
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 24 - Confrontation with the Rat Fiend

"Ji Ge, what should we do now? Will that rat be staring at us somewhere?" Soon after, Zheng Haiyu looked around anxiously and spoke.

Hearing Zheng Haiyu's words, Zhou Jun couldn't help but shiver, his voice trembling, "Xiao Yuzi, don't scare me!"

Ants or even hornets, Zhou Jun wasn't particularly afraid of them even with shockwaves. After all, they were just insects. Ultimately, if he couldn't handle them, he had companions and Ji Ge's formidable protection.

But a rat was an actual mammal…

Even though they had learned about the existence of sparrows and roosters from Ji Chang earlier, Zhou Jun understood that those creatures lived within the houses, shielded by doors, so they had nothing to fear.

However, the doors that were helping them fend off threats from the outside world now seemed to be chains binding them within the rat's territory. Hoping the rat would run out of the door was no longer possible.

Moreover, the most crucial point was that they weren't sure how many rats there were. What if there were three or four, or five or six…

"Why are you two afraid? When the rat comes, I'll smash it away for you!" Seeing this, Huang Mang's fist transformed into a metallic form in an instant, signaling to the two not to worry.

"Mang Ge, you're certainly not afraid... We, on the other hand..." Zheng Haiyu muttered quietly.

Zhou Jun nodded in agreement. They both knew that after Huang Mang transformed into his metallic state, not to mention rats, even a cat wouldn't be able to harm him.

Even without his metallic state, even if he was just in his cement state, rats wouldn't be able to do anything to him.

As for himself, with the presence of wasps, he was naturally unafraid. Even Wang Lingling with her wings of light and shadow wouldn't be affected by rats.

But the other classmates were different.

Their base, in front of rats, was probably like an illusion. After all, it was all made of piled-up stones, easily destructible by rats.

Given this situation, Ji Chang decided to call Chen Lingxue and the others back before discussing a plan.

Subsequently, Ji Chang patted Zhou Jun and Zheng Haiyu on the shoulders, then nodded at Huang Mang, glancing in the direction of the window.

It was nearing noon, and Ji Chang felt that Chen Lingxue and the others should be back by now. The matter of the rat invading their bathroom required everyone's attention, whether it was moving or taking other measures.

Just as Zhou Jun and Zheng Haiyu mentioned, Huang Mang might not fear the existence of rats. After all, he could transform into a metallic state.

Even setting aside the metallic state, even in his cement state, rats couldn't harm him. Not to mention Wang Lingling, who had wings of light and shadow, she wouldn't be affected by rats.

However, the same couldn't be said for the other classmates.

As for their base, it was likely rendered insignificant in front of rats. After all, it was built with stacked stones, easily dismantled by rats.

Considering this, Ji Chang decided to call back Chen Lingxue and the others before making any plans.

Afterward, Ji Chang turned around, mounted a wasp, and flew towards the kitchen.

A few minutes later, when Ji Chang arrived at the central position of the living room riding the wasp, he saw Chen Lingxue and the three others.

At this moment, Chen Lingxue and the others were covered in dirt and appeared somewhat weak.

Seeing this, Ji Chang hurriedly descended and inquired. He learned that when the three of them were coming out of the kitchen, they encountered a few damp insects.

Specifically, they were a type of bug called Ratwives.

Fortunately, these damp insects had little attacking power. After dealing with them, the three of them returned.

In light of this, Ji Chang couldn't help but smile bitterly. Ratwives, rats—today, they were confronting things with the 'rat' character...

"Captain, why did you come?" Dong Xuan, holding a piece of salt, asked.

"Yeah, Ji Ge, you didn't need to come pick us up. Our combat strength is quite strong!" Wang Lingling also approached, fluttering her wings, then continued, "You went to fetch water, right? Did you encounter any danger? Did Huang Mang do anything out of line?"

"Rest assured, Mangzi is really capable. He carried a leaf full of water all by himself." Ji Chang waved his hand and said.

"Ji Ge, is there something else on your mind? I can tell from your expression that something might be bothering you." Chen Lingxue put down the salt block she was holding and whispered to Ji Chang.

Just now, when Ji Chang descended from the sky riding the wasp, Chen Lingxue noticed a fleeting hint of gloom on his face. Not only that, when they were narrating their encounter with the damp insects and the process of finding the salt block, Ji Chang seemed distracted, looking around absentmindedly.

Based on this, Chen Lingxue secretly speculated that Ji Chang's reason for coming to meet them might be something other than just helping them.

Hearing Chen Lingxue's words, Dong Xuan and Wang Lingling exchanged a glance and then looked at Ji Chang.

Seeing this, Ji Chang proceeded to recount the discovery of rat droppings and claw marks in the bathroom.

Upon hearing the word 'rat,' even Chen Lingxue, who usually appeared calm, couldn't maintain her composure. Wang Lingling and Dong Xuan turned pale, and their bodies trembled slightly.

"Let's return to our base and discuss what to do together!" Seeing the uncertain expressions on their faces, Ji Chang suggested.

Then, he climbed onto the back of the wasp first and signaled for Chen Lingxue and Dong Xuan to follow.

"Hmm? Hmm!" "Ah? Okay!" Seeing Ji Chang beckoning to them, Chen Lingxue and Dong Xuan were momentarily stunned, then nodded and climbed onto the back of the wasp.

Wang Lingling fluttered her wings and followed suit.

Previously, the wasp wouldn't have been able to carry three people, not to mention two salt blocks. But now things were different, as Ji Chang could enhance the wasp's mental strength.

For Chen Lingxue and Dong Xuan, who were experiencing flight for the first time, the initial anticipation and excitement had disappeared.

This was due to the rat's invasion of their bathroom, leaving them bewildered. Not to mention the previous encounter with wasps, which had already caused them distress, with Xiao Feng even dying from a wasp's venomous sting.

Although with their enhanced powers, they might not be as helpless against creatures like wasps anymore, the situation now was different. Instead of wasps, it was a rat they were dealing with. This was completely beyond what they could bear.

Wang Lingling also felt somewhat dazed as she followed behind the wasp. She awkwardly tried to keep the salt block in her arms from falling several times.

As for Dong Xuan, the situation was even worse. Sitting on the wasp's back, she shivered, whether from the fear of flying or the presence of the rat.

Compared to the other two, Chen Lingxue struggled to suppress her inner fear and focused on devising a plan.

However, even after they returned to their base, Chen Lingxue still couldn't come up with a viable solution for dealing with the rat.


Back at the base, the group sat in a circle inside the room, exchanging looks.

Observing everyone's expressions, Ji Chang contemplated for a moment before saying, "Perhaps it's because of the presence of rice that attracted the rat. Or maybe it's not just the rice, but also the water on the leaves from before. I just checked, and the water on the locust tree leaves is gone, and so is the rice!"