
The Angels ER and the explosion

Liam Hunter POV

It had taken me a while to regroup after feeling for the first time in years that pain that had emotionally charged me far too much and very quickly. All that day I sat and stared blankly at the huge house that was still emitting somewhere a smirk of her perfume, almost inconspicuously and the silence that resembled a cemetery abandoned for hundreds of years.

Before I had Crystal here the house had been maintained by top chefs and excellent caregivers. After she had moved, Crystal paid all the employees but didn't let them do much in the huge mansion because she wanted to do what was most important, cook, wash and make her order.

She had taken the house under her wing and had always been polite to the employees of the house, she always understood them and quickly made friends but more than all of them respected her very much, it was incredible how now when she was no longer in the house she did not have the same life it had before. All the employees now were silent and there weren't a lot of sounds anywhere.

Although all day I stayed in silence and tried with all my might to concentrate at work and solve some chores about my business, the evening came quickly and surprisingly Seth had not called me after leaving my house, not before seeing me lose my temper in the morning and crying like I had not done in years.

It was still hard for me to believe and admit that her departure and her gentle but serious words without a trace of regret had affected me so much but I only had to accept her desire to divorce me and to see her life and her dreams.

I watched the clock on the wall and realized that it was already late at night. Maybe I should have rested and stopped thinking about Crystal. It was clear that I had lost her and that I would not be able to save anything so any regrets would be useless. But damn, lying in bed I could see her in those fluffy pyjamas and feel her fresh smell from the shower. Well, that had not let me sleep at all and I writhed like a dog in bed until sunrise when I lost patience and I stood up running directly into the shower, where I hoped that I would return with my head on my shoulders and I descended on the long staircase of the huge mansion looking around people walking around the house, from the maids to the guards who smiled at each other when they intersected and this reminds me that before Crystal came to the house no soul who worked for me had smiled and did not seem to understand each other. But after the redhead had come into the house it was as if she had tamed the whole house with her warm aura and her almost infinite understanding.

I had never been like that. I could understand but I wasn't close at all to the staff in my house because I had hundreds of other things to do and sometimes I wouldn't stay in this house for weeks. We had the butler of the house who took care of the rest of the staff, payments, schedules and so on. But you could see the difference now that Crystal is no longer around.

Going down the stairs I hear the huge front door and Seth makes her appearance with a rather long face as if he had done something or had to tell me something that clearly wasn't going to be good news.

But as I descended to the last staircase something hits me in the leg and I look in that direction to see a small child now on his ass on the white sandstone with some big black eyes that looked at me with fear and small tears that make his eyes shine.

"I apologize, sir, for millions of excuses."

A voice is heard from behind the child coming at speed towards us. One of the maids of the house quickly jumps and checks the little one and then puts it in the small legs. He seemed to be passed two years old, he had a fat face and chestnut-coloured hair with some big deep black eyes. He seemed very sympathetic and for a second I could even imagine a chicken like this one in our house preferably being reddish like his mother.

I woke up from my futile dreaming of the words of the woman who apologized frightened by my reaction. The whole house knew that I was not a person to talk to and in no case did I like mistakes no matter how small. It was known that I was a very tough guy and strictly with any man and that even a mistake like this, that a child would hit me because he was walking uncontrollably through the house could finish his parent's job. That's how I was everywhere, in everyday life and in any house I owned in the USA or anywhere in Europe.

Seth looks at me inquisitively and waits for my reaction which he thought would be one of "You're fired" without any questions asked or an explanation.

But looking at the little one and his mother full of horror, I sighed long only and raised my gaze to the brunette who was looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"Please forgive me, sir. It was a second in which I just dropped him out of his eyes. Please don't fire me. I had no one to leave him at home with and ..."

"It's okay. Calm down. But why didn't you have anyone to leave him at home with?"

To my question this concerns me almost in shock, I had never been interested and I had never asked the staff about their personal life. Of them, I didn't even know what they were called because I didn't take care of the house at all.

"Ah... husband, meaning the ex-husband left the other day with someone else and my mother refused to stay with him while I am at work because she has someone and ... I'm alone, I can not leave him alone at home for so many hours. "

Although it was sad it was true. Sabrina under her name was leading a hard life in an attempt to raise her little boy who, although full of energy, was extremely sympathetic. And I was pretty sure she wasn't the only one in this house that worked here not only was she very well paid but also because once you didn't meet me at all, you didn't really have any problems getting into.

"Where is Lucas the butler?"

To my question, she whitens her face as if she had seen a ghost and does not know what to think most likely if she was going to be kicked out or she was going to be punished for her child's mistake.

