter's life taught him that family had a greater value than he believed. (Read through the life of Hunter Livingstone as he struggles to maintain his mental health.) AN: This story is also available on my Wattpad. There, the story will include images in some chapters.

Lee_Rosabelle · War
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

In England, there are those of Royalty or Nobility. People of a high social status or class, so to speak.

There are a powerful families and there are those with little to no power at all.

Amongst the powerful families of Nobility are the Livingstones. Not only a family of high status but a military family as well. There are several military veterans within that family and those who are enlisted in the military currently.

The children of the Livingstone family are often trained to fight (that is if the parents or one of them is in the military) but this doesn't apply to all of them. However, this did apply to Hunter and Florence. Being the children of the (former) Duke of House Livingstone, their father has trained them from a very young age to be the strong and talented fighters they are now.

Current head or Duke of the family is Levi Andrew Livingstone. But because he is now deceased, his successor and son will now have to undertake that position.

Some who are of royal or noble blood (or anyone that is born into a hight social class) are gifted with some sort of power or ability. The child of a royal or noble could have the same power as their parents or it could be totally random, and this applied to Hunter.