
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Inevitable Confrontation

As Nicolias regrouped with Melody and the other bodyguards, he quickly brought them up to speed on the situation. "We need to get Neon to contact her father and ask for his advice," he suggested. The group agreed, and Neon was promptly contacted. Light Nostrade, recognizing the gravity of the situation, promoted Kurapika to team leader and made arrangements to meet them later.

2 days later, Uvogin, driven by a relentless thirst for vengeance, managed to track them down.

"Everyone, leave. I'll handle this. There's no point in everyone getting harmed. I am strong enough to handle this," Kurapika commanded.

Reluctantly, the rest of the group left the room. Before Nicolias left, he placed an invisible drone, only visible when using Gyo, to spy on the conversation and collect data on both Uvogin and Kurapika.

A few minutes later, Uvogin made his appearance.

"It's been a while, chain user. Or has it only been a couple of hours since you tried to torture me? I didn't like how things ended before, so I'm here for some revenge. Where's the rest of your crew? Why are they not here?"

"There is no need for them to be here for the bloodbath I'm going to give you," Kurapika replied confidently.

"You're confident, but don't get too full of yourself. I was weakened by the poison before. So, do you want to fight here or somewhere else, either way I'm putting you out of your misery?"

Sensing an inevitable confrontation, Kurapika decided to stay behind and confront Uvogin. "We'll go to a place far from the city where we can fight freely," Kurapika proposed, and Uvogin agreed with a menacing grin.

Hearing this, Nicolias realized the importance of the upcoming battle. He conjured another smaller, inconspicuous drone construct, equipped with the ability to transmit real-time imaging back to him. He sent the drone to follow Kurapika and Uvogin, ensuring it remained hidden to avoid detection.

The two warriors moved to a desolate area, far from the prying eyes of the city. The drone hovered silently above them, capturing every moment of the intense confrontation. Uvogin's massive frame stood in stark contrast to Kurapika's leaner build, but both exuded an aura of deadly determination.

Uvogin was the first to start the fight. He launched towards Kurapika, making contact and sending him flying meters away. Kurapika activated his Chain in secret, the chains glowing with a translucent light as he prepared for battle.

Uvogin, ever the brute, charged forward with a roar, his fists glowing with raw Nen energy. The ground shook with each of his steps, his presence an overwhelming force. Kurapika dodged Uvogin's initial strike, his chains wrapping around Uvogin's arm in a fluid motion. Uvogin grinned, using his immense strength to hit the same arm again, sending Kurapika flying.

"Dammit, he hit me in the same spot again. He broke my arm," Kurapika muttered, summoning his healing chain. The chain from one of his fingers wrapped around the wound, turning a greenish color and glowing brightly, instantly healing the wound.

"I see, so you're also an Enhancer. But it's just going to make things even better. Stop using those chains and fight like a man," Uvogin taunted.

"I think you misunderstand something here. You're going to get crushed by these chains," Kurapika said as chains from under his sleeves slowly fell to the ground.

"I see you're serious, huh? Well, since you're so fired up, let's get to crackin some skulls," Uvogin replied.

Just as Uvogin was about to make his approach, he was stopped by an invisible force, Chain Jail.

"When did you get these chains on me? Wait, you conjured these chains, didn't you? You're a Conjurer."

"You know, you're strong but also pretty dumb. Just because you can see visible chains doesn't mean that I'm not a Conjurer. I set it up that way for you to think otherwise. I wanted to test how hard you hit as the Enhancer of your group. Surprisingly, you were easy to deal with, so the rest of the spiders should be easy to eliminate."

"If you want to eliminate someone, then fight me fair."

"If you think the fight just now was not fair, then you're sadly mistaken. I could've captured you from the very beginning, but I allowed myself to be hit to test how strong you were. Seeing that you can't break out of my chains, the rest of the troops will have a hard time as well, which means I created a technique to stop all you spiders for good."

"What's your problem with me and the rest of the spiders? Did we harm or kill someone you know?"

"You don't remember me? I guess it'll be too hard for you to understand. Do you remember me now?" Kurapika asked as he took off his contacts, revealing his Scarlet Eyes.

"Wait, you're from that clan years ago. I thought we destroyed all of you. I guess one escaped the massacre."

"Enough," Kurapika said as the chains grew tighter.

Kurapika's chains were designed specifically to restrain Enhancers, and Uvogin's struggles were futile. Uvogin roared in frustration, summoning his Nen to enhance his strength further. He pulled against the chains, causing the ground beneath them to crack and tremble. Kurapika, maintaining his focus, used this moment to strike. He sent another chain towards Uvogin, wrapping it around his neck and tightening it.

