
Hunter’s Lust for Futa

These are just a few random snippets which are not at all owned by me. I will remove the stories if the authors tell me to do so.

HunterSuccubus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
220 Chs

A PINCH OF LOVE by ScumDumpster69

If you don't like the concept of cum in food, do not read further!


For most people Mondays were the low point of the week. For Sabrina they were something to look forward to. People would always point out to her how strange it was that she was always in such a cheery mood every Sunday night, as that was the same time that most other people spent being miserable about having to go to work or school the morning after. But not Sabrina. She had been luckier than most.

She had never revealed the true reason for her excitement to start off every week by waking up at five in the morning, then an hour later showing up all alone at the locked doors of the darkened café where she worked. This was her routine from Monday to Friday, and throughout those days she always had to wait until seven a.m. for another employee to show up, giving her one hour of alone time each day. Well, excluding the company of any of the few customers that might show up during that time, of course... Excludinghim...

Using the mirror in the back of one of the pastry display cabinets, Sabrina bent over to give herself one last checkup before opening up for the day. Like every Monday morning, she had spent more time getting her hair and makeup on point than she was willing to admit, but the results it gave were undeniable. She fluttered her eyelashes and raised her thinned-out eyebrows, the carefully groomed, pitch-black strands perfectly enhancing her caramel, latina skin. Though she would have liked to ditch the café's mandatory baby blue sun visor cap, at least it didn't obstruct the loose ponytail sticking out of the back of her head. And the rest of the similarly colored outfit did quite well in hugging her tight, limber body, giving any lucky onlookers an idea of what hid beyond the fabric despite the only visible skin being that of her slim arms.

After pouting her cherry-red lips and blowing herself a kiss in the mirror, she stood up and grabbed the keys to the café door off the counter. Looking around to make sure that everything was in order, she made her way over to the entrance and unlocked the door, her heart beating faster and faster with each second ticking away until her inevitable encounter. Now all she had to do was wait. Though if past experiences were anything to go by, she didn't have to wait very long...


Cody stretched his thin little arms above his head and let out a long yawn. The asphalt underneath him was damp, reflecting the dim light from the street lamps far above, and not a single trace of human activity could be detected in the small apartment buildings around him. Nevertheless, his mood stayed as bright as ever in the oppressive darkness of the early morning sky.

He was almost there. In the edge of the suburbs where he lived there weren't a whole lot of things to see or do, but one little establishment stood out to him. At the same early hour of every Monday and Tuesday he would stop by the little café not too far from the highway and have breakfast, preparing himself for the long day of sophomore year college classes ahead.

Like a beacon of comfort past the dreary buildings and the empty park on the right hand side of the street, he could see the light of his destination leaking out onto the cold, dark surroundings. Turning the corner of the large, wooden fence surrounding the park next to it, a smile spread out on his lips as he gazed upon the café's cozy atmosphere within its windows. He could almost feel the warmth reaching out to embrace him, pulling him in to grant him the energy he needed to make it through any challenges school life might present to him.

Stepping up to the door and swinging it open, the familiar sound of the bell ringing above him and the smell of freshly baked bread immediately had him feeling at home. He took a deep breath, filling his nose with a teaser of what he would be having served in front of him before long. Like always, he expected nothing short of perfection in the food that he would receive, and one glance at the person behind the counter made it clear that he would have his expectations met.

Since two months back she had been the one to take his orders every time he came in, and she hadnever disappointed him. Not only was the food that she prepared always perfect, but the glowing smile on her beautiful face that she greeted him with was half the pleasure of going there. In fact, her smile might have been the very best part of his visits.

Sabrina was her name, if the memory of the little tag on her blue shirt served Cody correctly. A tall, latina girl around his age, with facial features of a model and a personality that defied any preconceived notion one might have that girls like her are always self-absorbed bimbos. She was the type of girl that always made him feel special whenever he ordered his breakfast, even though he knew that it was common practice for employees in her line of work to always fake a happy demeanor when treating customers. With that said, even if such was the case with her, the degree to which she was able to pull it off was commendable to say the least.

Trying his best to tone down the smile on his face, Cody walked up to the counter. "Hi!" he said, having to look up to gain eye contact with the girl, seeing as she stood a good half foot taller than him.

"Hello and welcome!" Sabrina exclaimed in response. "Let me guess: The usual?"

"The usual," Cody said, already taking the wallet out of his back pocket. Fishing up a bill, he handed it over to Sabrina and had it playfully snatched out of his hand before he knew it.

"Coming right up!" she beamed. She opened the cash register and took out a few coins as change, holding them up in the air above the counter for the boy to grab.

"Thank you," Cody replied, reaching for the coins. As per usual, Sabrina didn't merely drop the coins into his hand, but instead went as far as to rub their palms together in a strange, slightly awkward manner as she let go of the change. It did make him a bit uncomfortable, but he figured that it was just her way of being polite, like a way of acting familiar with her customers by not shying away from physical contact.

"Thankyou," she purred, keeping her eyes on Cody as she turned and headed towards the door leading back to the storage to get the ingredients required.

Cody shot her as friendly a smile as he could muster, still unable to place Sabrina's odd behavior after his many interactions with her. Not that he disliked it in any way; he just didn't know how to respond to it. And hey, as long as she was happy and friendly, that was all that mattered. Furthermore, as far as he knew she was all alone during these early hours, so perhaps she was just a bit extra happy to see another person's face.

Thinking nothing more of it for the time being, Cody went to sit down at the same table as always, located in the corner of the café. He sighed as he put his backpack on the floor next to him and looked around the cozy, brown interior, the various light fixtures on the walls and in the ceiling set to a perfect level of brightness that neither hurt one's tired eyes nor made the place dim and gloomy. A faint, calm tune of music could be heard from a speaker somewhere, setting a nice mood for any groggy customers that might show up before sunrise. Cody closed his eyes and slid further down his chair, the only thing that could make the start of his week any better being the delicious breakfast that he was soon to be presented with.

Out of all the various cafés, fast food restaurants, convenience stores and gas stations he had gone to for quick, cheap meals to start off his school days with, none of them were as good as this one. Every meal he had ever had there, even prior to settling on his usual order, had been great, but their scrambled eggs were out of this world. How it was even possible to achieve such intense flavors from such a simple dish was downright mind-boggling.

