
Humiliation of injustice

What would happen if you bore the blame for something that is not your fault?

SnowAsir · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Purple Clouds

Thunder traced scattered lines across the sky. Snow gazed at the rain streaming off the leaves of the trees. The wind was fierce, and the sound of footsteps grew louder in the forest as animals fled to their shelters.

Suddenly, a figure appeared out of nowhere in front of Snow, catching him off guard. He had no time to react as the stranger grabbed him by the back of his clothes and vanished from the cave's vicinity.

In the desert, two figures materialized out of thin air. Snow barely had time to take in the stranger's features. "I'll be back in a month. Do your best, experiment," the stranger said before disappearing.

The situation Snow found himself in made no sense and was far from acceptable. Now, he had to survive in a strange desert? How was that even possible?

Snow did not complain. He decided to stop thinking about it. Embracing his new principles, he accepted the current situation. He wouldn't resent or harbor hatred. Pondering unanswerable questions would only lead to prolonged frustration. Snow decided to skip all that and accept it from the start.

He looked around. Nothing but sand... the sun blazed intensely. Sweat began to trickle down his forehead. He decided to walk toward the sun, following a peculiar belief that things could always be found in that direction. An odd thought, but he wanted to find a way out.

He began his journey. Despite the horizon being filled with endless sand, he wouldn't give up without trying.

"I'm extremely thirsty." The sand seemed to stretch infinitely, the sun burning in the sky, scorching his face. He started seeing distant water oases, lush green palm trees beckoning him. But as he approached, they vanished as if they were never there.

He felt trapped in this place; each step took him deeper into the desert. The sky started to look unnatural, its colors shifting. Were those purple clouds? He couldn't distinguish between reality and illusion. The sound of running water echoed in his ears, but he knew it couldn't be here, beyond his reach.

He saw figures waving at him on the horizon, but as he approached, they dissipated like smoke. His eyes began to deceive him, or maybe it was his mind playing tricks. The trees seemed to move, whispering incomprehensible sounds to him. He felt stuck in a place between reality and illusion, unsure if he would ever escape.

Another hour passed, though it felt like endless days. Time seemed to stand still, each minute heavy on his spirit. The sand beneath his feet burned, each step leading him further from any hope.

But suddenly, there was a change on the horizon. Instead of the usual mirages, he began to see green colors, trees forming more distinctly. The forest that once seemed distant and unreal now merged with the sands. The scent of trees and plants filled the air, rekindling hope in his heart.

He approached with heavy steps, feeling the shade of the trees envelop him, alleviating the harsh sun. The sound of birds and the melody of flowing water made him feel alive again. This forest seemed like a promise of salvation, life after the harsh desert.

He reached out and touched the leaves of the trees. They were real, cool, and refreshing to the touch. He moved inward, finding a pure spring of flowing water. He drank until he was satisfied, then sat against a large tree trunk. Here, in this magical place, he felt he had found hope again. The desert had been a test of endurance, and now life began to bloom around him.

He sighed deeply, feeling a cool breeze bringing a sense of relief. Despite the apparent calm of the forest, he wasn't sure of his safety here. This green paradise could be hiding monsters waiting in the shadows. He wondered what his next step should be—stay here and enjoy temporary comfort, or continue his journey in search of a true escape?

As he pondered, the sky suddenly darkened unnaturally. Thick clouds gathered quickly, and rain began to pour heavily. The raindrops were cold and refreshing, but they carried a sense of lurking danger in this mysterious forest.

Despite the relief the rain brought, Snow knew that staying too long could be risky. There was something unnatural about the rapid weather changes. He decided his best option was to move forward, seeking a safer place.

He rose, feeling energy renewed in his body, and began to walk confidently ahead. He knew the path might be fraught with dangers, but staying in one place was not an option. Each step took him further from the harsh desert and closer to an unknown fate that might hold hope or challenges.

As he moved forward, the rain falling around him formed a natural symphony, encouraging him to continue. He didn't know what awaited him at the end of this road, but he was ready to face anything. With each step, he left behind doubts and fears, moving toward a new destiny that might be better than what he left behind.

