
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs



Once Yuuma left for Greed Island, Nicolias found himself alone in the bustling chaos of Yorknew City. The city was a stark contrast to the structured battles of Heaven's Arena and the tranquil training sessions he had shared with Yuuma. Here, the air was thick with intrigue, commerce, and danger. Nicolias knew he had to make the most of his time while Yuuma was away.

Seeing that Yuuma was no longer at Heaven's Arena, Nicolias had no reason to stay, so he left. His first priority was to establish a base of operations. He found a modest apartment in a less conspicuous part of the city, where he could safely conduct his activities without drawing too much attention. The apartment was small but well-furnished, with enough space for his computer equipment and a place to store his growing collection of intelligence and resources.

"Now that I have my setup done, I can finally focus on catching up with Yuuma. I lack the power to finish a fight and compete with stronger foes," Nicolias thought, feeling a wave of self-doubt.

"I wonder where I would be without the boss. Would I be a complete loser right now? To be honest, I was on the verge of a complete meltdown, but he gave me a chance to shine. A chance to stand by the strong," Nicolias reflected.

Thinking about strength, he remembered what his master Lipo had said about creating a Hatsu. "Young Nicolias, you lack creativity. Don't confine yourself to just manipulation. There are other ways to express yourself. Try tapping into the other categories for once. Only six months have passed, and it was hard learning the basics of Nen. But you have talent, and the ability you have now is a good start."

"Master was right," Nicolias realized. "I never really thought about it, but I can't improve this ability by just using another category. What if I go into conjuration? I could create a giant computer that gathers data from my analytical eye. What if I can transform that information into something physical? Then maybe I could do this."

With his new idea on the horizon, he spent a week in his apartment building up his strategy to create this new ability to surpass and go beyond his limits. Over the course of a week, Nicolias focused intensely on developing a new ability that would build upon his "Analytical Eye." He spent hours meditating and training, refining his understanding of Nen and its potential applications.

After much experimentation and practice, Nicolias finally succeeded in creating a new Nen ability that he called "Data Construct." This ability allowed him to conjure a sophisticated robot that could process the data he collected using his "Analytical Eye."

"I did it! I was able to conjure it," Nicolias said happily.

"Booting. Booting. Booting. Booting. Booting. Booting. Complete. Syncing with Master. Syncing. Syncing. Syncing. Syncing. Syncing. Syncing. Complete. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111110000000000000000101000011011111111110111111111000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111100000000000000000000000000000000000001110101010000. Name not found. Please add ID to unit. Awaiting response."

"Your name is Beta," Nicolias decided after some thought.

"Information integration activated and submitted. This unit is now called Beta."

"System setup complete. How may I help you, master?" Beta said in a funny robot voice.

"What are your capabilities currently?" Nicolias asked, trying to understand its free will aspect.

"Gathering data… Information gathered. Syncing with user…"

A screen then appeared in his sight, giving a detailed explanation of Beta's skills.


Enhanced Data Collection and Processing:Advanced Analytical Eye: Beta can now share data it analyzes with multiple targets simultaneously and from a greater distance. This enhanced ability allows him to gather intricate details about opponents' Nen abilities, physical attributes, and combat styles, even if they are actively concealing their Nen using heat sensors.Combat Simulations: Beta can create virtual simulations of past battles, allowing Nicolias to train and prepare for future encounters by analyzing and predicting opponents' moves.Physical Constructs: Beta can conjure physical replicas of objects or opponents. Nicolias can use these constructs for training or strategic planning.Holographic Projections: Beta can project detailed holograms to deceive or distract enemies, giving Nicolias a tactical advantage in combat or negotiations.Strategic Analysis: Beta can analyze collected data to suggest optimal strategies and tactics, providing Nicolias with real-time strategic insights.Zetsu: Beta can use Zetsu to hide its body as well.

"That is all currently, master. Do you wish for anything else?"

