
Hunted and Confined

Being one of the 'hunted' isn't easy, your thrown into a place surrounded by walls as you wait your turn for a unfair death. Simon is just a human in the beginning he knew he'd most likely perish. However as time went on he became one of the most respected of the hunted proving himself time and time again. Even humans have a fighting spirit.

Boring_Artist · Fantasy
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The start of Horror 1

'Journal entry 1: It all started a couple months ago, the... murders that is. If I remember correctly the first incident was April 1st, a woman was found who had been mauled. Alot of people didn't really even believe what had happened it being April fools day. But it was confirmed, the police thought it was due to a out of control werewolf who just snapped. Yeah, they thought... that was until 'they' started being spotted, and more and more people lost their lives. In a world full of "monsters" we soon found out what was the true monster.'

Simon sat as he waited in the waiting room, of the blood drawing facility. Around twelve other creatures were sitting in he was human so we're nine of the other people.

There was a older werewolf who seemed to be in a sour mood, a goul, and a vampire.

Simon looked around the room his tired brown eyes scanned the nervous faces, the man was a twenty three year old college student. He was just as surprised as any at this outbreak of 'creatures' and everyone being required to have their blood drawn.

It turned out the 'creatures' were only attracted to a certain blood type.

Which was the Ab negative less than 1% of the population had it but these 'creatures' often got confused while tracking and ended up accidentally killing a person of the other types resulting in the out of control murders.

Simon sighed as he thought, his shaggy brown locks falling in front of his eyes as he rubbed the stuble on his chin slouching against the chair.

The room was dead silent, seemed everyone was on edge for the next person to be called.

Simon however wasn't too concerned as neither of his parents hosted AB negative blood and neither had his three other siblings.

He looked up as he scanned the room again when he did he locked eyes with the male Goul who sat across the room. Beside the vampire female.

The goul had a stone cold expression which was normal for the species, they looked mostly human the only way one could really tell they weren't, was the unique ears they had which was more werewolfy but a little different. Along with 2 rows of dagger like teeth.

The goul sat up straight as he narrowed his eyes at Simon who got a chill down his spine when the man curled his lips to make a toothy smile.

"Fletcher no." The vampire woman whispered as Simon immediately averted his gaze back to the ground in a nervous manner.

Ghouls had a peculiar body language, smiling wasn't a friendly gesture to them it was a threat. The wider the smile the more likely they will act on it.

The vampire woman whispered something again but it was inaudible as a nurse called from the back room.

"Simon Jones."

Simon immediately got up and scurried to the nurse as the door closed behind them with a 'click' the nurse led them to one of the many doors lined up as she stopped at room four-teen and looked at him a mask covering half her face.

"This is you." She said putting paper work in the holder on the door before opening it for Simon.

"Ah, thanks." He said as he looked into the room were a doctor was and a nurse with a needle and bandages wraps and all.

"Hello Mr. Jones is it?" The doctor said who looked to be a vampire but Simon wasn't all to sure as he entered the room.

"Yes, thats me." He said as he took a seat where the man was gesturing him to go, before picking up the needle.

"This will only take a few minutes and we will be out of your hair haha." The doctor said in a fake chirpy mood as Simon shifted nervously.

"Unless I'm positive, that is..."

"Well yes, but don't think of that." The doctor said as Simon put his arm on the table thing that was attached to the chair he was sitting in.

The doctor wiped at his skin with a alcohol wipe before taking the cap off the sterilized needle.

"You have rather nice veins."

Simon felt a bit uncomfortable at this remark as he looked away not wanting to see it.

"Uh, yeah thanks... grew them myself."

He felt a sharp prick where his bicep and his arm meet, he slightly winced but it was over in a second.

"Alrighty... I'll have you wait here until the results are back, just relax." the man said putting a cap on the syringe filled with red liquid before he put it back in the platter that the nurse was holding. Grabbing the gauze and wrap before she exited the room.

"If it's postive..." Simon said as he trailed off.

The doctor worked on bandaging where he took blood from as he spoke.

"If it's positive, we will run the test again. To be a hundred percent certain. If it's a true positive you'll be transfered to 'Petdenge burg'."

Simon's face got a little dark as the doctor stood up and went to the sink taking off his gloves and throwing them into the garbage.

'Petdenge burg' Simon had heard of the place all over the news. It was basically a giant enclosure for the A.b's.

Originally meant to protect them, and help them live a normal life... Their is no escape for a A.b to get out of there.

But things got in, and now it's become a way to 'save' the other blood types. No saving, the a.b's as they get thrown out to the 'creatures'.

"Don't stress yourself." The doctor said as the sound of the sink started echoing around the room.

"Even if you do test positive, you get a special training to help you out."

Simon wanted to say 'yeah that makes it sooo much better' in a sarcastic tone yet he paused and stopped himself as he just looked down at the white tile below.

Hey yall, here is my new book. Getting a cover ready now, hopefully when it's finished I can make it into a comic!

Just a bit of a warning, this contains adult scenes that are not suitable for most Reader.

Also a good way to keep me motivated on this is too comment!

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