"How does that feel? This is less than what my people felt when you did the deed. I want you to suffer like they suffered."

The drone captured every detail, transmitting the data back to Nicolias, who watched with rapt attention.

Uvogin, realizing brute strength alone wasn't enough, began using more tactical moves. He feigned a retreat, then suddenly lunged forward, catching Kurapika off guard. His fist connected with Kurapika's side, sending him flying. Kurapika landed heavily, but quickly rolled to his feet, his eyes never leaving Uvogin.

"You're tougher than you look," Uvogin growled, wiping blood from his mouth. "But you can't keep this up forever."

Kurapika's eyes glowed with a fierce intensity. "I don't need to. I just need to outlast you."

With a burst of speed, Kurapika launched himself at Uvogin, his chains striking with precision. Uvogin countered with a powerful punch, but Kurapika's chains wrapped around his fist, immobilizing it. Kurapika used the momentum to swing himself around, delivering a swift kick to Uvogin's head.

The impact dazed Uvogin, giving Kurapika the opening he needed. He tightened the chains around Uvogin's neck and arm, pouring his Nen into them. The chains glowed brighter, and Uvogin's movements slowed as the chains drained his energy.

"These chains were made to imprison you," Kurapika said coldly. "They nullify your Nen and bind you completely."

Uvogin's eyes widened in realization and fury. He roared, summoning every ounce of his strength to break free, but it was too late. Kurapika's Chain Jail was too strong, and Uvogin's power began to wane.

With one final effort, Kurapika tightened the chains, depriving Uvogin of his Nen entirely. Uvogin collapsed to his knees, gasping for breath. Kurapika stood over him, his chains glowing with a victorious light.

"It's over," Kurapika said, his voice steady. "You're coming with me."

The drone captured the entire fight, transmitting the data back to Nicolias, who now had a wealth of information on both Uvogin's and Kurapika's fighting styles and Nen abilities. This data would prove invaluable in future encounters. 

But it was not over yet. Kurapika Stood him up with his chains.

As Kurapika's Judgement Chain wrapped around Uvogin's heart, the tension was palpable. "Tell me about the rest of the Troupe," Kurapika demanded, his eyes burning with intensity. Uvogin, loyal to his comrades to the very end, smirked and uttered a deliberate lie. The chain reacted instantly, the Stake of Retribution piercing his heart and ending his life. Kurapika watched, his face a mask of grim determination.

Meeting with Light Nostrade afterward, Kurapika was informed of the Mafia Dons' decision to hire professional assassins to eliminate the Phantom Troupe. Light wanted Kurapika to join the assassination team, but Kurapika had other priorities. "I'll see these assassins, but my main concern is the safety of our group. You need to stay with Neon," Kurapika instructed, making it clear that their mission was far from over.

While going over data on Kurapika and Uvogin, Nicolias suddenly received an alert about Neon sneaking out. Without hesitation, he informed the rest of the team and quickly went after her. Neon, despite her usual spoiled demeanor, was determined to attend an auction. Catching up with her, Nicolias tried to convince her to return, but her insistence left him no choice but to accompany her. They headed to the auction, but Nicolias kept his guard up, aware of the potential dangers lurking in Yorknew City.

As they reached the Cemetery Building, Nicolias was on high alert as he snuck her inside. The atmosphere was tense, and the presence of powerful figures was almost palpable. Inside, they were met by a man with a commanding aura. Chrollo Lucifer, the leader of the Phantom Troupe, approached them. He requested Neon to have a bite to eat before the action. She obliged with swiftness, nicolias did not even have time to give his advice.

"This girl just does whatever she wants. Nicolais said agitated."

 Thanks for the meal and as a thank you I tell you your fortune, which she gladly did, oblivious to his true identity. As she read the fortune, Chrollo's expression shifted, a rare display of emotion crossing his usually stoic face. The allusion to Uvogin's death was clear, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Nicolias, ever the observer, realized the gravity of the situation. The clues in the fortune made it clear that Chrollo was a member of the Phantom Troupe. Before he could react, Chrollo lunged at Neon, his intent clear. Nicolias, with his quick reflexes, intercepted Chrollo, creating a barrier between him and Neon.

"Stay back!" Nicolias shouted, his mind racing as he activated his Analytical Eye to gather data on Chrollo's abilities. The room seemed to freeze for a moment as the two Nen users squared off.

