
Chapter 51: Break

Reid should be exhausted but he finds it hard to rest. Twice more they have lured hunters into a trap and twice more they

have succeeded. Every time he returns to the pack to make sure they are all right and report progress. The kids are

growing more and more optimistic, and while Reid is glad to offer them some hope, he knows they won't be able to keep

this up much longer.

The worst of it is, despite his need to protect her and evade Leila's demands to help, it's getting harder to say no to

her. When he returns after the third kill, as smooth as the first two, he finally gives her the nod.

Ashley looks like she is about to argue but Reid cuts her off. "You've done a great job, but I want you to get some rest.

Leila, you're up."

She shouldn't be smiling at him like that. Not when it's likely she won't be coming back. But she is and he answers her

eagerness with a grin of his own.