At first Cody thought the secret lay in the café's recipe, but the few times anyone other than this Sabrina had prepared it for him proved otherwise. She was the only one able to blow his mind with how delicious it was every time he ate it. Even disregarding the perfectly creamy texture, it had this strange flavor that, while hard to place, worked wonders. A hint of sweetness and bitterness that cut through the mild, buttery flavor one would expect from scrambled eggs. In due time he might finally learn the secret behind it...


Sabrina quietly hummed to herself as she picked out the various assortment of items needed for the order she was making. Most of what the café had to offer consisted of what was visible at the counter, such as pre-wrapped sandwiches and other things that were already prepared for consumption, but they also had a stovetop that allowed for cooking a few quick and simple breakfast dishes. "The usual" that Cody had ordered was one of those things. Scrambled eggs served with grilled tomatoes and mushrooms, and a cream cheese bagel to go with it. His go-to drink to down all this with was a large cup of mocha, thoroughly heaped with cream and chocolate shavings. It was thanks to signing his coffee cup that she knew his name.

The sight of her almost maniacally gathering up the many ingredients in her arms would have had one worry that she was stressed out of her mind, but such was not the case. What she was working with was nothing but happiness. All of the excitement that had been building up during the weekend was about to come to a rather explosive climax before long.

Like every time he came by, Cody's image was immediately ingrained into Sabrina's mind anew. This time it was a skin-tight, long-sleeved, black shirt with white lettering on the front that covered his flat chest and slim waistline, and a pair of almost equally tight, gray short shorts that hugged his perky little bubble-butt and smooth thighs. Indeed, despite the cold morning hours during which he would visit, Cody was clearly more interested in looking good than shielding his frail little body with a jacket or hoodie.

Why a cute boy like him would ever dress like that and expect to be left alone was a mystery to Sabrina. The thought that he actually wanted people to behold his beautiful form had often crossed her mind, and that is exactly the sentiment that her mind would travel to as a justification for her own lecherous gazes. Though regardless of his clothing she would probably have fawned over him just from seeing his adorable face, with his little up-turned nose, complete with a piercing above his right nostril, and the light-brown curls of hair tickling his slender neck and shoulders. Not to mention that smile of his... He couldn't hope to match the intensity of the one Sabrina would greet him with, but seeing the corners of his pink, soft lips turn upwards as he looked at her with his amber eyes nonetheless made her heart throb every time.

At last, she set down the carton of eggs by the rest of the ingredients on the table in front of her, making sure that everything was present. Eggs, cream, salt, pepper, chives, butter, tomatoes, mushrooms... Other than the bagel and coffee that she would prepare on the side, all the things required to make a plate of delicious scrambled eggs were all in front of her. With the exception of her one, secret ingredient that was located elsewhere...


Though well rested, Cody felt almost ready to fall asleep where he sat. All the songs that played were well suited as lullabies, and the seating of his chair was nice and soft against his little boy-butt. He crossed his arms tightly around himself and rubbed them against the black fabric of his shirt, massaging his smooth, creamy skin underneath. Freshly showered and moisturized, his own soft touch almost drew out an adorable little moan from him; such was the extent of his comfort.

... Of course, the moment slowly but surely had to be ruined by something. Namely, his bladder. He had been so eager for breakfast that morning that he hadn't even taken the time to pee, and now that decision was getting in the way of his otherwise perfect start of the day.

Letting out a groan, he rose from his slumped position, rubbed his eyes and stood up, then looked around for a restroom. To his surprise and annoyance he couldn't see one. The fact that he hadn't noticed that during any of his previous visits was strange, but it was stranger yet that the café would lack a restroom when it was so well designed and outfitted in every other regard. They had a ramp for handicapped people to enter, and even offered special menus with braille writing to anyone in need.

Well, there must at the very least have been at least one restroom for the employees, right? Perhaps Cody could just peek into the staff room and ask Sabrina if he could use it real quick. She was always so happy and bubbly, so he couldn't even imagine that she would refuse him such a basic request. Besides, he was more than just another customer by now.

Still looking around to see if he somehow missed a restroom door somewhere, Cody slowly made his way to the entrance to the staff room. He gave the door a knock and waited a few seconds for a response, but none came. He knocked again, a little harder, but went unheard a second time. While he didn't want to just barge in, it seemed like that was the only way he could go about it. And hey, the fact that he had knocked first meant that at least he hadn't been rude about it.

Pushing down the door handle and carefully cracking the door open, Cody took a peek inside, seeing no trace of Sabrina among the shelves and refrigerators in the large storage room, but perhaps hearing one. Though it was faint, he thought he could hear her voice emanating from somewhere further in, seemingly the break room. Her being in a phone call was the most likely explanation. Regardless, Cody wasn't too keen on holding in his pee any longer than necessary.

He entered and made his way towards the sound, trying to make out exactly what he was hearing. If it were words they must have been spoken in another language, seeing as how he still had no clue what to make of it even as he was nearing its source beyond the door on the far side of the storage. However, the closer he got, the more clear it became to him that it sounded less like speech and more like... whimpers? Had Sabrina gotten hurt? Perhaps she had burnt herself on the stovetop, or poured boiling water on herself?

Suddenly in a state of alarm, Cody hurried up to the door and pressed down the handle. Though he tried his best not to make any unnecessary noise, he swung the door wide open in one fell swoop, figuring that the possibility of helping out an injured person in distress would be a good enough excuse for entering the break room as a non-employee... But what he was met with, while indeed a whimpering Sabrina, was a sight so unexpected that his eyes nearly popped out of his head.

He remained unnoticed, with the beautiful latina's ponytail and blue-clad back turned to him from across the room... as well as her bubbly, brown asscheeks and slim legs, the work-pants she wore earlier now dropped to her ankles. In front of her was a table that she was leaning on with one hand, and spread out on top of it were the ingredients for Cody's scrambled eggs. Her other hand was... doing something that looked an awful lot like something normally done by men...

The muffled whimpers that had kept Cody's presence concealed continued uninterrupted as he stood there in shock, watching whatever Sabrina was doing from behind. Up close it sounded more like moans of the sexual kind, seemingly held back by the collar of her shirt stuffed into her mouth. That is, until her teeth suddenly let go of the collar and let her voice flow free.

