
Two different worlds

Liam Hunter POV

I wasn't able to close an eye last night thinking about how I was going to put into words everything I was going to say to the redhead about what had happened and about everything I felt for her.

I was dizzy in the morning from last night's alcohol drank with Seth and opened my eyes struck by the sunlight entering through the huge window of the living room where I had fallen asleep dressed in the same clothes and feeling like I had been hit by a plane and a train at the same time. I stood up slowly sticking my hand in my ruffled hair to realize that I had a fluffy blanket over me and a gentle smile lay on my face.

A pleasant smell of food, more precisely of pancakes hits me in full and besides the smell of coffee was demential.

I had the impression that I smelled like a distillery so I got up still dizzy and headed to the kitchen with the intention of climbing the stairs to the bathroom, but the view that appears in front of me makes me get stuck on the spot and just look at it fascinated.

Dressed in shorts and wide trousers and a T-shirt that came twice her size, most likely mine, Crystal sat at the stove and moved energetically on music that probably had it in headphones at that time, making pancakes and taking a sip of coffee at the same time.

Looking at her now, it was as if I was seeing something other than what I had seen before when she was doing the same thing but I was ignoring her and I was going out the door without even giving her a good morning or saying goodbye.

But I was sitting now and I was just watching her swallow in the dry and still trying to find my words. What was I going to say to her? It was the first time I wasn't able to talk and that was killing me.

I'm awakened from my thoughts by her voice when she comes back and realizes I'm there. Her big blue eyes like the sky look at me for a few seconds and take off her headphones as if looking at me seriously. That was not a good sign, she looked at me seriously and no smile was lying on her oval and white face.

"Good morning Hunter. Take a seat, I prepared the coffee and some pancakes."

Her voice was angelic but at the same time, I had the feeling that the discussion that would follow would not be the one I imagined.

"Good morning Crystal." I managed to say, being the first words that came out of my mouth in this second, unstable and very insecure.

I approached the huge kitchen table and with one movement put a white mug full of steaming coffee in front of me and a plate stretched with pancakes already laid with some sweet syrup over. They looked extraordinarily appetizing but we don't have much appetite sensing the voice and expression of the risk that clearly didn't seem to bring good news.

I took a sip of the hot coffee and the black liquid seemed to bring all my senses to normal in a second. There was silence between us, only the sound from the pan that had taken it off the fire had broken the atmosphere that seemed quite intense.

She turns to me and sits on the chair at the table with her cup of coffee in front of me just and gives her long red hair back with the same seriousness that had displayed at first.

"We have to talk Hunter."

I nodded to her words like a ready-trained puppy. My heart was beating strongly and it was as if nausea in my stomach was making my craving for coffee dissipate. I had the impression that I was going to hit a wall and I was going to collapse from the chariot directly on the ground.

"First of all I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me and you were there last night. I would have been in big trouble if you didn't save me. I most likely owe you your life for that. I can't do much but thank you. " I knew she had nothing to thank me for, I wouldn't have left it in anyone's hands except my hands. But most likely so was her personality, which is what I was only now discovering.

"You have nothing to thank my Crystal, I wouldn't let anyone touch you without your consent." I just replied still insecure. I had the feeling that of how serious it was I had to choose my words carefully not to break up what was left of our relationship.

I saw her eyes looking at me and it was as if I had no idea what she was going to say in the next second. I really didn't know her enough to be able to read it from the lookout. Every time she went with me to the outings and to the proms I had left her alone and I hadn't taken care of her. Moreover, I had never known how she felt and how she reacted when she is happy but I could remember her sad eyes when I ignored her and I did not talk to her or even more I came home after a few days, smelling of perfume women and full of lipstick, being clear to her that I had not been loyal. He always had those sad eyes and a gentle voice, he had tried so hard and I kicked him every time like a dog.

