
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 27: Envisioning

"Ji Bro, are you okay?"



As they were tidying up, Zhou Jun, Dong Xuan, and others rushed over to check on Ji Chang upon seeing his condition.

As the green mist permeated Ji Chang's body, he felt his spiritual power gradually rising, and the dizziness, headache, and spinning sensation slowly dissipated.

"Thanks, Squad Leader! Everyone, don't worry, I'm fine now!" Ji Chang looked at Chen Lingxue, who was full of concern, and then slowly got up, speaking with a calm tone.

"No need to be polite, we should be thanking you!" Seeing that Ji Chang was okay, Chen Lingxue smiled and shook her head.

"Oh my, Squad Leader, give me some of that green mist too, I can't go on anymore!" Just then, Huang Mang's voice came through.

Following that, everyone saw Huang Mang, with half of his body flesh and half wood, crawling up while grinning.

His wooden half rapidly regained its original form, separating from the writing desk.

The next second, a look of terror appeared on Huang Mang's face.

Then, his body lost control and he fell backward.

"Watch out, Mangzi!" Seeing this, Ji Chang's expression froze.

However, before he could react, Wang Lingling flapped her wings and flew up.

A few breaths later, under the worried gazes of everyone, Princess Wang Lingling held Huang Mang and fluttered back to the writing desk, landing safely by everyone's side.

Seeing the two return safely, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Wang Lingling's petite body holding the bear-like Huang Mang... it felt a bit incongruous.

However, before anyone could jest, Wang Lingling looked at the motionless Huang Mang in her arms and with a tearful voice, she said, "Ji Bro, Squad Leader, you have to think of a way quickly, Huang Mang can't be in trouble!"

At this moment, everyone noticed that Huang Mang in Wang Lingling's arms had tightly closed eyes, appearing motionless as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

They hurriedly went forward to check his condition.

Ji Chang's anxiety deepened.

Frowning, Chen Lingxue said, "Could it be due to excessive spiritual energy consumption? Let me try!"

As she spoke, Chen Lingxue gathered two clusters of green mist in her palms and covered Huang Mang's body with them.

However, as the green mist all entered Huang Mang's body, there was no sign of him waking up in Wang Lingling's arms.

But at this moment, Ji Chang noticed that although Huang Mang had "passed out," his arm was tightly hooked around Wang Lingling's neck, and his head was pressed against her body...

Although there was no expression on Huang Mang's face, relying on his understanding of Huang Mang over the years, Ji Chang could still sense a subtle sense of enjoyment in that expressionless face!

Looking at Huang Mang in her arms without any response, a tear welled up in Wang Lingling's eyes.

"Don't worry, with the Squad Leader here, Mangzi will be fine!"

"Squad Leader, try using the withered yellow mist you unlocked this morning. I'm sure it'll have an effect!" Ji Chang looked at Chen Lingxue and suggested.

"Huh? Use that withered yellow mist..."

Upon hearing Ji Chang's words, Chen Lingxue hesitated briefly, then responded, "Alright, I'll give it a try."

Upon hearing Ji Chang's words, the others also suddenly realized.

During breakfast, they had witnessed the power of Chen Lingxue's withered yellow mist. It was corrosive and explosive in nature.

Upon hearing Ji Chang's suggestion to have the Squad Leader use the corrosive withered yellow mist, how could they not understand Huang Mang's situation, who was currently acting ignorant?

However, Wang Lingling, who was worried about Huang Mang's safety, hadn't reacted. After Ji Chang finished speaking, she turned to Chen Lingxue with a plea for help, hoping that Chen Lingxue would quickly save Huang Mang.

Just as the green mist in Chen Lingxue's palm suddenly transformed into withered yellow mist, Huang Mang immediately opened his eyes, looked around with a dazed expression, and mumbled, "Ah! What just happened?"

Seeing Huang Mang waking up, Wang Lingling burst into tears of joy.

Seeing this, Huang Mang hurriedly said again, "Lingling? You saved me! Why are you crying? Don't cry, you and your tears belong to me! Rest assured, I can't die, because I want to waste my life on beautiful things, like you!"

"Mhmm, I won't cry!"

Upon hearing Huang Mang's words, Wang Lingling held back her tears.

"Uh! Squad Leader, save me... I'm choking on dog food!"

At this moment, Zhou Jun suddenly yelled in a tone similar to Huang Mang's earlier.

Simultaneously, Zheng Haiyu also grimaced and shouted, "I-I feel so uncomfortable... choking on dog food!"

"You two, get lost!"

Huang Mang glanced at Zhou Jun and Zheng Haiyu and couldn't help but curse.

"Ah? Huang Mang, you tricked me!"

Finally, Wang Lingling realized this and angrily threw Huang Mang from her arms.

"Ah! Huang Mang, I won't pay attention to you anymore!"

Zhou Jun and Zheng Haiyu echoed Wang Lingling's words in unison, and then both punched Huang Mang.

After the beating, they took off running!

As Huang Mang chased after them, he yelled, "You two brats are asking for trouble!"

Ji Chang and Chen Lingxue exchanged a glance, stood together, and laughed as they watched the playful scene, not intervening.

They allowed them to enjoy their moments of joy.

Dong Xuan patted the slightly embarrassed Wang Lingling and then gazed enviously, her gaze eventually landing on Ji Chang.


Before long, everyone put aside their playful thoughts and began constructing a new base.

Dong Xuan and Wang Lingling prepared lunch.

Finally free from the rice cakes that had almost made Huang Mang choke on feathers, they now had small cabbages brought back by Ji Chang. As for the rice cakes, they probably wouldn't have them again... at least not for a while.

"Manzi, you can now transform into a wooden body and merge with wood. Can you try changing the shape of wood? If this works... would iron work too? Cement maybe? Perhaps we can build more things, like a house!"

Recalling the scene of Huang Mang climbing up the desk with a bucket, Ji Chang looked at Huang Mang, who was moving the bucket around.

In Ji Chang's opinion, if they wanted to boost their spiritual power with peace of mind, having a stable base was a powerful guarantee. They could even construct weapons and armor, greatly enhancing their strength, enabling them to explore or resist more powerful insects, or even animals.

In this way, it would also contribute to the enhancement of their spiritual power, granting them even greater extraordinary abilities.

However, these were just Ji Chang's thoughts. It depended on whether Huang Mang was up for it.

"It... it should be possible, right? I haven't tried it!"

Hearing Ji Chang's words, Huang Mang hesitated but also felt a hidden excitement.

Beside him, Zheng Haiyu fell into deep thought as well.