"Mm, Cody, baby..." she moaned, throwing her head back.

Cody felt a blush washing over his face and a shudder go down his spine. Sabrina's words were still hard to decipher, but there was no doubt about what she had just uttered. He couldn't believe it at first, but it was clear that she was masturbating, thinking of him of all people... But he still couldn't wrap his head around why the movement of her hand looked unfit for a woman.

Then, things took an unexpected turn. Sabrina's moans suddenly came out with shorter intervals and greater volume, and the hand that she used to hold on to the table reached out to pick up a large glass bowl. She spread her legs as much as she could with her pants around her ankles, held down the bowl in front of her crotch and leaned forward over the table... and that's when Cody understood.

Her right hand finally came into view above the bowl she was holding with her left one, only it was holding a long, thick cock that she was forcibly angling downwards. With her legs spread, the two fat balls at its base were visible as well, hanging low and heavy, their smooth surface seeming to undulate as if churning up a big batch of seed. As her hand started moving faster and faster until its movement started to blur, Sabrina went on to direct the tip of her cock into the bowl.

Cody had come just in time to get a perfect view of the fruits of Sabrina's labor. It began with her balls tightening up, quickly followed by a thick spurt of cum being unleashed into the bowl, hitting its glass bottom with an audible thud. Rope after rope of equally voluminous amounts followed, Sabrina's moans unable to drown out the splashing noise of her cum beginning to form a little pool in the bowl. With both horror and awe on his face, Cody covered his wide open mouth with his hand as he continued to watch her drawn-out orgasm, every fibre of his being telling him to quietly turn around and head back.

At last, the deranged noises of pleasure pouring out of Sabrina's mouth started to die out along with her cumshot. She let out a few last dribbles into the bowl and sighed, her chest resting against the counter while her legs quivered in her afterglow, their smooth surface slick with sweat.

After having watched in silence for what seemed like an eternity, Cody finally realized that all Sabrina had to do to notice him was turn her head slightly towards him where she lay. With that, he began backing out of the room, carefully bringing the door with him and letting it shut quietly. Once out in the large storage room, he remained still for a while, in complete disbelief of what he had just witnessed, his heart beating like crazy and his breath close to hyperventilating levels.

Gulping, he finally managed to make his legs get a move on. He turned around and returned to the seating area with quiet but hurried steps, the shock on his face still very much present, and the view of Sabrina's huge cock getting stroked being replayed over and over again in his mind. His calm demeanor from earlier was gone as he sat back down in his chair, with stiff muscles and sweat soaking into his tight-fitting clothing.

He had so many questions, although why on earth Sabrina had a cock was actually quite far down on the list. What exactly she had been doing in there was more relevant at the moment. Why had she been masturbating in the break room? Why would she ejaculate into a bowl? Why do it when she should have been busy preparing Cody's scrambled eggs...?

Truth be told it wasn't hard to work out the answers to his questions on his own, but he didn't want to believe the only logical conclusion he could arrive at. The ingredients on the table in front of her; the bowl that had gathered her cum; the odd, but exciting flavor that was unique to the scrambled eggs she had served in the past... There was no doubt about it...

All this time he had been eating Sabrina's cum...

Now, a happy, bubbly boy like Cody wasn't exactly good at handling conflict, but he knew that this was a big deal. He knew that it was something that should be reported to higher ups immediately. How many crimes Sabrina had committed with her shameful act would probably take a long time to list, but even looking past the moral side of things, this must surely have been a health hazard. It wouldn't surprise him if he could get sick from consuming such tainted food.

... So why was he still sitting there at his table as if nothing had happened? Was his fear of making this already big deal into an even bigger deal the only reason, or was there more to it than that?

Just by looking at him, it wasn't hard to see that Cody wasn't exactly a ladies' man. Most people would probably have assumed that he wasn't even a male to begin with, judging from the way he dressed and acted. But such was not the case. He just happened to be "unfortunate" enough to not only naturally look like a short, cute girl, but also have the fashion sense of one. He had never cared about appearing attractive for anyone else, nor did he ever feel insecure about the way he looked. To him, all that mattered was whether or not his style of clothing, hairdo and accessories went well with his lithe body.

Though he didn't identify as asexual, his sex drive had never been particularly high; perhaps due to a lack of testosterone. Girls weren't something he fantasized about often, despite being straight as an arrow. Well, perhaps that was an exaggeration... at least after what he had just witnessed. He couldn't help picturing the gorgeous, dusky-skinned Sabrina standing naked in front of him, her big lips and wide mouth going from ear to ear in a glimmering smile and her thick, hard cock throbbing in excitement... Even the straightest of men would probably have had a hard time looking away, just by virtue of Sabrina being an absolute beauty. To Cody however, his interest seemed to have been drawn to her cock in specific...

The time was drawing near for his food to arrive at his table, and yet he couldn't bring himself to do anything other than just sit and wait. His chest heaved with each increasingly panicked breath he took. It would be so easy to just walk out and never look back, without even worrying about reporting the incident and turning it into something more than it needed to be.

"Scrambled eggs, a cream cheese bagel and a cup of mocha!" a cheery voice suddenly sang out.

Cody looked up from the floor, at Sabrina coming towards his table with a plate in her hand. "Oh, th-thanks..."

She put the plate in front of him, her eyes glued to him as always, and that's when she noticed that his cheeks seemed to have an almost feverish red hue to them. "Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," Cody said. "It's just a bit... warm in here..."

Sabrina scanned his girly body. "Well, unfortunately I can't do much about that... I would have suggested removing some clothing, but that doesn't look like a possibility for you."

He stared at her with a blank face. She was still giving him that same smile as whenever he would place an order, but this time he could tell that it hid something obscene behind it. No doubt had she just pictured him naked... Perhaps even bent over in front of her, presenting his tight little butt for her to use however she wanted...

"... I think I'll be fine," he mustered at last, looking back at the floor tiles.

"Alright. Enjoy your meal!"