"Mr Hunter please don't fire me, I promise you won't see him again and..."

"Calm down, I don't kick you out."

I said gently but seriously as the little boy was standing behind his mother holding her by the feet with fear and looking up at me as if I was a monster eating small children. Only then had I feel a stabbing in my chest again thinking how many people can see me as such a monster. Normally I don't care at all but now for some reason, I'm irritated by this thought although let's be honest, they weren't far from the truth. I had done so much harm so far and I had always messed with the wrong people, but on the other side, I was also on the side of the good ones where I was helping to develop weapons and aeronautical engineering at the largest defence forces on the planet.

It was as if from nowhere the butler Lucas appeared in front of me, a thin and tall man at sixty years old who had an allure and an impeccable elegance, but besides that, he was the best organizer and the best in keeping the mansion and the subordinates in order under my commands.

"You called me sir?"

"Yes, Lucas. I want to change the west wing of the house with rooms for staff. Each staff can have accommodation for themselves and their children when they have no way and where to leave them at their homes. In fact, they can stay overnight without being penalized. The only condition is that order is maintained."

I turned my eyes to Seth who looks at me surprised and I can say that I was surprised by myself. But I realized that not all the people who worked for me were just of interest and that not all people were bad.

I also realized that children should not be scared of adults and should not be left to live in fear. I had thought of Crystal and it was like something inside of me was telling me that this is what she would do if she found herself in my situation, probably even more for those who worked in the house. Hell, that woman was taking out the best in me or what was left of me now that she wasn't around me anymore.

The surprised young brunette thanks me with tears in her eyes and takes her child quickly disappearing from my visual area probably still with the fear that I will change my decision already made.

"Don't ask questions." I said to Seth who although it was seen that he was surprised by what he had seen so far still had that face of "I did something that I will not be glad to find out" and I put my leather jacket over my shoulders heading towards the side door that led to the underground garage where I had the cars ready parked. But I startle when the front door to the house is suddenly opened and slammed against the back wall by none other than Seth's wife, Angela who looks me in the eyes with almost blind rage.

"Angela what..."

But I don't get to finish that the blonde woman is approaching like a hurricane of me on high heels with a feline gait and instantly her small but strong hand makes contact with my face. The blow is heard throughout the huge hallway in echo making people stop everything they were doing and look at us with interest.

Seth approaches his wife and gently grabs her by the hand pulling her closer to him. I could swear I could see black in front of my eyes. If she wasn't the wife of my best friend and if I didn't get along with her as with a sister I would most likely already fly her brains long ago with the gun hanging on my belt.

"Angi have you gone crazy?" I ask her without a curtain at that moment giving a step back just to get away from her as much as possible and calm my ego and the nerves that were boiling in my veins. No woman had ever hit me before, no one had ever hit me so directly.

"Baby you have to calm down and..."

Seth's unsuccessful attempts to calm the blonde make me even more irritated by the whole situation. I wasn't going to forgive Angela too soon for this job.

"Leave me alone Seth. It's also your fault for this shit that you didn't keep your mouth shut. And you Hunter, I hope you rot in the fires of Hell. "

"Angela I don't understand what the deal is, what the heck I did do because you're so angry?"

"Aaaa so you don't know ha? Seth didn't tell you apparently. Well, let me enlighten you, the great Liam Hunter. Your wife, that is, your ex-wife found out yesterday from my too-stupid husband that you love her. Yes, she found out and I had to be her pillow yesterday all day where she sheds her tears of pain that you Hunter didn't know how to talk faster and more to treat her like a human in these two years. Do you know what, Hunter? you don't deserve her and I hope she doesn't change her mind about your divorce. I'll laugh in your face when she signs the paperwork. And you know why? Because that woman would have done anything for you, but you're just a soulless demon. The two of us are done!"

At her words I was left with a gaping mouth, I couldn't believe that Crystal had learned not from me but from Seth. I wasn't even wondering now why Angela was so angry after she had most likely helped her friend for hours.

I watched Seth who whitened my face respond to me on his defensive.

"That's what I wanted to tell you, I came to you so quickly today."

"You had to tell me yesterday"

I said disappointed and watched Angela disappear from our faces still full of anger through the front door still wide open by her. I heard the engine of the car in which it had sucked that had started from the huge yard.

"Look Hunter honestly I didn't want to cause harm, I just saw her so dejected yesterday and it escaped me. " I knew Seth wouldn't do anything intentional that would affect the relationship between us and Crystal but this stupidity had gotten out of control. I had to solve this mistake by myself.

"Go after your wife. I get in the car and go to Crystal. I have to talk to her."

