
Hunter loves you

Crystal Snow POV

Never in life do you know who you are meeting and who you come to love. I thought waiting for Hunter to love me I would become happy with the time. But I realized that time was running out quickly and that the person I loved would never love me.

I knew what I had to do. Although I could clearly remember what I had said to him the night before, I would swallow my words and go my own way. No matter how much I tried to find solace in Hunter I knew well that I was not going to get anything. Hunter was going to be a female player all his life and I wasn't willing to live this life. I just wanted to be loved and have a beautiful and happy family. Despite the fact that Hunter had money and did not lack anything, I preferred to earn my own living and find someone with whom to share the good and the hardships.

Although it had been more than six months since I had left this house, it seemed as if nothing had changed. It seemed to be the same sad atmosphere and the same cold and lifeless house. Although it hurt to say this because I still loved Hunter, I was not going to kneel and remain the second wheel in the cart. I wasn't going to let him step over me just because I'm wearing his name. I wasn't going to wear his name anymore. I learned from Stella, Hunter's lawyer this morning, that our marriage had not been completed due to a significant printing error in the last contract which had completely cancelled the divorce.

My heart ached thinking that again I had to sign the papers instead of seeing my life. I still loved him dearly and I didn't know for sure how I was going to do this a second time without showing any emotion. I decided to prepare breakfast and talk to Hunter as a mature person. Although I had no idea what Hunter was going to say or how he was going to react, I wasn't going to go back even though he had saved my life the night before. I knew Hunter wasn't going to react and he wasn't going to care anyway the way he hadn't cared the first time and smiled when he signed the sheet of paper. I don't know why I was worried now thinking something had changed.

Indeed, I could remember how he had hugged me the night before and how he had taken care of me. For a few seconds, it was as if my heart had burst with happiness that he had just touched me and taken me in his arms. But I couldn't count on him and by no means did I want to beg for a little attention from him every time. I had done this for two years and although I had been begging with all my heart, it hadn't been enough to give me at least a glimpse of his person and heart.

As soon as I had seen him I realized that something had changed but I didn't know what. He had fallen asleep on the couch, dizzy from alcohol, ravaged and unkempt in his clothes before an evening. I only smiled for a second and put a fluffy blanket over him, just enjoying the view in front of me. Only now I saw him in full, because never in two years had he approached me enough to scan him from head to toe. Indeed, he was a fulfilled man both physically and mentally. He was tall and had ruffled black hair but it looked attractive. A little unshaven beard gave him more masculinity although I can say that he had enough. I shared a single innocent kiss on the day of my marriage and I could barely remember how it felt because it hadn't been a loving kiss, it had been a façade and a false sense of marriage.

When I saw him in the kitchen in the white shirt a little loose and quite hungover I almost wanted to laugh. I had seen him drunk before, but I never see him the next day, because he was leaving home quickly, in a hurry, and he didn't even look at me. He had always been cared for and I knew for sure that he cared a lot about what he looked like in public, always dressed in company clothes with the most expensive accessories and the most expensive perfumes in the world. It was well-shaped and I could see the difference between our stats from afar. I wasn't even surprised that he wasn't attracted to me, he was gorgeous, a man wanted by any woman. I was a simple woman, nothing attractive and nothing that could attract someone with his stature. I quickly realized that we were from different worlds, like two different planets that would never spin together in the same direction. Although this time I was the one who maintained her firm position, I still felt pain in my heart when I saw the expression on his face. Hunter was a person who could hide any emotion but now he hadn't hidden the fact that he seemed disappointed with my firm words. Why was he so sad? Maybe I was paranoid myself or I had the impression that my decision to divorce again was no longer to his liking.

But now I couldn't give back so I left with a broken heart, not before you offered a kiss on the cheek, for the first time in two years and probably the last time, giving him a piece of advice from the soul. To love and not to remain alone all his life. After all, life didn't have to be lived on its own. I took my bag with some clothes that had previously remained in my room and with a heavy heart, I walked out the huge door of the mansion that until more than half a year ago had been my home. I was going to go back to my small apartment near the hospital and continue my life as best I could. I had to leave Hunter in the back and I had to see my future. But damn, it still hurt and hurt damn hard.

