
CHAPTER 44 – Handy Information



  “This is one creepy forest,” Gregorio gives a low whistle as we enter the forest of Morngord that surrounds the Kingdom of Riocht, and he peers out the front windshield. his heavy accent making him sound almost comical. “I don’t think Morgan would be comfortable here, it feels like it's haunted.”

  “They say it is. There have been many battles here throughout the centuries, many lives lost.” I scowl thinking if the ghosts of Morngord would disturb Morgan.

  “Exactly, she feels those echoes. It might disturb her too much.” He states.

  I have come to understand just how much Gregorio loves Morgan during our ride to Riocht. He talks about her like she is his own daughter, telling me all the things she would get into trouble for when she was younger and how just as defiant, she was then, as she is now.