He made a deal with a demon, he had a good life. He was rich, popular and successful. The only hick is all he held dear had a time limit, and it just expired.
Richard Delacroix staired down at the fancy black velvet, red ribbon box sitting on his desk. He was confuse since for the life of him he justs couldn't figure out how did this box arrive in his house on his desk. He had a security package that made the pentagon look like a kid with a bb gun. And yet here he was staring at something that his security chief had on numerous occasion assures him was impossible.
He turn to his desk phone and dialed to his security command center.
"Hello i want to know witch idoit thougth it would be fine to bring in the box on my desk." Richard said in a calm but cold voice.
On the other end of the phone, the guard was sweating bullet as he desperately look at the log book to see if any record of a package was their.
"Hum.... Sir jus jus just a moment Im looking trought the logs right now." Guard said in worried tone, he knew that this boss of his tended to fire or chew out his guards. Beside the verbal and emotional toll on the hole team the pay was more then generous.
Richard waited as he eyed the box their was no note or mark that shead any light to indentify the sender. The box was no bigger than the size of a close fist of a large man.
"Sir are you sure that you have a box, cause i have nothing in the log or any were else and no one has reported anything out of the ordinary either." The Guard answered with a bit of confusion, wondering if his boss was doing one of his random test. He would call a phantome problem just to have them sweat and run around for his amusement.
Silence was richard answer, he looked at the box and simple hang up the phone. A chill crawled down his spine as a possible suspect came to mind. His face remaind stoic but one could detect a slit tremor on his lips. With steadied hands he gently unraveled the red ribbon, he place his hands to open the box but froze. He though to call someone in openning the box but decided against it, calling anyone would be an act of weakness and he wasn't weak.
Slowly he open the box inside their was a card a taro card to be exacts. The devil card, he grasp the card in his hand turn it around and read.
Richard Delacroix your time is up. DK
"Damn, that bastard." Richard said rage in his voice and fear in his eyes.