
Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

What do the words Third-Rate Villain mean? Doesn't every human being possess their own background story? Just because a game hadn't explored one's background story, does it mean those characters are irrelevant? In a world where video games come to life, Astron Natusalune is introduced as a seemingly insignificant character—a third-rate villain with a minor role. However, this ordinary facade belies a haunting past that has shaped Astron into the vengeful soul he has become. Someone who would do everything for his vengeance. What will occur if Astron's soul combines with one from Earth? Will he relinquish his position as a third-rate villain, or will he forge a new path? Driven by a singular purpose—to avenge his sister's tragic death and bring justice to a cruel world—Astron embarks on a transformative journey. Witness the journey of the Astron as the young boy experiences a profound shift in his own values as he witnesses firsthand the consequences of unchecked vengeance and the true complexities of morality. -----------------------------------0------------------------------------ Chapter length 1750-2500 At least one chapter a day. You can check my discord if you want. You will be able to see the illustrations here and engage in a conversation with me if I am available. https://discord.gg/BQRMhDxZr8

Darkness_Enjoyer · Fantasy
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577 Chs

Chapter 40.1 - A test

The courtyard outside the academy echoed with the grumbles and yawns of students, all wearing various shades of disheveled uniforms. The early morning sun cast long shadows as they reluctantly assembled.

As the group grew, one by one, students arrived with tousled hair and bleary eyes. Some carried steaming cups of coffee, attempting to combat the persistent lethargy that clung to them. A particularly disgruntled student, Tessa, couldn't resist voicing her discontent.

"Why do we always need to gather this early?" she muttered, her voice laden with the weariness that still clung to her.

A nearby student, Aaron, yawned in agreement. "Right, I wish I knew that too."

A third voice, belonging to the ever-cynical Jake, chimed in, "Well, it is probably because they want to teach us how to be disciplined."

"Ho? We have a smart-ass here, huh?" mocked another student, Sarah, shooting Jake a teasing grin.