Chrollo's eyes narrowed as he assessed Nicolias. "You must be one of the bodyguards," he said, his voice calm and calculated. "Step aside, or you'll regret it."

Nicolias, undeterred, summoned Beta, his Data Construct, to aid him in the confrontation. The construct materialized next to him, its presence adding a layer of strategic depth to the encounter. "I'm not letting you touch her," Nicolias replied firmly. "You'll have to go through me first."

Chrollo smirked, recognizing the challenge. He activated his Skill Hunter, a book appearing in his hand. With a swift motion, he pulled out one of the abilities he had stolen, preparing to use it against Nicolias. 

The fight was about to begin.

Nicolias instructed Beta to create holographic projections to distract Chrollo. The room is filled with multiple illusions of Nicolias and Neon, making it difficult for Chrollo to target them accurately. Simultaneously, Nicolias used his Analytical Eye to anticipate Chrollo's moves, giving him a strategic advantage.

Chrollo, unfazed by the illusions, used a stolen Ability Bandit knife to dispel the holograms, revealing the real Nicolias. He lunged forward with a burst of speed, aiming a precise strike at Nicolias. Nicolias dodged, countering with a series of rapid kicks infused with his Nen, aiming to disrupt Chrollo's rhythm.

The clash of Nen abilities filled the room with energy, each combatant testing the other's limits. Nicolias knew he couldn't match Chrollo's raw power, but he relied on his strategic mind and Beta's support to hold his ground. Beta projected data constructs to shield Nicolias and Neon, absorbing the brunt of Chrollo's attacks.

Despite his efforts, Nicolias could feel the strain of the battle. Chrollo's relentless assault was pushing him to his limits. 

As the tension between Nicolias and Chrollo escalated, the air in the room grew thick with anticipation. Chrollo, the leader of the Phantom Troupe, stood calmly, his eyes assessing Nicolias with a calculating gaze. Nicolias, bolstered by his Data Construct ability and determination, knew he had to give it his all to stand a chance against such a formidable foe.

"You think you can stop me?" Chrollo's voice was cold and confident. "Let's see how you handle this."

With a swift motion, Chrollo summoned his Book of Skills, flipping it open to a specific page. Instantly, two Indoor Fish materialized in the room. These eerie Nen Beasts, made entirely of bones, floated in the air, their hollow eyes fixed on Nicolias. The sight was unsettling, and Nicolias knew he had to act quickly.

"Beta, initiate Data Construct: Uvogin," Nicolias commanded.

Beta, his conjured assistant, projected a holographic interface and processed the data collected from Uvogin's fight. In moments, a Data Construct of Uvogin appeared beside Nicolias, exuding the same menacing aura and overwhelming strength as the original.

Chrollo's eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of the Uvogin construct. "Interesting trick," he remarked, his tone still icy. "But let's see if it can save you."

The Indoor Fish darted towards Nicolias, their skeletal forms moving with a fluid, eerie grace. Nicolias sidestepped quickly, narrowly avoiding their gnashing jaws. He knew that if these creatures latched onto him, their unique ability would spell certain doom.

"Uvogin, use Big Bang Impact!" Nicolias shouted.

The Uvogin construct focused its aura into its fist, the energy crackling and intensifying. With a roar, it launched a devastating punch towards the Indoor Fish. The impact generated a massive explosion, sending shockwaves through the room. One of the Indoor Fish disintegrated under the force, but the other remained, seemingly unfazed.

Chrollo watched with interest as his remaining Indoor Fish circled Nicolias, waiting for another opportunity to strike. "You're not bad," he admitted. "But you're still out of your league."

Nicolias knew he had to use his analytical skills to find a way to outmaneuver Chrollo. He activated his Analytical Eye, observing every subtle movement and Nen fluctuation in Chrollo's aura. With each passing second, he gathered more data, formulating a strategy.

"Uvogin, keep it busy," Nicolias instructed, pointing to the remaining Indoor Fish.

The Uvogin construct engaged the skeletal creature, its powerful blows keeping it at bay. Meanwhile, Nicolias focused on Chrollo, who was preparing another attack.

Chrollo smirked, flipping to another page in his book. "Try this," he said, summoning a different Nen ability. A spectral rope emerged from the book, aiming to bind Nicolias.

Nicolias quickly conjured another construct, this time creating a defensive barrier. The spectral rope clashed against the barrier, sparks flying as the two Nen abilities collided. Nicolias knew he couldn't let Chrollo gain the upper hand.