I thought until now, after so many months I was going to get over these feelings, but it wasn't as simple as I thought. I realized looking at the imposing villa that despite the fact that Hunter had not loved me, I had at least owed him the respect due, because after he had taken me from my drunken father on a bag of money, he had given me free rein to his money and although physically and mentally he had never been there for me, at least he had let me be financially comfortable without asking for anything in return. I smiled gently at this thought and realized that he was not selfish when it came to his money but he had been very selfish when it came to his heart and feelings. In the end, I couldn't change anything so I turned with my bag in my hand to head towards the big metal gates when I saw Seth's black car entering the gate.

I stopped in place and he stopped next to me getting out of the car and hugging me directly without thinking for a second.

"I'm glad you're fine. You scared us to death. Do you feel better?" His question makes my eyes tear. He was right, I had been drugged and almost kidnapped and raped and now I was leaving my rescuer's house without even hearing these questions from Hunter.

"I'm fine Seth. A little dizzy but I feel good. Thanks for your help. Where is Angela?"

"You have nothing to thank me for. And my dear wife is in an important meeting at the office so she did not get to come and see you. She said he was coming to see you in the afternoon. "

"Tell her to come to my apartment in town. " I responded by smiling poorly only and avoiding my friend's worried gaze.

"Don't you stay at the Hunter's? I thought you were staying here. " He seemed surprised and I didn't understand why. I thought he knew nothing was going to happen between me and Hunter.

"I don't stay here. I don't have why. There's nothing left between me and Hunter and there hadn't been anything before anyway and I don't want to occupy him because I know he's a very busy man with his business."I knew well that it wasn't a plausible enough reason to leave Hunter, but I wasn't going to go back either.

I had barely made the courage to get out of any situation that brought a Hunter and I honestly believed that I had made the best decision. But Seth's disapproving and sad look gives me a little to think about.

"Here's how we do it, I go into the house to give Hunter something and you jump in the car, and I take you to the apartment. Ok? "He seemed very calm when he said that and smiled now understandingly as if he understood very well what they were going through. Well, I didn't know if he understood but I knew that Seth would never have been fake with me. He had been on my side since I had been taken by Hunter and had given me more friendship and warmth than Hunter in these years. Plus Angela was very kind to me and they both considered me as a younger sister.

Thinking about it, I added another reason to the good things I had gathered while I lived with Hunter. The financial peace and his two friends who, unlike all the businessmen I had seen with Hunter at various parties and balls, were honest and warm with me but more considered me a human, not a doll to Hunter's right.

"I don't want to bother you Seth if you have something to tell Hunter or..."

"I didn't ask you, I just told you to get in the car because I'm coming right back." I smiled and said from the head bypassing the car and entering the front of the passenger with the bag that I had in my arms. I pull out my phone and message Angela, to let her know that Seth is taking me home from Hunter and that I am waiting for her in the afternoon for a hot chocolate at my apartment. After a good few minutes, Seth leaves the house, with a serious but also worried expression at the same time. I didn't ask any questions when he got into the car and started the engine leaving the yard valiantly. Had they been arguing? I knew that Seth and Hunter were like two brothers and from time to time they would harass each other but I had never seen them upset or seriously scolded.

"Are you okay Seth?" I saw him sighing long only and he nodded in the affirmative without answering. I wasn't going to put pressure on him to tell me what happened. If there was anything relevant he would tell me after he most likely calmed down. The road home was fast and silent. I could feel like something was wrong with Seth but I couldn't put my finger on what the problem would be so I turned my head towards the window and let the sun caress my white cheeks.

"Hunter loves you!" There were the words that awakened me from that feeling of confusion and I watched Seth in shock who stopped in front of the apartment building where I lived and turned his worried gaze towards me as if asking for mercy and forgiveness for what he had said.

