
Hunted From the Shadows

Emmry had spent her entire life on the run with her Mom. She never really knew why other than to keep her away from the animal that attacked her when she was younger. All of this came crashing when that animal murders her mother and Emmry is forced to go back to her home back where her father has been waiting. Terrified Emmry is trying to get use to this new pack life. That is until the animal decides he's not giving up the hunt.

EmmaSpaceLee · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 8


I watched as my cousin ran off after what Savannah had said to her. I knew I should have pulled my close friends away before introducing her. I just had a feeling Savannah was going to be a jerk. She always knew that there was a possibility that Emmry was going to come back and she wouldn't get the Beta position.

When her father died it was her brother Colton's job to take over the position. They gave it to my dad in order to hold the place until Colton was old enough. But when my Aunt took Emmry and disappeared there was the potential that she wouldn't return and our pack wouldn't have an alpha… so they decided Colton would take over being Alpha and Savannah would take up her family's Beta position.

Now with Emmry being back things were bound to change. I wondered if she knew that she was to be the Alpha of our pack? Could she be an Alpha if her wolf didn't emerge? How would that work? I wonder if she had to have a mate and if that mate would become our Alpha? So many questions and barely any answers.

"Look at what you did Savannah. You didn't have to be an absolute bitch." I glared at her when I came back to the group.

"She needs to know her place here." Savannah rolled her eyes and flicked her hair over her shoulder.

"If you want to talk about places, Savannah right now you're not in the best of one. She ranks higher than you even if she hasn't shifted and for the record as of right now I rank higher than you. So back off and leave her alone." I growled at her stepping towards her. How dare this stupid she-wolf deminish the quality of my family.

"Hope you should calm down." My mate whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me. I wasn't always a hot head…Okay maybe I was but it was most certainly a family trait.

"I shouldn't calm down. Emmry doesn't have anyone but us and she's trying to turn everything against her when she barely just got here. Can you imagine what she's going through? Ugh!" I pulled his hands off and stormed to the other side of the clearing to grab a drink. Aaron followed me.

"Babe I'm sorry come on. Just forget it. Okay? Next time we should take Emmry somewhere that won't be as..dramatic." Aaron reached his arm out again and I let him place it around me. I was still angry but it wasn't towards him. He's right. I should have considered all the people that would be here before inviting Emmry.

"Well that was interesting…" Delilah skipped over to me and pushed my arm giving me a small smile. "Don't let her get to you." I'd been friends with Delilah for…well since ever.

She was such a kind person. There was nothing she wouldn't do for a person she cared about.

"I know but man did she have to go after her from the moment she met her? I just don't understand." I sighed and shook my head.

"I don't know what to tell you Hope. We all knew Savannah was gonna be…tough." Jackson said popping out from behind Delilah. I knew they were mates I could feel it but they weren't saying anything or telling anyone.

"I don't know either. Ugh. I feel bad letting her walk back by herself. I should probably chase after her." I shook my head and finished my drink.

"She's not alone." Daniel, one of the "popular" shifters in the pack said coming out of no where.

The voice surprised me, I wasn't exactly friends with Daniel and his group. His family had been warriors for generations, while my family had been in the Alpha or Beta lines. I was supposed to be close with him like our parents were but I couldn't get over his blantant disrespect for the female gender.

"What does that mean?" I glared at him. Who was with my cousin?

"Colton followed her. Said something about making sure she got home okay." Daniel shrugged and smirked. "Maybe he just wanted to get a piece of something."

I couldn't hold myself back and I punched him right in the jaw sending him stumbling backwards.

"The hell Hope?!" His eyes had started to turn black and I dared him to come at me. He knew the ramifications I was betting on the fact he wouldn't risk it.

"You don't talk about my cousin that way. She's your future Alpha, you best remember that. Now I'm ready to go home." I gave him one last look before heading off in the direction of my house.

"If she shifts you mean!" Daniel called after me. I could hear the laughing in his voice.

Males. So stupid. They never know when to quit. I did. I wasn't going to let him bait me into an actual fight. Especially since I knew he'd be able to beat me. I just kept walking home.