"Going over this, I have to let you know that I'm going to leave this house today and I'm going to move back to my apartment. I learned from Stella that the marriage contract hadn't broken yet, so I applied again for a divorce. I'll send you the documents to sign them. "

I knew it was going to be something very painful but I didn't think for a second it was going to hit me so hard in the heart. I've never felt anything like it. It was clear that she had no trace of regret and under no circumstances would she be willing to give me a second chance. It seems that Angela and Seth were wrong in their presumption that Crystal would forgive me.

I could remember the tears she had in her eyes when she had first signed the papers and had hurriedly left the house, with a broken heart, made pieces. Now I felt the same thing. I felt a pain that I couldn't explain. And although I wanted to keep her close to me, I realized that although she told me last night, drugged, that she loved me, she clearly wanted to stop feeling it.

I was just looking at her and thinking to tell her that now I feel something for her and prevent her from leaving. or not saying anything, to live with this regret all my life and eventually get over it, leaving her to make the life she wanted always? Thinking about it now I didn't know what life she wanted to have. Because we had never talked about it because I'd never been there next to her.

" If you think that's your decision and it's right, I can't stop you from leaving."

I didn't know why I had said this, I didn't understand why I had made this decision at the moment and most likely even at the last second my pride had hit everything in full, including what has left of what the frescoes between us.

I saw his big eyes grieve for a second only, I knew that look. I realized that I had misspelt my words. Would I have liked to prevent her from leaving and divorcing? I was such a fool.

"Yes. I realized it was the right decision. We are from two different worlds. We have nothing in common. And I can't wait to be loved by someone who's never going to do it because money, businesses and women matter to him more. I waited enough for Hunter. It's time to finish it all forever."

Again I was silent and didn't say anything. Millions of words were running through my head, billions of things to say to her, to forgive me, to start from scratch, this trip seriously as a couple. But it could be seen that he had already made her decision. I couldn't stop her whatever I said.

She got up from the table after a few seconds, quietly washed her cup of coffee, bypassed the white table and stopped in front of me. I wasn't able to lift my eyes out of the coffee mug. I was horrified by the pain but also by the shock, the shock that she was really going to leave.

A huge warmth floods my body when her fresh scent and her hot lips touch my unshaven cheek with a warm, peace-loving kiss.

"Take care of yourself Hunter and love in the future. Don't go through life alone."

Her gentle and warm words this time make me breathe hard and I hear her footsteps moving away from me. I stayed at the table, alone without being able to say or do anything. I realized that I had been so stupid to think that she could forgive me after so many things I had done, I had been stupid to think that even a gentle soul like hers can endure and have more patience with me. I had been stupid to think I could have it forever.

After a few minutes, I heard the front door open and immediately close leaving behind only the smell of food and silence like the grave. It was like I was living a Deja-vou. It had happened once before, but on this tour, I was the one who was suffering and I was the big one I was left with my heart nailed.

Was it right? was it so different? were there even two worlds that could not merge at all? I was a billionaire, I didn't lack anything, on the other hand, had been sold to my family by her drunken father for a net of money.

She deserved better, and I could give her more. But it was too late now to think I could do anything else.

I heard the door open again and came back from the table for a second believing that Crystal had turned back, hoping that it would change its decision. But the smile disappeared from my lips when I saw Seth enter and move forward towards me.

"I met outside with Crystal. It looked kind of dejected, what did you do now?"

"What did I do? nothing. She said he knew of the unfinished divorce and that he was applying again for it."

" And you let her go with that decision? like you were thinking differently last night. What the hell is in your head?"

I watched him with sadness only and passed by him climbing the stairs.

"It's right, we're from two different worlds. Rather than do her more harm, I'd better let her go. I'm not going to be able to change for her and she's not going to be able to endure anymore and endure my bastions. Better that way."

With these words, I left Seth with his mouth gaping in the kitchen and headed to the bathroom, where for the first time I felt my soul leave my body and sat on the floor closing the door and leaving for the first time in more than ten years, tears to flow on my cheek. I was crying and I was going to cry for a long time to come. Because the woman I now loved would disappear from the landscape and most likely I would never be able to love anyone else.