
Hungry Necromancer

Thrown into a new world, Asher finds himself becoming a wanted and unwittingly evil Necromancer. Not the career choice he'd had in mind when he began. Hunger plagues him, as he walks a path opposed to most, stepping on the fragile toes of the Synagogue and their Goddess, the Cult and even the powers he barters with. Not that any of this will matter once he's finished. Cover Art credit - @mufs(instagram) https://discord.gg/YbxrtrU A bit you might want to know about the pace; Asher is a very unlucky protagonist. So even ten chapters in he will still struggle greatly to survive. The tag says overpowered protagonist and that is true, it won't happen for a bit though, he still has to suffer a bit while getting stronger, a fantasy world isn't all it's cracked up to be after all. A bit you might want to know about what you'll be reading. The type of Necromancy practiced in Hungry Necromancer is a rather stable and balanced type of Necromancy, you'll eventually read up to parts where things are not so easily fixed with a horde of zombies and a very creepy ritual needs to be employed. As of chapter 80 things truly begin to get dire and desperate as Asher is faced with the consequences of his actions, bad deal making and even close approaching death and madness. And it ought to be so for a fiendish Warlock practicing such a dark magical art as Necromancy.

Tim_Saian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
286 Chs

Omake #1

I'm happy for him. I really am. He's out of the cave, out of danger and he's got all the food, clothing and special company he needs. Asher is doing great for once.

And while I don't dispute the ethicality in summoning spirits like me for a few measly tokus, it's kept him from falling over and dying in a ditch. Which would be detrimental to my goals of…well, seeing the world and doing things, anything really.

"I've really got to find a hobby…" I mutter.

I hear some giggling; it's certainly directed at me. I turn and find a petite girl, lady…woman. She's smiling up at me, her eyes are a shade of blue that reminds me of the spring and her lips are pink with blood, a sure sign that she's healthy.

"You probably should get a hobby." She says, "Oh then again I should too. I've been walking in your steps this entire time!"

She laughs again, at her own expense or mine, I'm not sure which but it's beautiful.

"Ah, you're very healthy."

She tilts her head and I realize that's not how you compliment a woman. "Ah, I'm Anselm, Squire of Sir Archibald of Riveden!"

She perks up, "Oh, you're a squire. I've never met a squire before." She takes my hand in an instant, squeezing it in hers, "Come! Tell me of your tales of daring and adventure!"

"Oh, I, uh," I trip over my words just as I nearly trip over my own feet walking next to her, "There was a war once."

"A war? In this Kingdom?" she asks, she looks doubtful.

"No, in another," the lie spills out faster than the truth, Asher must be rubbing off on me, "I serve under my Knight, we went out to war together. My Knight, Sir Archibald was given command over an entire battalion and I was to be his right-hand man."

She nods, urging me to continue, so I comply, ignoring the men, women and children of Ioina as we march out hand in hand to the fields. "The enemy was just a hop away from the March we were in and the Marquess of that March had given us all the supplies we need to set off and deliver justice to the infidels."

"Sir Archibald gave the order and the entire battalion marched out. We marched for days and sometimes even nights before we came across the first enemy settlement."

"It was a village, but the enemy had prepared for war thoroughly and had made the effort of building up their defenses. They absolutely could not have their front falling to our advance and in a futile attempt to delay us, they paraded a captured Drake to demoralize the men."

She gasps in horror and excitement at the mention of the dreadful magical creature.

I smile and squeeze her hand, reassuring her that I am here, and this is an epic tale that I survive.

"But the Kingdom I served knew what vile tactics the enemy would employ, and that's exactly why the battalion was given to Sir Archibald and I to command, only men such as we could look dread in the eye and not give in."

"Did the enemy release the drake? Did it attack you? How did you survive?"

I chuckle, "The enemy saw our advance and they indeed, vile as they are, release the Dra-"

I'm cut short by a sudden burst of vertigo.

Oh, no. My time is running out. I look to her, she's waiting, she's concerned.

"Are you alright, Anselm?"

I can't let her see that I'm…

"Yes, I'm fine. I probably just need to lie down." I smile down at her as her face squeezes with worry. "I just met you and you've been so wonderful to me."

"You will return?"

"Yes, I will."

She nods and let's go of my hand, "My name is Seara and I expect you to finish your tale, Anselm."

I turn and let myself off of the ground, "I will. I promise!" I yell as I let myself fly off just in time for my time to run out without her discovering.

Seara. What a beautiful name.