Continuing his path under the rain, he suddenly saw a girl kneeling before a body, blood surrounding her like a red lake under the rain. The girl was crying, but he couldn't tell if the tears were falling from her eyes or if the rain was washing over her face.

He stopped and looked at her silently. It was a puzzling and tragic scene. The girl seemed unaware of what was happening around her. Thoughts flooded his mind. There was no pure logic within him, no clear options in this strange situation.

Should he move on? Snow decided to leave her behind. The girl looked at him with her tear-filled eyes, full of deep pain and sorrow. The choice to move forward grew heavier and heavier. He no longer knew what was stopping him from walking away. He wasn't someone who would help.

He felt no sorrow for what was happening before him. He couldn't make any choice now. Silence fell as they looked at each other. Finally, Snow decided to leave her behind. He wasn't a good person, barely able to survive on his own. Taking responsibility for someone else was not possible.

He moved forward, but suddenly the girl grabbed his clothes from behind, as if pleading with him not to abandon her in this situation. Now he was utterly confused. He didn't want to help, but something inside him made him feel strange, like a tightness in his chest. Had Snow once been a good person?

He didn't know the reason for his strange feelings, but he was selfish. He decided to remove her hand and move on. He began to peel her firm grip from his garment and walked ahead. He looked back several times before the girl disappeared from his sight. Before taking his next step, he felt his heart would explode with pain.

He decided to follow his heart's desires and quickly returned to find the girl still kneeling by the body. He wasn't someone who could find a solution in this situation. He decided to sit beside her and wait.

The silent minutes passed slowly, as if defying time. Each second was heavy, filled with anticipation and sorrow for the girl.

The girl was immersed in her silence, crying without sound. The rain fell gently, mixing with the blood surrounding the body. There was no sound except for the raindrops hitting the ground, creating a sad melody that heightened the poignancy of the scene.

He looked at the girl. Her hair was wet, and her face was pale. Her eyes were closed, as if trying to escape reality, but the tears and rain did not stop. He looked at the body before her, wondering about its story. Who was this person? What brought them to this tragic situation?

Snow thought strangely about the situation, as if recalling his past life on earth. Sometimes, silent presence can be the greatest support we can offer.

He felt as if he were preaching to himself. It was odd to talk to yourself and offer advice.

The wind moved slowly through the trees, whispering soft sounds, as if nature shared her sorrow.

These minutes were an opportunity for contemplation, to think about life and death, pain and hope. He knew staying in this place wouldn't last, but he also felt these moments were necessary.

Night fell upon day, and the darkness heightened the sense of gloom and mystery. Time passed unnoticed by Snow. The girl didn't change her position, like a mummified corpse.

Suddenly, without warning, the girl stood up. She began to gather dirt with her hands, digging earnestly and silently, as if bearing an undeniable duty. He watched her without intervening, feeling this was her task alone, needing to be done by her. He had no desire to stay with her initially but had succumbed to his impulses.

Patiently and carefully, she continued digging until she finished burying the body. The burial process was slow and painful, but with each handful of dirt, it seemed she was accepting the situation. When she finished, she stood and cast a final glance at the grave, then looked at him.

Her gaze was full of emotions—a mixture of sorrow, gratitude, and perhaps a bit of hope. He returned her look with eyes that were like a shallow river, devoid of emotions.

His eyes wavered as he remained silent.

"Shall we move on?" the girl spoke with a weary and strained voice.

Snow felt strange emotions. He now only wanted to distance himself from this girl as far as possible. He didn't understand, but he knew that in a normal situation, she should thank him for staying. Snow stopped thinking and stood, brushing the dust off his clothes.

"Alright," Snow responded.

He walked ahead of her, with no specific direction. He just wanted to find a safe place. Now, with the added burden on his shoulders, it became even harder to determine what was truly safe.

Silence reigned as they walked aimlessly. Suddenly, a large shadow emerged from the trees.

The girl took a defensive stance, while Snow remained still.

