
The Examination To Become A Hunter

King is just been killed by an assassin but the King is reincarnated as a Hunter his name is Dhyroth. His dad's name is Beast she's mom passed always after he born.His dad thought him how to fight in her own .... After a twenty years later...its the examination to become a hunter.Then suddenly a girl named Jasmine talk to him jasmine said hello what is your name ?said jasmine Dhyroth said I'm am dhyroth and what is your name my name is Princess jasmine ..I'm here to be a hunter me too said Dhyroth can we see each other here... after a few moments they see each other jasmine said did you pass to the examination yes you I pass too ...what class do yo belong ? I am Class B and you what class do you belong ?I'm class A Oh good !! What magic do you use Dhyroth? I don't use any magic I'm using fighting style... What do you use magic Jasmine? I'm using water...

zahrex tenaja.His the greatest martial artist

Ciarah_Tenajacreators' thoughts