Using the distraction provided by the barrier, Nicolias directed the Uvogin construct to launch another Big Bang Impact. The powerful punch connected with the remaining Indoor Fish, obliterating it in a fiery explosion.

Chrollo's expression remained composed, but Nicolias could sense a slight shift in his demeanor. "Impressive," Chrollo conceded. "But this isn't over."

Nicolias took a deep breath, steeling himself for the next phase of the battle. "Beta, analyze and adapt," he instructed, focusing on Chrollo's movements.

As the battle raged on, Nicolias and Chrollo exchanged blows, each utilizing their Nen abilities to the fullest. The room became a chaotic battleground, filled with bursts of energy and clashing constructs. Nicolias's Analytical Eye continued to gather data, giving him a crucial edge in predicting Chrollo's attacks.

Finally, Nicolias saw an opening. Chrollo, slightly winded from the continuous assaults, left a brief gap in his defenses. Seizing the moment, Nicolias directed the Uvogin construct to deliver a final, decisive Big Bang Impact. The punch connected with Chrollo, sending him crashing into the wall with tremendous force.

For a moment, the room was silent, the dust settling from the intense battle. Chrollo slowly rose to his feet, clearly injured but still defiant. "You've grown stronger," he admitted, a hint of respect in his voice. "But next time, you won't be so lucky."

With that, Chrollo activated a teleportation ability, disappearing from the scene. Nicolias stood in the aftermath, his breath heavy but victorious. He had faced one of the most dangerous members of the Phantom Troupe and lived to tell the tale.

As he deactivated the Uvogin construct and Beta, Nicolias knew that this battle was just the beginning. The Phantom Troupe would not stop, and neither would he. With renewed determination, he prepared to rejoin his comrades and continue the fight against the looming threat of the Troupe.

As the dust settled from Nicolias's intense battle with Chrollo, he could barely stand. Sweat poured down his face, and his body felt like it was made of lead. The Uvogin construct had taken an immense toll on him, draining his Nen reserves to their limits. As he staggered, his vision blurred, and he finally succumbed to exhaustion, collapsing to the ground.

When Nicolias awoke, Five days had passed. He found himself lying in a comfortable bed, his body aching but somewhat recovered. The room was dimly lit, and the hum of medical equipment was the only sound. He slowly sat up, his mind racing as he tried to piece together what had happened.

The door to his room creaked open, and Kurapika entered, his face a mix of relief and determination. "You're finally awake," he said, pulling up a chair next to Nicolias's bed.

"What happened?" Nicolias asked, his voice hoarse. "Where's Chrollo? And the rest of the Phantom Troupe?"

Kurapika's expression darkened slightly. "After you passed out, I managed to capture Chrollo. He put up a fight, but I used my Judgment Chain to bind him. We've arranged an exchange—Chrollo for Gon and Killua. They're being held by the Troupe as leverage."

Nicolias's eyes widened in shock. "Gon and Killua? I can't believe I was out for five days... I wasn't there to help."

Kurapika placed a reassuring hand on Nicolias's shoulder. "You did more than enough, Nicolias. Facing Chrollo alone and surviving is no small feat. You gave us the time we needed to make our move. Now, we're going to get our friends back."

Despite Kurapika's words, Nicolias couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy. "I should have been there for the rest of you. I let you all down."

Kurapika shook his head firmly. "Don't blame yourself. You've been an invaluable asset to the team. Without your constructs and the data you've gathered, we wouldn't have stood a chance. Now, we need to focus on getting Gon and Killua back safely."

Nicolias nodded, taking a deep breath. "You're right. What's the plan?"

"We're meeting the Phantom Troupe at a neutral location for the exchange," Kurapika explained. "We've taken every precaution to ensure that they don't double-cross us. But we need to be ready for anything."

As Nicolias listened to Kurapika's plan, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He might have been out of commission for a few days, but he was determined to make up for it. "I'll be ready," he said, his resolve firm. "Let's get Gon and Killua back."

Kurapika gave a small smile. "Good to have you back, Nicolias. Rest up a bit more; we'll need everyone at their best."

As Kurapika left the room, Nicolias lay back down, closing his eyes. He could still feel the strain of his battle with Chrollo, but his spirit was stronger than ever. He wouldn't let his friends down again. The next time he faced the Phantom Troupe, he would be ready.

Over the next day, Nicolias focused on recovering his strength. He practiced his Nen techniques, ensuring that he was in peak condition for the upcoming exchange. He also spent time reviewing the data he had collected, searching for any potential weaknesses or patterns in the Phantom Troupe's behavior.