"What did you say, Seth?" I asked in a trembling voice feeling my heart beating so fast that I felt bad, a feeling of nausea hitting me in full and I did not know if it was from Seth's words or from the fact that I was recovering from a very powerful drug.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't get into what's between you, but Hunter loves you and although I know it's late for him I had to let you know. "

I took a deep breath to control the feeling of nausea and butterflies in my stomach and I didn't take my eyes off Seth who looked at me confused and didn't know what to expect from me.

"I'm sorry Seth," I answer him with a hoarse voice feeling as if the tears want to come to the surface and they stuck in my eyes, coming out of the black car in a hurry, quickly entering the staircase of the block without even saying anything else to Seth who I know had looked long after me until I entered the ladder and I could hear the car's engine growling loudly and in the distance, the loud sound is lost telling me that he had left.

I open the door of the apartment and enter quickly as if I had been chased by someone and my life depended on entering the house quickly and locking the door with the key immediately. I turned on the light bulb and watched around me taking a strong breath feeling like I was screaming, screaming so loudly that God could hear me from above. I got on my knees and the only thing I could do was cry, cry so hard that I couldn't even breathe anymore and hit the laminated floor beneath me as if it was the last thing in this life that had to destroy it.

I didn't know if I felt hatred, anger or disappointment or just all the feelings I had stifled in me and tried to forget about Hunter had gotten out of control upon hearing Seth's words. I didn't know why I felt joy but also anger in the same mix. I lived with the impression that he does not love me and does not feel anything for me because he never showed me a little respect or a little warmth. He had been cold with me from the beginning and hadn't been interested in anything that had ever to do with me. I had been a stranger from start to finish and I couldn't help but feel confused in this situation.

I do not know how much I had looked into the void so far and how much time had passed but a knock on the metal door of my apartment makes me awake and wipe away my tears, looking at the door with a heavy heart. "It can't be ... it's not Hunter," I said in my mind as if terrified by the thought that Hunter might be behind that door and I was not at all ready to give back, the fear that I would jump in his arms and kiss him made me swallow dryly and feel my breath precipitated still paralyzed on the floor in front of the door. But I calm down when I hear Angela's voice behind the door and a shadow of disappointment hits my mind but at the same time, I thank the one above for not yet getting Hunter in my way because I still needed to process the information given by Seth and regroup emotionally so as not to succumb to the temptation to give Hunter a second chance.

"Crystal open the door please, it's me."I stood up and still wiping away my tears as I unlocked the door and let my girlfriend in immediately and close the door after her. She looks at me and scans me from head to toe before she takes me in her arms and leaves my head on her chest, still tearing up like a child.

"Seth said to me, I'm sorry, he didn't have to get in. Hunter had to tell you. " I took a deep breath still smelling of the expensive but elegant scent that Angi was wearing and it reassured me and lifted my head, moving away from her and looking at her with my big eyes.

"Did you knew?"

"Hunter said last night after he brought you home. He came to that party just to talk to you about the divorce and tell you how he felt, but things escalated after we managed to find you and get you out of the hands of that monkey. "

"I ... I chose to leave him. I told him I was going to sign the papers again without any remorse this morning. I didn't know why he had been so disappointed. "

"But he didn't stop you from leaving?" At Angela's question, I sat on the couch as she sat next to me, still looking at me tenderly.

"No," I replied disappointed.

"Look, I'm not going to get in this Crystal. Is it your decision as to what you want to do in the future related to Hunter ok? I can only promise you that you will always have me by your side and I will never let you down, okay? No matter what you do, Seth and I will be with you." At those gentle words and the kindness offered by Angela I smiled, leaving tears to fall on my already red cheeks from crying, as she smiles and receives me in her long and fine arms, where I continue to tear.

I needed to let go of everything and regroup. I was going to recover, I was going to be fine, I was going to be fine without Hunter. He hadn't stopped me from leaving this morning although he had the chance to tell me what he was feeling, what he was telling me he wasn't going to change if he wasn't even on the last hundred meters he had been able, to be honest, and fight for the last time for me. I WAS GOING TO BE FINE!