
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 53: Only Children Play with Grasshoppers

Before long, everyone joined hands and quickly prepared lunch. Gathered around, they ate while Ji Chang led the group in analyzing and discussing the experiences from this morning – from the incident involving Zhou Jun's uncle's family to the encounter at the public restroom.

The discussion mainly revolved around each person's weaknesses in strength and the issues that arose in their cooperation.

"Now we don't need to worry about food and water anymore. Whether it's the vegetables and corn from that little courtyard or the food stored in the kitchen cabinets, we have enough to sustain us for a long time!"

"The main focus now is to improve our strength. However, after going through these two incidents, we must change the way and methods of improvement!"

After finishing their meal, Ji Chang gathered everyone once again.

"Ji-ge, how should we change?" Chen Lingxue asked first.

Everyone nodded, looking towards Ji Chang.

"From now on, we won't fight for food anymore; instead, we'll fight for the sake of battle itself. We'll use battles to sharpen our mental strength and enhance our abilities," Ji Chang pondered for a moment before continuing, "And there's also the matter of reinforcing our base. You all must have seen the steel wall at the public restroom. While we have a natural advantage with the writing desk, we can't assume everything will be foolproof, so we need to continue constructing."

Having said that, Ji Chang turned to Chen Lingxue. "Team leader, this task is entrusted to you!"

"No problem. I've studied defensive structures from various generations of warfare in the past. I think I can apply that knowledge to the present situation," Chen Lingxue nodded.

"Then, Mangzi, you and Wang Lingling form a group to search for usable steel materials within the rooms."

Ji Chang looked towards Huang Mang and Wang Lingling.

"Got it, Ji-ge. We'll ensure the task is completed!" Huang Mang nodded vigorously, raising his fist towards Ji Chang.

Wang Lingling also followed suit with a nod.

Lastly, Ji Chang turned to Zhou Jun and the others who were eager and waiting.

"Zhou Jun, take Hai Yu and Dong Xuan to the courtyard for combat practice. Don't overdo it, but strive to explore the coordination between the three of you during the battles."

Ji Chang believed that Zhou Jun's current strength was enough for solo combat, as long as he didn't venture too deep into the courtyard. Ji Chang had witnessed the power of Zhou Jun's Shockwave Attack during the incident at the public restroom. Although Zhou Jun's strength had reached the level of a third-level mental power, the few individuals who pursued the wolf spider during that incident were not much weaker than Zhou Jun. Yet even so, Zhou Jun single-handedly managed to press them against the wall using his Shockwave Attack.

This demonstrated the formidable power of the Shockwave Attack.

"Don't worry, Ji-ge!"

After hearing Ji Chang's words, Zhou Jun nodded expressionlessly.

Observing Zhou Jun's lack of emotion, Ji Chang couldn't help but sigh. In the past, Zhou Jun had been lively and cheerful, often joking around with Zheng Hai Yu and Huang Mang. However, after experiencing the incident with his uncle's family in the morning and waking up from his injuries, he had transformed into the person he was now.

Ji Chang understood this change, but he hoped Zhou Jun could free himself from the burden of that incident sooner rather than later. However, he also realized that it might not be easy.

"Oh, Ji-ge, where are you going? How about… wait until tomorrow for me and Lingling to go find the steel materials? After all, the team leader won't be able to draw up any defensive structure plans in the short term. I'll stick with you first, or I could go to the courtyard with Xiao Junzi and the others?"

As an editor, I've tried to capture the essence of the text while incorporating the style of a light novel. Let me know if you have any specific changes or adaptations you'd like me to make!

Just as Ji Chang finished assigning tasks to everyone, Huang Mang grinned and approached.

"Huang Mang, what are you saying?"

Upon hearing Huang Mang's words, Chen Lingxue couldn't help but snort.

Seeing this, Huang Mang turned towards Chen Lingxue.

This glance startled Huang Mang. Just a moment ago, Ji Chang was giving out tasks, and now he found the team leader enthusiastically drawing a series of various diagrams on the writing desk.

Although Huang Mang couldn't quite understand the diagrams, he knew they were somewhat similar to many things he had seen in ancient war TV shows.

This made Huang Mang's mouth twitch. "Uh... Team leader, you can just treat what I said earlier as a joke..."

"Team leader, Huang Mang means he doesn't want to go find steel materials with me according to Ji-ge's orders."

Before Huang Mang could finish, Wang Lingling cut in, shooting a look at him to interrupt.

Seeing this, Chen Lingxue immediately hugged her shoulders, squinting at Huang Mang. "Hmm, I think Huang Mang meant the same thing! How about this, Lingling? You stay and help me draw the diagrams!"

"Sure! But it depends on whether Ji-ge agrees or not!"

Wang Lingling nodded, turning to Ji Chang to seek his opinion.

Ji Chang didn't expect Chen Lingxue to sketch more than ten simple defensive structure diagrams in such a short time. While he secretly admired her speed, he agreed with Wang Lingling's suggestion.

Ji Chang thought that with Wang Lingling's help, Chen Lingxue could complete the defensive structure designs more quickly. Of course, the main concern was that Wang Lingling had been injured before. Despite recovering some mental strength after eating, it wasn't quite appropriate for her to fly with Huang Mang to find steel materials now.

Ji Chang understood that Huang Mang was also thinking along these lines. However, this guy had the tendency to blurt things out without thinking. Luckily, this time he managed to save the situation before complicating it.

"In that case, Huang Mang, how about you come with me to deal with the rats..."

"Mang-ge, come with us to the courtyard! Let's chop grasshoppers!"

As Ji Chang spoke, Zheng Hai Yu approached, hooking his arm around Huang Mang's shoulder while speaking.

"Chopping grasshoppers is boring. Only children play with grasshoppers. I'm going with Ji-ge to deal with the rats!"

Huang Mang glanced at Zheng Hai Yu and said disdainfully.

Just as Huang Mang's words fell, he almost brought forth Zheng Hai Yu's icy version of the "Thousand Years of Death" technique...

In the room, there was one potential threat: the rats that had visited their temporary base earlier.

As Ji Chang saw it, until the rats were eliminated, any activity on the ground within this house wouldn't be safe. In this light, Ji Chang thought that with their current strength, they might be able to confront the rats.

However, even if they could confront them, they first needed to locate the rats...

Of course, if they couldn't defeat them, there would always be time in the future. After all, eventually they would have to remove the rats.


"I'm not a child. I've already grown up!"

Dong Xuan watched the playful antics of Huang Mang and Zheng Hai Yu from a distance, muttering quietly to herself. Then her gaze turned towards Ji Chang's back.

As for Zhou Jun, he stood quietly to the side, awaiting their departure.

Soon after, Ji Chang finished explaining various precautions to Zhou Jun, mainly about guarding against potential attackers at the courtyard. Then he let the mantisflies take the three of them away.