Forcing herself to tear her eyes away from the pretty boy, Sabrina spun around and headed back to the kitchen. Like always, regardless of knowing whether or not Cody had noticed, she made sure to pout her ass out as much as possible, swaying her hips with each step. And of course, as with every time she had served him, the front of her pants was immediately strained from the way her cock once more inflated at the thought of Cody eating her seed. If past instances were anything to go by, no additional customers would come in for quite some time... Time best spent rubbing out another one while thinking of her adorable regular...

As for Cody, the enthusiasm with which he typically initiated his breakfast was absent. His breaths were heavy with anxiety as they took in the deliciously scented plume of steam rising from the pile of creamy eggs. It was with great shame that he let his hand shakily grasp the fork lying next to the plate and subsequently dig into the soft, yellow curdles, before lifting it up and staring at the forkful he had amassed, not really knowing what to think. The scent and the flavor that he knew awaited seem to call out to him, begging him to proceed and give it an honest try. And finally, after contemplating for what seemed like hours, he brought it to his mouth and allowed himself what felt like a brand new experience.

Sure enough it was ever so creamy and rich, probably largely in thanks to the secret ingredient. Her cum... He was eating her cum. And despite that every last hint of common sense signalled to him that he should be repulsed, this portion of scrambled eggs was probably the tastiest one yet. There probably wasn't an actual difference in how she had prepared it either, which meant that it was all in his head. The thought of the secret ingredient that had gotten him hooked ever since he first ordered the café's scrambled eggs, and knowing that he was what was on Sabrina's mind whenever she produced it... Somehow, that awoke some foreign, tingling emotion within him.

Had he merely been flattered into liking it more, considering how rare it was for a girl to be attracted to him? Was it the erotic thrill of an employee doing something so naughty and forbidden at work hours? Perhaps there was simply a little masochist somewhere inside him that enjoyed being humiliated...? Or perhaps it was a combination of it all...

Strangely enough, the more he thought about it, the better the food seemed to taste, and the more excited he became. Every forkful of scrambled eggs that he brought up to his mouth almost fell off, his entire arm shaking like crazy as he tried to contain the mix of feelings within him. Each time it reached his lips and the flavor hit his taste buds it was as if the strange and mysterious Sabrina slowly etched herself into his mind, taking advantage of his carefree innocence. Her essence was putting him under her spell, spreading through his entire body, to his throbbing heart within his heaving chest and subsequently through the blood burning like fire in his veins.

Before he knew it, the plate was empty. Well, disregarding the mushrooms and tomatoes that he had completely ignored. Same with the untouched bagel and cup of coffee next to it. In just a few minutes he had completely devoured the eggs, far faster than he ever had before, along with the fat wad of cum that came with them.

Breathing heavily, he set his fork down and finally properly reflected upon what he had just done... and what she had done. Sabrina... The downright gorgeous latina who always treated him like he was VIP, with a constant, beaming smile on her face. What was he to think of her now?

A jolt suddenly shook his body, perhaps one caused by the rational part of him trying to snap him out of his daze. He rose from his seat, looking towards the reception to see if Sabrina was there, but found no trace of her. With a deep breath, he reached out to grab his backpack, then quickly bolted from his table on weak, shaky legs. He kept an eye out for Sabrina as he practically ran to the exit, knowing that if she were to see him now, she would no doubt get suspicious. Thankfully he remained unseen, and out he ran into the still cold and dark surroundings of the early morning.

He couldn't stay in the café as he processed his feelings, that was for sure. Hell, he probably couldn't continue on with his school day as if nothing had happened either. The thought of running straight back home was tempting indeed. And in doing so, he could take care of a certain issue that had arisen in his crotch area as well...


Where the hell is he? Sabrina thought to herself, resting her chin in her palm on top of the counter. She had checked the date several times already, making sure that it was indeed a Tuesday like any other. The time, however, was drawing closer and closer to six thirty, almost half an hour later than her precious Cody's usual time of arrival.

She sighed, laying her arms down on the counter and planting her face on top of them. There was no doubt that she was being a bit silly about the whole thing, the way she blew it out of proportion just because of a minor difference in what her routine looked like. But this was the highlight of her week, damn it! Mondays and Tuesdays were the only two days she would see him! The rest of her time spent at work was downright boring in comparison, not to mention stressful as of late. Her boss had promised more staff for quite some time, and yet the flyers in the windows with "We're Hiring" written in large letters remained.

The thought that Cody had suddenly fallen ill had crossed her mind. That would explain why he had acted so distant and been all red in the face the day before, and why he was suddenly nowhere to be seen when she came to check up on him afterwards. But at the same time, if such was truly the case it was strange for him to just leave instead of asking Sabrina for assistance, whatever form of assistance that might be. Tissues, pills, cold water... Anything. Anything for him...

She couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty for what she always did to his food. But it was just so hot! Besides, she had always been completely clueless when it came to approaching her love interests, and with Cody it was even more difficult. She had never come across someone like him, so how could she possibly know what to say or do?

Then, the sound she was hoping for finally came. The bell above the entrance door rang, and off the counter she rose, suddenly put on full alert as she looked over to see who had entered. Going from surprised, to relieved, and finally to ecstatic, her trademark wide smile set in on her face. It was him... Cody!

Though he remained by the entrance for the time being, Sabrina couldn't contain her excitement. "Welcome!" she called out across the empty café, expecting Cody to look up from the floor and face her. And so he did, but not in the way she had expected.

His smile was nowhere to be found, and in its place, a nervous, flushed look was engraved instead. He still looked ever so adorable, but there was clearly something different about him compared to usual. Not only in regards to his mood, but also his clothing. While still skin tight and fit for a thin girl as per usual, his current T-shirt was devoid of any modesty. This time it was a white one with golden lettering on the front, but the hem didn't reach all the way down to his tight, black shorts like it usually did... He was wearing a crop top!

Sabrina watched wide-eyed as Cody brushed back a lock of his curly, dark-blond hair behind his ear, before he made his way over to the counter with nervous steps. Completely forgetting about her sense of professionalism, she stared at his revealed waistline, immediately conjuring up fantasies of grabbing it from behind while she fucked him raw, before covering his flat little tummy and cute belly button in a thick layer of cum... God, he really was teasing her all along, wasn't he?


