
Humans, Gods, and Everything In Between

Dylan should've been the king of gods, Alexander should have been a merciless god of war, Skyler should've been the god of seas and storms. But Dylan was tired of being restrained by the others and regained his godly powers and his title as a chaos god. And the others need to stop him before it's too late. Justin should have said how he felt but now he wanders the old world searching for Chris. Jacob should have accepted the truth now he can’t accept lies. Alexander rejoins have fought back the first time, now he’s going in for any kill he can get. This is my first novel and I hope everyone enjoys it. It’s about people who just can’t die no matter how many times they’re killed. They also have powers like fire or metal, so they have been dubbed gods. They separated into factions long ago, the two main ones being order and chaos, and they were the most powerful of the factions. But they were always at war. Now the war has been brought to public and everything just gets really interesting. Read, enjoy, comment. Get to 7k views and 10 comments for me to continue writing.

Resta2 · Action
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The army of freedom

Dylan stepped out of the helicopter in his black suit. Underneath was two pistols and a knife for if things went awry. But if what Dylan planned was to happen without any problems then they wouldn't be needed. He walked through a room with dark gray walls and a plant in one corner by a low table with three chairs. A woman sat at a counter and watched him with curiosity. After he was almost to the door on the other side of the room she asked, "Who are you? And do you have an appointment of some sort?"

"No I don't have an appointment, but I am a representative of the order gods. You know, the ones that are going to fight the chaos gods."

"Oh," recognition hitting her face, "Well in that case go right on through."

So he did, following the map he had memorized hours before. He walked through a set of double doors into an open field with countless soldiers training for a battle that would come very soon. Dylan worked his way up to a podium where he adjusted the microphone to his liking.

"Most of you if not all of you have been misled into believing a lie. This lie is not about your country, your family, or anything like that. This lie is of freedom. You have been led to believe that your rights have been protected, but instead They are being taking faster than ever. There is a war coming, a war to decide if you will have rights in the future. It may be between order and chaos, but order can only be achieved with discipline that takes freedom."

Dylan had gotten most of the soldiers attention now and he wouldn't let it go.

"So I have come here today to request your service in this war, so you can ensure freedom."

Dylan continued with a speech that repeated his claim and provided all the evidence he required to get these soldiers loyalty. Then he marched them to their armory to prepare for the war.

They left their previous accommodations empty taking everything but the people and the building. When they arrived at the base of the chaos gods they had walked through the Sahara desert for hours. They had only expanded their large encampment to accommodate more soldiers for their army. Their army of freedom.

Jacob sat down on a crate holding his coffee in one hand and his spoon and cup of oatmeal in the other.

"What kind of stuff you think we're gonna do for this new army?" He asked one of the other soldiers who happened to be higher in rank.

"I think we'll fight."

"Yeah, but, if we're gonna fight those order god types we're gonna need a serious change in weaponry." He said setting down his food and picking up a gun from beside the crate.

"This just is t gonna cut it anymore."

"Orders are orders, well know what we're getting into when they tell us."

And that was the end of the conversation, Jacob set down the gun and picked up his food, continuing the meal. He watched he man who had lead them here walk through the camps with his own cup of coffee and bowl of oatmeal. Jacob quickly got up and did a little run over to him and stepped into pace behind him and to the left.

"So, what kind of stuff are we gonna be doing for this army?"

"What?" The man said looking almost surprised to see Jacob behind him.

"I mean, well, I get that the order and chaos god people don't die right. So what exactly is a bunch of soldiers good for if we can't kill our enemies?"

"Men die, gods don't. So you and all the other soldiers here will be for getting rid of people, not for stalling a gods attack."

The mans words hurt but Jacob couldn't deny the logic. So he went back to his meal for the second time. And began to think about his place in this world, something he hadn't done in a while.

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