
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 20: The Martial Arena

The abrupt change that had come caught Ji Chang off guard. One moment, he felt as if he were still in a forest after rain, and the next, he was plunged into an arid desert, a desert where the wind howled and sand billowed...

After a few breaths, Chen Lingxue, her palm closing, made the withered yellow water sphere disappear, and along with it vanished the desolation that Ji Chang had sensed.

"What's this?" Ji Chang murmured, unable to contain his astonishment at the scene before him.

Hearing his voice, Chen Lingxue finally noticed Ji Chang's presence.

Then, with a wry smile, she said, "I don't know what's going on either. When I tried to harness the power of transcendence this morning, I discovered this situation."

Recalling the sensation just moments ago, Ji Chang pondered thoughtfully, "It seems that your spray of green mist has acquired another purpose, much like how Huang Mang can transform into a metallic form. To be precise, the mist droplets that you release from your palm not only possess the ability to restore spiritual energy, but also... like the withered yellow mist droplets from before, perhaps..."

As he spoke, Ji Chang picked up a stone from the ground and walked over to Chen Lingxue. He continued, "Class Leader, come here and try spraying your withered yellow mist droplets onto this."

"Alright, but I'm still getting used to the transformation," Chen Lingxue replied.

Saying so, she aimed her palm at the stone on the ground.

With each passing second, dense green water droplets kept condensing on Chen Lingxue's palm.

Before long, the gathered emerald green water droplets had completely transformed into a withered yellow hue.

Just as the withered yellow water sphere touched the stone, thick smoke billowed up accompanied by a sizzling sound.

In the blink of an eye, the stone, the size of a watermelon, melted into a puddle of mud and water.

Watching the stone dissolve into mud, Chen Lingxue's mouth hung open in astonishment.

Ji Chang, standing beside her, nodded knowingly, "It seems my assumption was correct! After transforming into a withered yellow state, it gains an offensive capability."

However, amid her amazement, a trace of concern crept onto Chen Lingxue's face, "But if that's the case... what if I'm restoring your expended spiritual energy in the future and accidentally transform it into withered yellow mist? That could be..."

Seeing Chen Lingxue's worried expression, Ji Chang offered a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, Class Leader. It won't happen. As long as you control the limits of the transformation, you'll be fine. Take some time to experience the process and sensation of transformation, and practice it more."

"Alright, I'll give it another try."

Hearing Ji Chang's words, Chen Lingxue felt slightly relieved and began experimenting once more.

While observing Chen Lingxue's attempts, Ji Chang walked toward his ant and wasp companions.

After giving his two summoned beasts some water and the leftover rice cakes from last night, Ji Chang felt the changes in his spiritual energy. Since yesterday morning, when he had taken control of the wasp, his spiritual energy had experienced a breakthrough. In the afternoon, flying on the wasp, Ji Chang had expended a considerable amount of spiritual energy. Though he hadn't reached his limit, he could sense that his spiritual energy had increased significantly compared to yesterday.

The most significant manifestation of this improvement was the enhanced connection and intimacy he felt with his summoned beasts. It was as though before, he had only been connected to the ant and wasp by a single thread, but now, with his spiritual energy continuously improving, the number of these threads was steadily increasing.

This heightened connection enabled him to exercise even greater control over and coordination with his summoned beasts.

While Ji Chang and Chen Lingxue were each experiencing the effects and changes of their spiritual energy, the other classmates gradually joined in as well.

Before long, the empty space in front of their "room" had transformed into a martial arena.

After spending yesterday afternoon hunting ants and other relatively weak insects, everyone's transcendental abilities had improved considerably.

Dong Xuan's palm now erupted with scorching flames that she could emit over short distances. Moreover, the power of her flames had far surpassed their previous level.

If her flames were once comparable to a shrunken candle flame, they now possessed the force of a wind-resistant lighter.

And it's a level of wind resistance that's significantly higher, mind you!

Of course, Ji Chang believed that Dong Xuan's change had the added benefit of her being able to cook for everyone using her flames.

Wang Lingling's flying ability had been strengthened once more, with her wings of light and shadow adorned with additional patterns.

Zheng Haiyu was now able to instantly conjure ice cones nearly as large as his arms, and their power was quite impressive. They could easily cause damage to the cement ground.

Though Zhou Jun's awakened transcendental ability had come later than others', the shockwaves he emitted from his palms were formidable. Zheng Haiyu's ice cone shattered completely within seconds under the force of Zhou Jun's shockwaves.

Huang Mang, after performing various operations involving transportation and cutting yesterday, had become proficient in using and expending spiritual energy. This allowed him to rapidly transform into a metallic state now.

Watching everyone's changes, Ji Chang continuously nodded in approval.

He believed that if they continued in this manner, conquering the courtyard's external environment would be a piece of cake!


After roughly half an hour, Dong Xuan and Wang Lingling had prepared breakfast.

"Ugh~! I can't say these rice cakes aren't tasty, but... they're neither sweet nor savory. My mouth is almost turning bland!" Huang Mang, biting into a rice cake, sighed.

Zheng Haiyu also smacked his lips, glancing at the rice cake in his hand and then at Huang Mang. He followed suit, sighing and continuing to munch on the rice cake.

"Continuing to eat just rice cakes won't do. After all, rice cakes can only fill our stomachs and can't fulfill all our bodily needs," Ji Chang thought for a moment before continuing, "How about this? Let's divide our tasks. First, some of us will go to the kitchen to see if we can find seasonings or anything else. Second, some will go to fetch water and, in the process, check if we can harvest any vegetables growing in the courtyard."

Ji Chang's idea quickly gained everyone's approval.

Following Ji Chang's plan, he led the boys to fetch water and harvest vegetables in the courtyard, while Chen Lingxue took Dong Xuan and Wang Lingling to explore the kitchen.

From their observations just now, within the environment of the house, if the three girls acted together, there shouldn't be any problems, even if they encountered insects like ants. They would be able to fend them off.

After the tasks were assigned, everyone finished their meal and began their actions.

Ji Chang, along with Huang Mang and others, headed toward the house's entrance.

Chen Lingxue, on the other hand, led Dong Xuan and Wang Lingling towards the kitchen.

"Mangzi, you take everyone towards the direction of the water tap. I'll go search for the vegetable-growing areas first!"

Upon reaching the house's entrance, Ji Chang mounted his horse and instructed Huang Mang.

"Don't worry, Ji-ge. I know the way. You also need to be careful!" Huang Mang replied.