At my words, Seth approved and walked out of the house on the run starting the engine of his car and starting speed after his wife who had already left with her car.

In the meantime, I took a deep breath and wondered for a second why this was all happening to me. It was hard for me to believe that the beautiful Crystal would welcome me with open arms. I knew the odds were zero, but at least I was going to talk to her and tell her what I had in my heart.

I went into the garage and got in the car driving in rush to the address where Crystal lived. Well, I didn't like to go out in public too much because I was quickly recognized by the people on the street but now I had to get over this stuff and I once again see the blue eyes of the woman who managed only after she left to steal this heart from the ice and warm it in her hot chest.

Arriving in front of the apartment building, I threw a black cap on my head and a pair of black sunglasses with the faint intention of disguising myself a bit until I entered the staircase. I jumped out of the car and ran straight into the staircase hurriedly climbing upstairs to the floor where the redhead had the apartment.

I breathed quickly and pulled a large breath of air before knocking on the metal door with a knot in my throat. What was I going to say to her? I felt overwhelmed after so long, my heart jumped from my chest and it was as if every sensor of my being had sharpened wanting to hear her being and the steps after the door. But either I was deaf or nothing was heard of the door soup. Wasn't she home? Or was she sleeping? It was pretty early in the morning and maybe she was just sleeping a little more especially if she had a long night with Angi. I asked myself too many questions just to hear the door behind me open and a tall but fragile and skinny guy in stature with a pair of pants and black tracksuits that further highlighted his slender, skinny legs and with an unkempt black beard that seemed to have barely made acquaintance with something to eat as nasty as his washed green eyes, looks at me with interest and leans against the door frame his old and dirty wood.

"If you're looking for Crystal, she's at the hospital on the day shift. I saw her leave in the morning "

His voice gave me a sense of danger and not for me. He looked into my eyes with envy and at the same time, I could see the perverse smile that hardly hid him in the corner of his mouth.

"And who are you?"

My thick voice wipes the smile from its face and seems to change a little the attitude already intimidated by my posture and the fact that I had already taken a step I hope his person.

"I'm just the neighbour in front of her. Just go to the hospital and look for her and stop making noise on the ladder that you wake everyone up. "

I watch him for a moment wondering and I break eye contact returning to go down the stairs when I hear his voice again this time more with a thud and accompanied by a wide kinky smile on his face.

"I didn't think the ex-wife of the great Hunter was sitting in a bitter apartment without guarding and protection"

I turned to him and walked forward until he stumbled back already terrified of my dark gaze that could have killed him in just a second. I grabbed him in a second by his thin neck and hit him at speed against his wooden door aiming him there.

"If I hear her name from your defiled mouth, I'll make sure you can never speak again. Don't try your luck because your lack of brain will be even more visible after I stick a bullet into the top of your head. Do you get it?"

No matter how before it was, you could clearly see the difference between our statures. He was only tall but skinny and unkempt, it was seen that he was not physically healthy and that he had no chance in front of me if I was going to hit him at least once.

He said yes from his head and let go of the grip on his neck letting him fall to the floor in front of his door. The smell coming out of the room behind him could also repulse the most hungry animal and make your appetite disappear in an instant.

I went down the stairs already irritated by the whole situation. Clearly, I needed to install some surveillance cameras in this area and hire some bodyguards to look after Crystal constantly. That guy didn't seem cute and innocent to me at all, and he also knew that the redhead lived alone right in front of his nose.

I got in the car and anxiously headed to The Angels hospital where Crystal worked and stopped in the parking lot of the hospital somewhere very close to the entrance to the emergency department of the Hospital which had two sets of sliding glass doors and a very wide and large aisle where ambulances and medical staff entered and exited.

I was still sitting in the car to get the courage out of nowhere to get into that building and try to talk to her. I had almost never been in such a position and it was hard for me to concentrate, feeling my heart squirming in my chest. But my heart stays for a few seconds when I hear a huge explosion coming out of nowhere and a cloud of black smoke with a huge shock wave hits the parking lot and breaks the windows of my car causing me to lean to the side in an attempt to protect myself from the shards that were flying everywhere. A few seconds after the silence after the explosion is broken only by the alarms of the cars in the parking lot and the sirens of the ambulances already parked there that were almost destroyed altogether on that hill.

"Crystal" I heard my voice screaming from the bottom of my lungs and the fear accompanied by adrenaline set in immediately because I could see through the heavy smoke that the entrance to the emergency room was destroyed. I had to find her, I had to save her. Like an out-of-control maniac, I took off towards the entrance already destroyed in the hope that the woman I loved would be alive.