Snow listened quietly as a massive three-meter-tall wolf stood before him.

The girl attacked first, delivering a punch similar to martial arts techniques. However, this punch was different, as a phantom fist struck the wolf, sending it flying several meters back before it got up and attacked again.

Don't wolves usually travel in packs? Snow hadn't realized that sometimes thinking about facts could bring bad luck.

Several wolves emerged from the shadows of the trees, surrounding them both, but the entire fight was left to the girl alone.

What could Snow do but watch? The wolves lunged at him and the girl. She quickly grabbed Snow and leaped between the trees.

Are all the inhabitants of this world like this... frightening and astonishing at the same time? Snow wanted to gain similar power and not rely on anyone.

The wolves chased them for a while before disappearing into the horizon behind them. Snow didn't know what would have happened if he had continued traveling alone. Now he felt that his survival instincts had saved him. His emotions, which refused to leave the girl alone, had kept him alive.

Good deeds bring good in return. No good deed is followed by evil because even if evil follows, good will ultimately return. Everything you give will come back to you manifold.

The girl stopped at a spot in the forest. "Let's camp here."

An unwritten law was established at that moment: the girl had become the current leader.

Snow didn't say anything and followed her. She produced something from nowhere and threw it down in front of her, causing a tent to appear.

She gathered firewood like a magnet, then lit a fire and set up seating areas.

She did everything by herself. The people in this world were like monsters.

"Hey, mortal, what are you doing here alone? I've never seen a mortal wandering in the Desert of Death before, and you had the audacity to enter the Cursed Forest. You should thank your luck for meeting me," the girl said arrogantly, then continued, "Do you know if you had left me and not returned, I would have hunted you down and killed you, even though you would have died alone from the wolves. You have incredible luck."

Snow didn't respond to her words. He didn't know how he should feel at that moment.


"Okay, since you don't want to answer, let me answer your questions, mortal. The reason I didn't use energy to dig the grave and did it by hand is because my brother requested it as his last wish. Can you believe it? He wanted me to endure the pain of digging and the blood on my fingers. Anyway, you're extremely boring, and your emotions can't be guessed from your unchanged expression. How did you get here? Do you belong to a deep sect? I don't think any sect would send a disciple to die. Well, it doesn't matter."

The girl was unexpectedly talkative, and she assumed questions Snow hadn't even thought about.

"Snow," he said quietly.

"Snow? No, it won't snow this year, you know. Also, why are you saying 'Snow' as your first word?" the girl grumbled.

"My name is Snow."

"...," she was surprised. "What a strange name. Anyway, you didn't answer any of my questions. What are you doing in this place?"

"You're talkative," Snow said indifferently.

"....." Several veins bulged on her forehead. 'Calm down a little, he's just a mortal. One punch from me could send him to hell.' She calmed her thoughts. "You're annoying! Hmph." She turned her head and went into the tent. "Don't you dare come in here! Also, you'll stand guard tonight as payment for me saving you!"


She looked at him coldly. 'Just a mortal acting arrogant. Who does he think he is, this arrogant guy!' She entered the tent and closed it behind her.


In a dark place, shadows gathered once more.

"Did he receive the gift?" one of them asked.

"Yes, now we have content to enjoy for the coming period. I'm looking forward to seeing how he survives in that place."

"What about his body? Has he discovered it yet?"

"I don't think so. It will take a little time before he discovers our wonderful gift, hehe."

The shadows conversed among themselves.

In another part of the dark forest, where the wind played a sorrowful, bloody tune.

Fires raged in the houses, and the cries of sorrow became the melody of the surroundings. Numerous dead bodies were scattered around while many mourned their lost ones.

A man stained with blood moved forward, red drops falling from the remnants of bodies on his sword. He looked with merciless eyes, his robe and hair fluttering in the wind.

"Thus, life perishes. Many seek illusory comfort in facing a bloody fate. If they overcome it, comfort becomes unbearable! How pitiful you all are!" he cast his calm words into the air.

Despite the chaotic atmosphere, those calm words became terrifyingly chilling.