
shit why me.

two years ago an incident happened giving fifty percent of Earth's population techniques, the government created schools all over the world called hunter academy to help them control their powers but some of them denied because they do not want to be told what to do, then it happened they attacked then the government assigned the best hunters of hunter academy to protect and capture those other hunters but only few returned now new students are being recruited to train and become hunters.

welcome to hunter academy.

shit why me, why was I the one born without a technique, Kai fell to the floor and wallowed.

why me, I don't have any technique whatsoever am I that useless, a boy with dark hair and a tight triangular face came in and told me his name was haruto he picked me of the floor and started telling me shit, that I was a late bloomer and of course I didn't believe all those bullshit I'm fifteen and I haven't discovered any technique, thinking about how my life was gonna turn out I broke down and started crying then haruto picked me up and Gave me three good slaps and when I tried to slap him he pushed me to the wall and slapped me again and told me I was bloomer that eventually I will possess my technique and from there on we became friends and I asked him for the past 19 weeks what his technique was but he refused to tell me but we started training together, then one day when we were on the mountains training he then told me that the time was right.

I was looking so confused on what he meant by the time was right and I asked him what he meant he then told me about his technique. he mastered the flame technique and he was gonna get into hunter academy his flame technique was one of the most common technique and I was so surprised of how common his technique was and he kept it from me, but I didn't ask any question and from that day on I had the urge to get into hunter academy.

thanks for reading.

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thank u

jeff_osecreators' thoughts