Snapping out of it upon hearing his adorable, androgynous voice, Sabrina only then realized that he was standing right in front of her. "O-oh, yes, sorry!" she stammered. "Would you like... the usual?" Containing herself with Cody up close had never been this hard. She scanned him as stealthily as she could, noticing that his waistline wasn't the only thing that was exposed. His shirt wasn't merely a crop top, it was an off-the-shoulder one as well, showing off his smooth, slender form from the top of his arms to his collarbones. Oh, to just reach out and snatch him up, then pull him over the counter and onto his knees...

"Yes..." Cody mumbled in response, his eyes darting around in obvious distress.

Sabrina cleared her throat, trying her best not to let Cody's tight little body distract her any further. "A-alright! I'll get on it right away!" She looked at him, hoping that her bubbly mood would prove contagious, but all he did was silently look down into his wallet as he dug for money. He glanced at her a final time, then put down the exact amount needed to pay for his standard meal, before spinning around and leaving for his usual seat in the corner of the café.

As much as Sabrina loved the view of his little bubble butt, watching Cody's strange mannerisms left her confused more than anything. But hey, she wasn't about to disappoint him by delaying his breakfast any further. She shrugged and headed into the back, quickly letting her mind wander back to where the sight of Cody's clothing had brought it. It would be hard to last long this time around, that was for sure...

She was practically jumping up and down as she made her way to the pantry and started scooping up the required ingredients in her arms, the front of her shorts feeling tighter by the second. To an even greater extent than usual she wasn't far from dropping everything on the floor in her crazed lust, but she just couldn't contain herself. By the time she had gathered everything she practically looked like a cartoon character in how she clumsily tried to balance the tower of food items in her grasp as she continued to the break room.

With a swift kick, she slammed the door open and quickly made her way to the table on the opposite side of the room. Her patience was completely gone at that point, as proven by how she simply dropped everything she was carrying onto the granite surface, hardly caring about any broken eggs she might leave in her wake. Though far more excited than usual, her subsequent ritual largely carried on the same way as always. She grabbed the large mixing bowl with one hand, unzipped her pants with the other, and bent forward over the table to get in position to do the deed.

Having pulled her blue shorts down around her thighs, everything was set. Now she could finally let her imagination flow free. The images in her head of Cody in his new, sexy outfit quickly morphed into far more erotic ones as she gave her raging cock its first stroke.

In Sabrina's mind, Cody had assumed many different roles, ranging from things as low as a street whore to her very own spouse, all to fit whatever mood she was in at the time. This time he was a stripper. A stripper slowly and seductively sauntering towards her in a dark room, his hungry eyes locked on to hers, and his adorable face burning with lust. His fingers were pulling away at the bottom of his white shirt, revealing more and more of his creamy skin, while his unbuttoned shorts slowly slid down his girly thighs in an equally slow manner. Sabrina had regrettably never gotten as much as a glimpse of his underwear in real life, but that didn't stop her from imagining a thin pair of white briefs hugging his little butt and meager package in the front, all now slowly being revealed in front of her. At the same time came those small, pink buds for nipples that his shirt seemed to get stuck on as he pulled on it in an oh so drawn-out and teasing fashion.


Just like that, bliss turned to horror. Sabrina may have been near lost in her fantasy, but she knew that she hadn't imagined that voice just then. A chill that reached into her very core suddenly had her frozen in place, the vigorous stroking of her cock coming to a halt along with her heavy breaths.

Standing up straight, she turned her head towards the door behind her, knowing what she would be met with, but nonetheless breaking out into an internal panic once she saw him. He stood there staring at her, but not in a way similar to that of her fantasies. She could sense the judgment and disgust in those eyes, as if she had been reduced to some vile, inhuman creature to him. And perhaps that was deserved...

"C-Cody?!" she blurted, the first time speaking his name in a manner other than moaning. "You... you can't be in here! This is a staff room!" Her words did nothing to ease neither the tension in the room nor her own guilty conscience and embarrassment. There was no way for her to deny what she had just done, she knew that much. She had been caught in the act, doing something far more disgraceful than what any rational person could forgive. And Cody? He lingered in place, ever silent and no doubt about to lash out.

Sabrina gulped, covering up her thick asscheeks with her shorts, then painfully tucked her rock-hard cock inside them. She turned around as she reached down to close her fly, finding that Cody's judgmental gaze wasn't directed at her eyes, but rather the big bulge in her panties that she was actively trying to get the zipper past. What could possibly have been going on inside his head at that moment was impossible to tell, but just as she had convinced herself that her life was over, the look on his face seemed to change ever so slightly. Perhaps Sabrina was imagining it, but in moving his eyes from her face to her bulge, the look of disgust on Cody's face seemed to have neutralized.

"Wait..." he said, his stiff legs stepping into the room.

"... Huh?" Sabrina replied as Cody came walking towards her at an increasing pace. "W-what are you doing?!" The spastic movement of her fumbling fingers trying to close her fly was abruptly halted, by none other than Cody's own delicate hand. Already having made his way up to Sabrina, he placed it on hers, signalling her to keep her fly open. She looked down at it in disbelief, before looking up at his face, by then mere inches away from her.

She had never seen him this closely before, let alone in such a state. The way he stared at her with those beautiful eyes that twinkled a dark golden color similar to that of his nose piercing; the way his sweet breath flowed past those parted, pink lips of his. Indeed, the look of disgust from a moment ago had been entirely replaced by what seemed like longing, or at the very least curiosity. Needless to say, Sabrina hadn't been expecting such an outcome in a million years, and the way she was frozen in place with her mouth gaping open reflected that. Thus, she was left wide open for what happened next.

Suddenly the hand on her crotch was firmly and somehow affectionately clutched by Cody's, while his other hand reached around her waist and pulled the two of them together, his flat chest pushed against her perky breasts. Being noticeably shorter than Sabrina, who stood a little on the tall side even by male standards, he raised himself up on his toes and leaned in for a bold kiss. Thighs, waists, chests and lips all rubbed against each other as the pair shared their first true moment of affection.

Sabrina, whose mouth still hung open in shock, had no chance of reacting to Cody's tongue slipping past her lips. Before she knew it he was already making out with her, at first without any sort of reciprocation. That said, it didn't take long for her to relax just enough to close her eyes and return the strange, sudden kiss, in place of what should have been a call to HR on Cody's part. She had no clue what had suddenly come over him, but her confusion was pushed aside in that moment. The reason didn't matter; they were kissing, just like she had dreamt of so many times.

