
Chapter Twelve

The throning ceremony was held at the same church we planned to get married in and then be throned king and queen. As Scarlet and Lilith helped me get everything ready for our ceremony helping me do my hair and makeup it was almost time to put my dress on. The dress was so breathtaking the top of it was a corset that fit my figure just right while the bottom was layers of lace that just flowed out from the bottom looking so magical.

Lilith looked at the clock before she as she moaned. "It's time to get the dress on we are a little late."

I looked to the clock and gasped she was right the ceremony started at six it was already five minutes after. I hurried and put my dress on as Lilith and Scarlett prepared to walk down the aisle as my bridesmaids. I asked Lucas to give me away since he was the closest man I had in my life beside Eli.