Finally, the day of the exchange arrived. Nicolias joined Kurapika and the rest of their group at the designated meeting point, a secluded area on the outskirts of Yorknew City. The atmosphere was tense, each side wary of the other.

Chrollo, bound by Kurapika's Judgment Chain, stood with the Troupe, his expression calm and unreadable. Gon and Killua were brought forward, their faces a mix of relief and determination.

"Are we ready to do this?" Kurapika asked, his eyes never leaving Chrollo.

Chrollo nodded slightly. "Let's get this over with."

As the exchange began, Nicolias watched every movement, ready to spring into action if necessary. The air was thick with anticipation, each side prepared for a potential betrayal.

But as Gon and Killua crossed over to their side, and Chrollo was handed back to the Troupe, the exchange went smoothly. The two groups slowly backed away from each other, the tension gradually easing.

Gon and Killua ran to their friends, their faces lighting up with relief. "We're okay," Gon said, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thanks to all of you."

Nicolias felt a wave of relief wash over him. They had done it. They had brought their friends back safely. As they regrouped and made their way back to their base, Nicolias knew that the fight against the Phantom Troupe was far from over. But for now, they had won a significant victory.

As they walked, Kurapika fell into Nicolias. "Thank you," he said quietly. "For everything."

Nicolias gave a small nod. "We all did our part. Now, let's focus on what's next."

As the dust settled from their encounter with the Phantom Troupe and the successful rescue of Gon and Killua, Nicolias found himself in deep conversation with the two young Hunters. They shared stories about their adventures and battles, and it wasn't long before the topic of Greed Island came up.

"Greed Island?" Nicolias asked, his interest piqued. "I've been gathering data on that game. A rich guy named Battera is planning to buy all the copies. If you want to get in, you'll need to be stronger than you are now. The tryouts are coming up soon."

Gon and Killua exchanged determined looks before turning back to Nicolias. "Can you be our master?" Gon asked, his eyes full of hope. "We need to get stronger, and we trust you."

Killua nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you helped us before. You understand Nen and you have some unique abilities. We want to learn from you."

Nicolias felt a surge of gratitude and responsibility. He was thankful for Killua's help in the past, and now he had the opportunity to give back. "Alright," he said with a smile. "I'll be your master. Let's work together and get you ready for Greed Island."

The next few weeks were a whirlwind of training and preparation. Nicolias focused on teaching Gon and Killua about Hatsu, the aspect of Nen that would allow them to create their own unique abilities. He explained the importance of finding a technique that resonated with their personality and strengths.

"Hatsu is about expressing your true self," Nicolias explained during one of their training sessions. "It's influenced by your natural Nen category, but it's also a reflection of who you are. Think about your strengths, your experiences, and what you want to achieve. That's where you'll find your Hatsu."

Gon and Killua took Nicolias's advice to heart, spending hours meditating and experimenting with their Nen. Gon, with his boundless energy and determination, began to develop a technique that involved channeling his aura into powerful, explosive attacks. Killua, with his assassin's training and lightning reflexes, started to focus on enhancing his speed and agility, creating a technique that allowed him to move and strike with incredible swiftness.

As the day of the tryouts approached, Nicolias pushed them harder, ensuring they were in peak condition. The trio sparred relentlessly, honing their techniques and building their strength.

Finally, the day of the tryouts arrived. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as they joined other hopefuls in the large arena. Each participant was put through a series of screenings, tests designed to measure their Nen abilities, combat skills, and overall potential.

Gon and Killua faced their challenges head-on, showcasing the techniques they had developed under Nicolias's guidance. Gon unleashed his explosive attacks with precision and power, while Killua moved like a blur, his strikes swift and devastating. 

When the results were announced, it was no surprise that Gon and Killua had passed with flying colors. They were now officially part of the group selected to enter Greed Island. Nicolias felt a deep sense of satisfaction and pride in their achievements.

As they prepared to enter Greed island, Gon and Killua turned to Nicolias with gratitude in their eyes.

"Thank you, Nicolias," Gon said, his voice filled with emotion. "We couldn't have done it without you."

Killua nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you pushed us to be our best. We're ready for whatever comes next."

Nicolias smiled, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. "You both have incredible potential. Remember, this is just the beginning. Keep pushing yourselves, keep learning, and you'll achieve great things. I'll be rooting for you every step of the way."

With those words, they entered, ready to embark on their new adventure in Greed Island. Nicolias watched them go, feeling a mix of pride and excitement for what lay ahead. He knew they were ready for the challenges to come, and he was confident they would make their mark on Greed Island.