While Sabrina hadn't necessarily thought of Cody as shy and timid, she also hadn't expected the vigor and expertise with which he kissed her. He made sure to hold them anchored tightly together with his arm, while at the same time doing his all in keeping her in place with his lips as his tongue coiled within her mouth. And Sabrina at last began kissing him back, their lips smacking against each other, and their chins glistening from their mixed saliva. 

So intense was their intimate moment that Sabrina barely registered that Cody suddenly pulled away from her, lowering his heels to the floor. The tall latina opened her groggy eyes to see the earlier hint of longing in the face of her crush enhanced tenfold. He stared at her with a bite of his lip, still holding on to her with an arm around her midsection and a hand against her own that had yet to let go of the zipper of her shorts. From there he went on to gently pry it away from her fly, with Sabrina in a daze that rendered her unable to even think about stopping him. With her hand out of the way, the next thing she felt was Cody's fingers rubbing against her stiff cock through the fabric of her panties, drawing out a weak moan from her.

Cody leaned in closer, getting his lips as close to Sabrina's ear as he could. "I want it straight from the source this time..." he whispered.

While Sabrina had finally begun to understand Cody's intentions in coming to the staff room, she had hardly been given the chance to prepare mentally. His androgynous, tender voice that reverberated in her skull in addition to what had already taken place almost had her fainting on the spot. She practically went cross-eyed, her knees started buckling, and had it not been for the counter behind her that she managed to lean her elbows against, she would no doubt have fallen flat on her back.

"You... you want to..." she began, seeing two blurry Codys stand before her lust-drunk eyes. "How did you know...?"

"I saw you," he said. At that point his entire palm was rubbing against Sabrina's bulge, almost jerking her off from outside her shorts. "I saw what you did to my food..."

Sabrina gulped in embarrassment, but her horny mind simultaneously started to let the thought of getting a blowjob take over. "I'm sorry... I just thought it would be hot..."

Blushing and nervous as he may have been, Cody nonetheless smirked at her. "It was," he said, the hand he had around Sabrina's midsection sliding back to her front, joining in on teasingly caressing her cock. "Gross, humiliating and unprofessional... but also hot." With his petrifying gaze still fixed on Sabrina's glistening, brown eyes, he hooked his thumbs underneath her panties and gently began tugging on them. Even as they slowly unveiled the massive thing hidden underneath, Cody knew not to give in to his curiosity immediately, and thus refrained from looking down to see it in the flesh. He didn't know what he would feel upon witnessing it up close for the first time, but he knew that his reaction would give away some degree of shock, fear and perhaps even submission. And for the time being, he needed to stay in control. He needed to show Sabrina that he wasn't some weakling to be screwed with.

"Wait..." Sabrina pleaded, her cock fully exposed as the hem of her panties continued down her full, bronze balls. "We can't... Not here..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, is this room for masturbation only?" Cody retorted snappily. Letting go of her panties that were now lodged mid-thigh, under a low-hanging nutsack, he grabbed her dick by the base and gave it a long, slow stroke all the way to the spongy tip. "Is a blowjob taking it too far?"

Sabrina gulped, feeling her cock throb, more so from hearing the word "blowjob" uttered in Cody's adorable voice than the movement of his hand. "W-what if one of my coworkers sees us?"

"Then we better be quick about it..." said Cody, leaning in for a quick smooch on Sabrina's lips. She remained stunned, he remained smirking in feigned confidence, and his knees folded together and hit the floor at last.

With his head at perfect viewing level, Cody went cross-eyed at what his hands had already been introduced to. Indeed, he was still holding it, squeezing it, feeling its warmth, but his mind was immediately overwhelmed by the sight and, to some extent, smell of cock. It throbbed inches from his face, a tiny puddle of precum already having formed on the floor beneath, and continuing to grow from the absurd dripping.

A heavy sigh escaped his mouth, and with it, his demeanor changed in the exact way he had expected. To think that one glimpse of it the day before was all it took for him to fantasize about getting to see it again... Well, perhaps those thoughts mostly revolved around the creamy reward it inevitably would grant him, but still... Her thick cock was nothing short of a beauty in his eyes. The sheer length, which his hand didn't even cover by a third, the girth, which his fingers weren't even close to reaching around, the beautiful, caramel skin that covered it, riddled with thick veins that throbbed in tandem with the rest of the shaft... How could he resist it? And considering his general disinterest in sex, how could anyone?

Using his free hand to pull back the foreskin to uncover the lighter colored, bulbous cockhead in its shiny glory, Cody's suppressed desires could be held back no more. He closed his eyes and leaned forward, perching the sticky slit against his cute, up-turned nose, smearing the entrance of his nostrils and upper lip with precum. Not a second was wasted in taking in the scent of Sabrina's gorgeous cock, and to his delight, it was equally as erotic as the way it looked and felt. It was but a mild smell of both natural musk and a hint of fruity body wash, but the effect that it had on Cody was all the stronger.

He quickly moved on to kissing it at the same place, arguably with more intensity than he had kissed Sabrina on the lips. Even the tiny amount of precum that seeped into his mouth was nothing short of delicious, enhancing his lust even further. Pressing one palm against the side of the shaft, his lips continued down the opposite side, dragging across the veiny skin until he came all the way down to the base. Without pause, hesitation, or even a hint of shame, he deftly slid down Sabrina's ballsack, immediately sucking one of her big sperm tanks into his mouth.

"Ah..." Sabrina moaned, looking down at Cody as he leaned his head back with her testicle between his pouting lips, pulling the skin of her hairless scrotum taut. Though not particularly stimulating on a physical level, the sight of him freely playing with her balls kept her cock rock-hard, but things were about to get cranked up a notch.

Cody let her nut fall out of his mouth with a wet plop, sending them both swinging back and forth like a wet pendulum. They quickly came to a still in his left hand while his right squeezed the shaft, and his mouth came diving down to instantly wrap around Sabrina's thick, ever-leaking cockhead. Then, in a trinity of pleasure, he finally moved on from foreplay.