"No, that's it for now," Nicolias declared.

"Copy that. Shutting down system." Once this happened, Beta's body dissipated into pure aura, reattaching itself to Nicolias.

"Boss, you're gonna be so surprised to see my new ability. It'll blow your socks off, I just know it," Nicolias thought with excitement.

Now understanding how this new ability worked, Nicolias spent the rest of his time gathering information about Yorknew City and Greed Island. After collecting data, he realized that Greed Island was a mysterious game where many people had disappeared and not been heard from in years. It also seemed like Greed Island had been scrubbed from the internet altogether, now considered a myth. As he dug further, he came across Beretta, a billionaire in Yorknew City with a lot of money and influence. Thanks to some data brokers, he discovered that Beretta was the one who had erased the data using his wealth. This information revealed how deeply Beretta was involved in the endeavor of Greed Island. However, as he tried to further research Greed Island, many errors and restrictions popped up, suggesting a cover-up by the Hunter Association.

"So why would they cover this up? What's so special about Greed Island? If it was a regular video game, there wouldn't be this mysterious myth about it. And the shipping? Widespread, but there are limited slots in the game. You also need the game console to utilize it, and it's not sold anywhere else. Plus, it's also restricted by the Hunter Association. I don't understand the purpose of the game, and we don't know much about the creators. The only thing I can infer is that it was created by powerful Nen users or hunters in general. The disappearances are also interesting. Why do people disappear when they play the game? And why is there no information on the game? No details about how it works, how the NPCs maneuver—everything is hush-hush. It's very intriguing."

"Since this is all the data I can gather on Greed Island, I guess I'll just end this for now. I think it's time for me to focus on increasing my own strength. I have a new ability, yet I still don't know how it completely works. So I have to do some testing. And the best place to do that is to go back to Heaven's Arena, where I can get the most information on all types of fighters. Plus, it might help me earn some money. The boss seems to like money, and I understand why. It can save you a lot of trouble, but it can also cause trouble. But I want to thank the boss. Without him, I wouldn't have made it this far. I probably wouldn't be the person I am today. But enough self-doubt. It's time to put my words into action."

Two days passed, and Nicolias made his way to Heaven's Arena, not as a fighter but as a spectator. To make the most of his endeavor, he chose to put down a certain amount of money to become a VIP.

"I see you want to become a VIP. We expect a down payment of 100,000 Jenny," the receptionist said.

"That's not a problem. Just put me down for a VIP," Nicolias replied, using his black gold card for the payment.

With the payment completed, the receptionist gave him a VIP pass, which allowed him to go to any floor in Heaven's Arena.

"If you don't mind, sir, it seems like you're new here. I recommend that you start on the 1st floor and make your way up to see the up-and-coming fighters. But if you're really interested, there are two young kids who recently made their appearance here in Heaven's Arena. I find them quite interesting. They're currently on the 50th floor. If I remember correctly, their names are Killua and Gon."

Nicolias was surprised to hear these names. He didn't expect to see people from the Hunter Exam in Heaven's Arena, especially Killua.

"I thought Killua went back home with his family. I guess they must have changed their minds or he changed theirs. Whatever the reason, their presence here is useful. I can use them for good data for my new ability."

With this information, Nicolias made his way to the 50th floor, skipping the rest of the floors, to take a quick peek at their matches. Surprisingly, their fights ended in one move: one with a push and the other with a quick strike to the neck, knocking out the opponents.

After observing their fights, Nicolias realized he probably wouldn't gather any good data from them on these floors. So he made his way back up to the 200th floor to check out any matches currently happening. As he looked through the participants on the 200th floor, he came across Juri's name. She was going up against some rookie on the 200th floor, a guy who used spinning tops as his ability. Seeing this, he decided to check out the fight.

Nicolias settled into his seat in the VIP section of the 200th floor, his eyes fixed on the arena below. He was eager to see Juri in action and gather data from her match. The spinning top fighter, whose name was Gido, seemed like an intriguing opponent, and Nicolias hoped to glean some valuable insights from their confrontation.

