
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 46: It's Gao Xiang!

"What? They haven't come back?"

Over ten minutes later, when Ji Chang returned to his writing desk accompanied by wasps and learned that Wang Lingling and the others hadn't returned yet, Huang Mang's eyes were nearly popping out of his sockets.

"What's wrong, Ji Ge? Didn't you find Lingling and Gao Xiang?" Chen Lingsnow looked at Ji Chang with surprise, her brows furrowed.


Ji Chang nodded slightly and continued, "But we found traces of Gao Xiang and Liu Qing left in the bushes!"

Traces of the two were found in the bushes, but no sign of them was seen. Based on Wang Lingling's flying speed, Chen Lingsnow estimated that they should have returned by now!

Even if something delayed them, they should have encountered Ji Chang and Huang Mang along the way!

But none of this happened!

"Mang, let's go! Let's search again!"

Without saying much, Ji Chang pulled Huang Mang along and commanded the wasps to take flight once more. Meanwhile, following Ji Chang's mental command, the spider leaped down from the writing desk and followed closely.

While Chen Lingsnow watched the departing figures of Ji Chang and Huang Mang, lost in thought about the moments with Gao Xiang that had happened before, Dong Xuan, who had been busy preparing the feast in the kitchen with thoughts of a joyous reunion, came rushing out.

However, upon seeing only Chen Lingsnow, Dong Xuan couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in puzzlement and ask, "Huh? Squad Leader? I just heard Captain's voice. Did I mishear...?"

"You didn't mishear, Ji Ge and Huang Mang did come back!"

Chen Lingsnow nodded in response.

"What... happened?"

Dong Xuan placed the half-made rice cake on the table, looking somewhat flustered.

Originally, she had been worrying about the rescue mission outside the courtyard, considering the dangers it might hold. While she knew the courtyard was perilous, learning from Ji Chang that it was only about a tenth as dangerous as she had imagined, she couldn't help but gauge the depths of the danger lurking there.

Given this, the dangers beyond the courtyard, like the bushes, were even more concerning.

Now, with Ji Chang returning but leaving hastily, combined with Wang Lingling and Gao Xiang's continued absence, Dong Xuan felt that something was definitely amiss.

Seeing Dong Xuan's worried expression, Chen Lingsnow comforted her, "Xuan'er, don't worry. Ji Ge and the others just didn't meet up with Lingling and the rest. Maybe they missed each other, so let's wait a little longer!"

"They didn't meet? Missed each other..."

Hearing Chen Lingsnow's explanation, Dong Xuan fell into thought, her gaze turning towards the direction of the main gate as she silently prayed.

More than twenty minutes later, under the hopeful gazes of Chen Lingsnow and Dong Xuan, the wasps landed on the writing desk once again, with the spider following closely.

However, when Ji Chang and Huang Mang descended from the wasps' backs, Chen Lingsnow's heart sank, and Dong Xuan's heartbeat quickened, her lips trembling.

"Still no luck!"

Before Ji Chang and Huang Mang could say anything, Chen Lingsnow hurriedly asked.

"They haven't returned yet!"

Even before Chen Lingsnow's words could fully fade, Huang Mang was anxiously scanning around, trying to spot Wang Lingling's figure.



Ji Chang and Chen Lingsnow nodded simultaneously.

At this moment, Ji Chang's mood was quite heavy.

The unpleasant feeling from earlier had taken over his entire being.

He had almost combed through the entire courtyard riding the wasps.

He had even circled around the corners of the walls.

Under Ji Chang's guidance, the spider ventured into the bushes outside the courtyard once more, yet still found no trace of Gao Xiang and Wang Lingling.

Returning to the writing desk with renewed hope, Ji Chang's realization hit hard when he learned that Wang Lingling and the others still hadn't returned.

"Ji Ge, what should we do now? They can't have just vanished into thin air!" Huang Mang scratched his head, utterly bewildered.

"Could they have encountered some danger and..." Dong Xuan's eyes turned slightly red as she spoke with a trembling voice.

Hearing Dong Xuan's words, Chen Lingsnow agreed and nodded toward Ji Chang.

"Highly unlikely. If they indeed encountered danger, they would have met it on our first outing. Moreover, considering Lingling's flying abilities, even at full speed, it's difficult for even birds to precisely catch her!"

After a brief thought, Ji Chang temporarily ruled out the possibility of danger befalling Wang Lingling and the others.

"But Ji Ge, if they didn't encounter danger, where on earth did they go?" Now that Huang Mang had learned that a bird attack wasn't likely, he felt somewhat relieved, but even more puzzled.

In his view, if bird attacks were ruled out, they should have returned by now, but they hadn't.

They had even thoroughly searched the courtyard, with the spider combing the area from the courtyard's gate to the bushes where they had found Gao Xiang and Liu Qing, and yet, there was no trace.

"Squad Leader, recall everything from the moment you saw Gao Xiang to when Wang Lingling followed him out. Tell me every detail, including what he said and did!"

Not long after, Ji Chang took a deep breath, looking at the three of them, their brows knitted, and addressed Chen Lingsnow.

"Captain, I was the first to spot Gao Xiang. At that time, Captain was treating Zhou Jun, and he had consumed a lot of mental energy. I went to roast grasshopper legs for Captain, and then I heard the sound of glass being knocked. After that..."

Dong Xuan recounted the encounter with Gao Xiang, describing it in full detail, leaving nothing out.

Upon hearing Ji Chang's inquiry, Chen Lingsnow seemed to remember something and turned somewhat pale.

He knew what Ji Chang was suspecting at this moment!

Especially after the events involving Zhou Jun's uncle's family earlier today!

It's Gao Xiang!

At this point, she understood that Gao Xiang was under heavy suspicion!

However... Gao Xiang was their classmate!

In this context, Chen Lingsnow recounted every detail, from seeing Gao Xiang to his departure.

From the timing of Gao Xiang's arrival, departure, his position, and actions, to the words he said, almost every word, including Gao Xiang's clothes, hairstyle, expressions...

However, as she listened to Chen Lingsnow's description, Ji Chang's expression grew increasingly somber.

"Captain, are you saying that when Dong Xuan asked about Liu Qing's extraordinary power, that's when he mentioned going to rescue Liu Qing? And he said her power is exactly the same as Dong Xuan's after glancing at her?"

Ji Chang's voice deepened as he asked.

"That's right!"

Chen Lingsnow nodded emphatically in response.

"Also, as soon as he returned, he kept eating the grasshopper legs Dong Xuan gave him. He brought up Liu Qing's situation being in jeopardy while eating. He even mentioned a rooster and urged them to go quickly, right?"

Ji Chang's voice resonated with a dark intensity.

Each word seemed to pierce Chen Lingsnow's heart like a bullet.

After what felt like an eternity, Chen Lingsnow finally snapped back to reality, nodding dazedly.