"Oh my god..." the quivering latina blurted. Virtually every square inch of her genitals were being stimulated: Her pulsating shaft by a hand squeezing and pulling on it as if milking it; her glans by a pair of lips with enough suction to extract an even greater flow of precum; and her balls by a gentle, yet somehow rough massage of Cody's fingers.

Only now did Sabrina realize that not only was this reality, it was already far better than what she had imagined so many times. Her own hand was nothing compared to the soft touch of a girly boy like Cody. The bewildered look on her face didn't diminish, but with the grin that slowly crept in on her drooling mouth it was clear that her current state was induced more by pure ecstasy rather than mere shock and disbelief.

Cody, whose eyes had been all too focused on the massive, brown cock he was worshipping, finally looked up at the gorgeous girl it was attached to. The way she smiled spread right over to him, the corners of his mouth curling up as he continued to slurp on her cock. So far he had only treated his blowjob as something to please himself with, his own curiosity over giving a blowjob being the number one motivation. But seeing that he seemed to already have caused her untold pleasure despite his lack of experience sent a shiver of excitement through his girly little body.

Sliding his lips back off Sabrina's cock, Cody momentarily ceased his worshipping, his hand grasping it firmly at the base. "Am I living up to your expectations?" he said teasingly, showing off his perfectly white teeth in a slutty grin.

"F-fuck yes..."

"You wanna feed me like this from now on?" he purred, then gave the tip of Sabrina's cock a slow lick.

"If I may..." In truth, she couldn't begin to process what such a situation would entail. Would they start dating? Would they become friends with benefits? Did Cody only care about getting a mouthful of cum to start his days off with? For the time being, it didn't matter. The thought of having such a sexy little thing as him coming in to suck her dick, like it was a cream-filled lollipop, was more than enough to convince Sabrina.

Cody's hand began moving back and forth across the veiny shaft once more. "I'm a hungry boy, though..." he said. "You think you can keep me full?"

"O-of course!" Sabrina replied without pause.

"Well then, I think it's about time you serve me my meal..." Lolling out his dripping tongue, Cody leaned in to pick up where he left off. The hard cock was plunged several inches deep into his mouth without hesitation, and his lips immediately clung to its surface like he was some slutty bimbo trying to wring it out.

"Ooh, shit..." Sabrina moaned. Her jaw slowly went slack, stretching the thick, red-painted lips of her wide mouth open fully, a dribble of drool running down her chin. She could barely even see at this point, stars beginning to bespeckle her vision as her long, dark eyelashes fluttered out of control.

And though it wasn't really visible, Cody was in a similar boat. It was as if the flow of heat from Sabrina's thick precum was feeding the ravenous butterflies in his stomach and the beating of his heart. Even so, the blush on his cheeks wasn't merely induced by lust, but also embarrassment. He couldn't believe the words that he had just uttered, nor the way he had just waltzed into the staff room to almost immediately drop down to his knees and offer a blowjob like it was nothing.

There was but one explanation... He was meant for this. At the very core of his being was a slutty little femboy who was born to suck big, fat, throbbing girl-cocks. He had never come across a girl like Sabrina before, so perhaps it wasn't all that strange that his sexuality had remained largely unexplored in the past... But now it was all clear to him. The spark of lust caused from just one quick view of what Sabrina had in store had ignited into a full-blown inferno of desire, worship and depravity as he continued to give the sloppiest head he was capable of.

Determined to bring Sabrina to orgasm without having to pause, Cody went a step further. His hands let go of the shaft and nutsack entirely, instead reaching all the way around Sabrina's thick, round ass and grabbing ahold of her cheeks. With that, the resulting few inches that he was forced to slide forward introduced his completely inexperienced throat to the huge womanhood occupying his mouth. While not as deep as to enter it, he pressed the glans firmly against the entrance of his throat, feeling it rub against his tonsils to the point where it almost forced itself past them. Only one thing could make the experience better at that point...

"Oh my god, you're going even deeper?!" Sabrina exclaimed. Now, with more than half of her cock buried within Cody's mouth, her body could no longer keep up. Her legs started spasming from the overbearing pleasure of the pair of lips squeezing her shaft, while a nimble little tongue tickled its underside, and the staff room suddenly became a blurry mess before her eyes. She was close, and yet she knew she had to do something to speed things up further, since the fear of getting caught still lingered in the beautiful moment of love.

Almost as if she had read Cody's mind, the one thing he had hoped for happened. He felt Sabrina put her palm against the top of his head, to then softly and slowly give his hair a stroke down along its backside. From there she bunched up his gorgeous, shoulder-length curls into a tuft and held onto it with a grip so strong that a boy like Cody could never escape it.

The intense slurping and sucking noises only got louder as a result, as did the speed at which Cody bobbed his head back and forth with the thick cock pressing against the back of his mouth. He was gagging to some extent, but he did not care. He couldn't help himself. There was just something so hot about being held in place like a good little cocksucker while his own mind likewise was set on not stopping until the climax was reached. As if both his inner slut and Sabrina were working together to teach him the standard of what every blowjob should be like. His own penis was just an afterthought at that point: A tiny little thing that twitched eagerly within his shorts while a superior cock was getting all the attention.

He nestled his prying fingers deep in between Sabrina's buttcheeks as he held on to her soft flesh tightly. With teary eyes and the entrance to his throat practically bruised from the way he plunged her cock against it, he looked up at her as if begging for her cum. Partly due to exhaustion, but more so because the intense craving that had been building up since the day before was about to drive him crazy.

Sabrina's cock only throbbed and ached harder as a result of the beautiful view, and her rather suppressed moans were starting to force their way out of her mouth at a volume that could potentially be heard by other customers. Of course, it was far beyond her power to stop herself. She had anticipated caution and grace from Cody's pretty, pink lips, but instead they were damn near sucking the soul out of her. Even if she had wanted to stop for whatever reason, it would have been impossible to tear him off, his kneading hands gripping her voluminous ass as if they were made of iron.

As Cody both felt and saw Sabrina's body start to shudder and slump together, he at last went in for what neither he nor she were prepared for. One final, deep breath filled his lungs as he pulled back, and with that, he managed to use the last of his powers to relax his every muscle. The fat, cock slid in along his lips and tongue once more, but its soft tip now easily found its way further than ever. Cody's teary, bloodshot eyes rolled back from the suffocating, yet strangely tingling feeling of having his throat stretched open, even though the only part that made its way that deep was Sabrina's glans.

