
Hunt of the Blood Phoenix

Vampire? Who wan't to be that when you can be a blood phoenix? Follow the blood hunter Sophia as she grows stronger and learn what the void has giftet her. This is not reincarnation or isakei.

Bason_3 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The whole team

I walk towards the table where all of my team has gathered with Sara. In one hand I have a bottle of blood and in the other a chocolate muffin.

"It's dinner but it looks like another lunch for you" Ethan says when he sees me and my meal.

"I brought our maybe new member and the first thing you mention is my food? Well you are not afraid to show your priorities that's for sure"

"Ignore them. They're always like this. I'm Alice, nice to meet you"

"Thank you. I'm Sara a druid. I would like to meet the team to judge if I want to join"

"A druid? How do you stumble upon so many special people in the school? You have me that has a special class, Alice that is a fox person and has a special class, another beast person, a vampire and now a druid. All these are rare or extremely rare and you just stumble upon us and pick us up like it's a normal day" Ethan says.

"Are you complaining?" I ask.

"No, not really. Just wondering how you are able to do it like it's nothing. Anyway it's a pleasure to meet you Sara. I'm Ethan"

"I'm Asher"

"The name's Michael"

"I'm surprised to see so many special people around one table that are part of the same team. Normally a team only has one non human or person with a unique skill, rarely two and if lucky three. But here we are, 6 around the same table. I also like to know how you did it" Sara says and looks at me.

"I just stumbled upon them. Quite literally. Well one of them anyway"

"What did you do?" Alice asked.

"I was in the park and looking at the amazing view, then a wild Sara suddenly appeared before me"

"Hahaha, I could say the same. But back to the case. With so many special people it is bound to be fun and probably a good team so I'm in" Sara says.

"Yay! I did it. You suck Ethan" I stick my tongue out to him.

"Is it one time where they are not like this?" Michael asks Alice.

"They met for the second time yesterday and the answer is no. Not yet and probably not in a long time"

"So it isn't long before something happens between them?" Sara asks. Clearly curious about our relationship.

"Never going to happen" I and Ethan say at the same time.

"That is the one thing we do actually agree on" I say.

"You are right about that" he agrees.

"Well now that we are a team here is how we are going to be working together. Asher and Michel are our frontliners and have the main job of having the enemy's attention. Ethan is our ranged dps that is doing damage, has a clear view and can act as support if he gets the right skills. Sara has the main job of healer and will focus on the frontliners. Her support skills are a bonus if she has enough mana. She is also a tamer, but it's not her strongest area and will be more like an extra help if she is able to tame something useful. Alice and I are both mid and close ranged. We will switch between them when we think it's best. We work like sole dps. So we have two frontliners, two dps, one dps/support and one healer/support. Our main priority is to protect Sara and Ethan. Any questions or comments?" I ask.

"Sounds like a good plan to me" Aher says.

"I'm fine with it, but can't tank as much as Asher. If it gets to tough for me, the best I can do is to help Asher with holding the attention"

"That's ok" I say.

"I don't have any offensive skills right now so I require your protection in combat. As a druid I am naturally good with nature magic which is my main element so I use less mana than others would. Therefore I believe that healing, boosts and other support skills are not a problem as long as I don't overdo it" Sara comments.

"Nice. That will make the frontliners job easier. Because Asher and Micheal's job is to keep the monsters occupied, mobility is not their strong suit in combat. Therefore it will be my, Alice and Ethan's job to protect Sara if some monsters should get past them" I say.

"Alice, Ethan, any comments?" I ask.

"None except for that the strategy you have is much different than the usual you" Ethan says.

"I agree with Eathen there. Except for that it seems like a good strategy" Alice says.

"Nice.Then I will continue or start eating my meal" after I say that I open the blood bottle and start drinking. "Delicious. As always" I say with my palm on my chin.

"You really are quite cute" Sara says.

"Of course I am" that comment of mine gets both Sara and Alice to giggle.

"By the way, how old are all of you?" Michael asks. This is a good question because all of us can be 15 to 18. One can even be 19 if they awakened so late that they don't have the opportunity to apply to the academy that year, though that is extremely rare.

"I'm 17" I say.

"18" Asher says.

"Also 17" Alice says

"Same" Ethan says next.

"18, what about you?" Sara asks.

"17" Michael answers.

"So no one under 17 then. Well that's rare anyway. Oh! I have forgotten an important thing. With my and Asher's circumstances we are weak in daylight, well I'm weaker when there is much light in general. So we will have to avoid light dudngeons most of the time. The ones we are going for are the ones like the jungle dungeon without a natural sun and much shadow because of the trees, those where there is always night and those where it is naturally dark. I can't promise that we won't pick a bright or day dungeon, but it is not on the top of the list. Is everyone ok with that?" I ask. It would be bad if we have to split up later because it doesn't work for everyone.

"No problem" all of them agreed.


The rest of the day flew by as we spent the rest of the day getting to know each other better. I got to bed and closed my eyes. Excited to begin school life tomorrow.