The announcer's voice boomed through the arena, hyping up the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 200th floor of Heaven's Arena! Tonight, we have a thrilling match between Juri and the Spin Top Master, Gido!"

The crowd roared with excitement as Juri stepped into the arena, her confident demeanor evident in her every movement. She wore her usual combat attire, her long hair tied back in a ponytail. Across from her stood Gido, a wiry man with a smirk on his face, holding a set of intricately designed spinning tops.

Nicolias activated his "Analytical Eye," focusing on both fighters. He wanted to capture every detail of their Nen techniques and combat styles. The data he gathered would be crucial for improving his own abilities and understanding potential future opponents.

The referee signaled the start of the match, and Gido immediately launched his spinning tops toward Juri. The tops whirled through the air with incredible speed, their edges gleaming with a sharp, dangerous aura.

Juri moved with grace and precision, dodging the tops with fluid motions. She closed the distance between herself and Gido, her eyes locked on her opponent. Nicolias could see the intensity in her gaze, a clear indication of her determination.

Gido smirked, sending more tops spinning toward Juri. This time, she didn't dodge. Instead, she activated her Nen ability, creating a shield of energy around herself. The tops clanged against the shield, unable to penetrate it.

Nicolias's eyes widened as he analyzed the shield. It was a combination of Enhancement and Manipulation, a technique that allowed Juri to control the density and strength of the energy barrier. It was an impressive display of skill.

With a swift motion, Juri dispelled the shield and lunged at Gido. She moved with blinding speed, her fists glowing with Nen. Gido tried to summon more tops, but Juri was too fast. She landed a powerful punch on his chest, sending him flying across the arena.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Gido struggled to his feet, clutching his chest. Juri didn't give him a chance to recover. She followed up with a series of rapid strikes, each one hitting its mark with precision. Gido tried to defend himself, but Juri's relentless assault overwhelmed him.

Finally, with a decisive uppercut, Juri sent Gido crashing to the ground. The referee rushed over, checking Gido's condition before declaring Juri the winner.

Nicolias watched intently as the crowd cheered for Juri. He was impressed by her performance and the data he had collected. Her use of Enhancement and Manipulation techniques was something he could learn from and incorporate into his own training.

As the match ended, Nicolias made his way backstage, hoping to congratulate Juri and perhaps discuss some of her techniques. He found her cooling down in the fighters' area, a towel draped over her shoulders.

"Juri," Nicolias called out, approaching her with a smile. "That was an incredible match. Your techniques were amazing."

Juri looked up, surprised to see Nicolias. "Oh, Nicolias! Thank you. It was a tough fight, but I'm glad I could win."

"I was really impressed by your use of Enhancement. I've been working on my own Nen abilities, and seeing you in action gave me some great ideas," Nicolias said, genuinely enthusiastic.

Juri smiled, appreciating the compliment. "I'm glad I could help. Nen is all about creativity and finding what works best for you. If you ever want to spar or train together, I'd be happy to help."

Nicolias nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "I'd love that. Thanks, Juri."

As they talked, Nicolias couldn't shake the feeling that he was on the right path. His new ability, "Data Construct," and the enhancements he was planning would take him to the next level. With allies like Juri and the knowledge he was gaining, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Later that evening, Nicolias returned to his apartment, his mind buzzing with new ideas. He summoned Beta, his conjured computer construct, and began analyzing the data he had collected from Juri's match.

"Beta, compile the data on Juri's Enhancement techniques. Let's see how we can integrate similar strategies into my training," Nicolias instructed.

"Processing data... Compilation complete," Beta responded in its robotic voice.

Nicolias reviewed the compiled data, formulating a plan to enhance his own abilities. He practiced conjuring different constructs and manipulating them with precision, using the insights he had gained from Juri's match.