And so, the breaking point was reached for the sweaty, gorgeous latina. Her sperm-churning balls that rested against Cody's drool-covered chin were practically boiling on the inside, and thus they signaled to the rest of her body that it was time. With newfound energy, she gritted her teeth and squeezed her buttocks in an attempt to extract as much scalding cum as possible, and the grip with which she held a handful of Cody's dark-blond hair was enough to match that of his hands still holding on to her bubbly ass. It appeared that they had both decided that neither of them were going anywhere until Sabrina's cock had been thoroughly milked.

"Cody..." she gasped. "I'm... cumming..."

Remaining locked in place, Cody could feel the underside of Sabrina's thick cock swell up as a load of cum barrelled through it. He thought he was ready for what was coming, but his lust and bliss were replaced by pure shock as the back of his throat was suddenly covered in the hot, creamy substance he sought. Even after the first shot subsided, the throbbing shaft in his mouth inflated with surges of cum over and over, filling up his gullet quicker than it could empty into his hungry stomach. Part of him wanted to abandon what he had started, but his goal had already been set in stone. Despite his struggle for air and the gurgling pressure of cum building up in his throat, it was just way too hot to put an end to such a memorable moment already.

Sabrina, almost completely depleted of the strength to even stand up, merely uttered short gasps in her brain-melting pleasure. "F-fuck, baby..." she managed to squeak nonetheless. "Keep... sucking..." As expected, Cody did just that, with both of them somehow able to still hold one another in place. But while it seemed that the vice-like pressure of Cody's mouth was far from weakening, Sabrina couldn't take it anymore. With each of her limbs quivering, she finally let go of the pretty little bundle of hair in her hand, then leaned back against the counter behind her once more with a satisfied smile on her face, her core muscles still rhythmically contracting with each burst of semen.

The moment Cody was released from Sabrina's grip, he could feel the force of her explosive orgasm decreasing. He pulled back a few inches, enough to free the entrance of his throat of the fat cockhead that was plugged into it and allowing him a big gasp of fresh air, but kept the cum-leaking tip in his mouth. After all, it was the flavor he was after. He sat there on his knees, panting like a dog while staring up at Sabrina's beautiful face through his teary, amber eyes, all while her final, comparatively weak ejections of cum poured out across his taste buds.

At last Sabrina was spent, and to say that she was impressed with Cody was to put it lightly. "You..." she moaned, looking down at the pretty boy as he popped her brown cock out from between his pink lips. "You took it all..."

If possible, Cody would have flashed her a victorious grin, but his mouth was occupied with something more important. In order to savor the sweet, yet savory flavor of Sabrina's thick cum, he had made sure to let it fill up his entire oral cavity, and held off on swallowing for the moment. His cheeks bulged out like balloons, containing a volume so large that a trickle of white had forced its way out between his puckered lips and down his chin.

"God, that's so fucking hot..." said Sabrina. She couldn't believe what had become of the calm, sweet boy that she thought she knew, but she loved it nevertheless. More than anything, she was just happy. Happy that something as shameful as cumming in a customer's food could lead to something like this. As far as she knew, Cody was the perfect match for her. Even putting aside his kindness, gorgeous face and supple body, he seemed to have a horny, kinky side to match it. Perhaps he could be even more kinky... "Could you... show it to me?"

Cody immediately did as requested, parting his lips and showing the gathered pool of cum beyond them. Additionally, he stuck out his tongue and swirled it around, sending ripples throughout the sticky, viscous liquid. It clearly went appreciated by Sabrina, judging not only from how the longing look on her face made her seem ready to pounce on Cody, but also from the sudden twitch in her softening cock that hung before his face.

Finally he swallowed the fat load, before licking his smirking lips. "Thanks for the meal... It was delicious."

"... Well, I'm always happy to serve a customer," Sabrina replied playfully. "Especially when they're as cute as you."

"Then I'll be ordering the same thing from now on," Cody said, standing up and using his index finger to gather up the little line of cum on his chin. He proceeded to bring it to his mouth, sucking it down with his pouting lips while seductively staring into Sabrina's brown eyes. The way she stared right back at him made it clear that a mutual desire to kiss was in the air, and her bright red lips seemed to magically be sucking him closer.

But suddenly, footsteps could be heard coming from the adjacent storage room. "Oh, shit!" Sabrina blurted, immediately beginning to fumble with putting her sticky, hanging cock back in her shorts. "Someone's coming!" Managing to zip her fly up past her half-chub, she remained by the counter, then looked up to see that Cody had already taken a few steps away from her and was currently fixing his hair. Sabrina had really done a number on it when grabbing it, but he quickly got it back to the way it gently flowed down his head and neck. 

The door opened, presenting a middle-aged man dressed in fancy, black pants, a white shirt and a black tie to go with it. "Ah, Cody!" he beamed, looking pleasantly surprised. "You're already here!" He proceeded to enter the break room, letting the door close behind him.

"Y-yeah," Cody mumbled in response. "Sabrina here showed me around a bit..."

The slightly shorter man turned to her. "Good initiative, Sabrina. I can always count on you."

"... Huh?" was all that Sabrina managed to say back. What was going on here? Why was Mr. Roberts, her boss, talking to Cody as if they knew each other?

"Well then, Cody," said Mr. Roberts, seemingly in too giddy a state to even notice Sabrina's confusion. "I figured I'd just go get my work jacket from the locker room, then I'll teach you all you need to know. You guys finish up here in the meantime, alright?"

"Sounds good," he said. It felt embarrassing to stand there, talking to the owner of the café in his girly, white shirt that showed off his shoulders and midriff, but it had been worth it just to make his first time with Sabrina a little bit more special.

Mr. Roberts left the room as quickly as he had entered, prompting Sabrina to immediately get some light shed on what just happened. "Cody, what's going on? What was he talking about?"

"Well," the cute boy began with a little blush. "I'm actually here to sign a contract. I'm gonna be working here, starting tomorrow..."


Cody blew her a kiss, then began walking out of the room with his head turned back to her. "Hope you'll take good care of me..."